Saturday, December 16, 2006

Stealth "Democracy"

As "moderates" and "conservatives" look toward the 2008 election and the two years in between with understandable trepidition, reality is that not only can it get worse, it will.
First, the good news, far reaching radical left legislation will probably not be introduced before the 2008 election. The socialists who have hijacked the once staunchly American Democrat Party, do not want to tip their hand. Of course, a few loose cannons (Charles Rangel) will espouse stupidity (a return to the draft) but the socialist leadership (Pelosi, Clinton, Schumer, Feinstein, Boxer, Kennedy, et al) will keep them from too much mischief. The most troublesome legislation to be passed on the national level will be Bush's amnesty plan for the illegal invaders in this country. No doubt in a show of "bipartisanship", everything our forebears fought and died to gain and protect for American citizens will be handed over to the invaders on a silver platter. Not the least of which will be the priviledge of the vote. And there is no doubt of where these people will cast their votes.
Next, the first of the bad news. The most disturbing trend will be for democratic controlled state legislatures to follow the example of Tennessee. A brief history is required. Recently, Ophelia Ford's election to the Tenn. Senate was thrown out because of the small discrepency of convicted felons and dead constituents voting for her. Darn the bad luck. However, the Ford political machine was not to be denied. In 2006 the democratic controlled TN legislature passed a bill with no fanfare or media coverage. The democratic governor signed it into law and a few news stories slipped out. Too late, damage done and not one state rep. would admit to knowing about it. The bill in question? Giving convicted felons the priviledge of voting without having to go through cumbersome proceedures set in place for them to prove they are reformed and productive members of the society they previously victimized. Imagine, having to be an honest, productive member of society to vote. Naturally, Ophelia won election to the TN Senate by a landslide. Her nephew, Harold Ford, Jr., however, did not win election to the U.S. Senate from TN. Evidently there are more convicted felons in Memphis to vote democratic than there are in the rest of the state.
So that is where we are headed. With the invaders to be given the vote and "our" legislatures giving the vote to the criminal element, there is not a lot of hope in the future of our once great Republic.
I strongly suggest a thorough undestanding of our history. You might begin with the standing orders of the colonial Roger's Rangers. Always good and pertinent reading.

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Hillary/Obama '08

As conservatives and moderates vainly wait for a leader to arise from the Republican ranks to return the party to its conservative base and retake the presidency, the school of Democratic sharks has begun to circle. The many 'would be' candidates are however merely muddying the waters. They are, if you will, window dressing. The foregone conclusion of who would be the Democratic nominee for 2008 was settled in 2000 when Hillary won a senate seat in her 'long time residence', New York.
From that point on, all else has been mere preparation for '08. The fanfare of other "possibles" is merely to lend credibility to the obvious. The only question remaining was the running mate. Bill was floated and passed on, Schumer is too much competition, Kennedy is too old and self absorbed. Daschle self destructed through bad representation of his constituents. Feinstein is a harpy, albeit an ambitious harpy. No, none of these would do, too much of a record with too many enemies. Someone new.
Then a young product of the Daly political machine is elected to the senate. Barack Obama. Perfect. And, how to get him familiar with America? Float a possible run for the presidency for himself, gather campaign funds, name recognition, and when he is Hillary's running mate, soften Hillary's sharp edges. Perfect.
Hillary/Obama '08 - and there is NO Republican who can beat them.
'Nuff said.

Religious Freedom Reply

Having read Prof. Camp's response to The Tennessean's article, I reread both his response and the original article to see if I had missed something. I did not.
As previously stated, I do not want to debate theology with Prof. Camp, this is his field of expertise and I am a mere layman. I do not doubt his Christianity nor his sincerety. It is apparant that he is a Godly man who practices what he preaches, not unlike the Quakers, and of equal value in time of war. This is not an insult. If we were all as faithful to Biblical teachings as the Quakers, the world would be a much better place.
The problem is that Muslims are being faithful to the teachings of their prophet, "Let there be no religion, but Islam." Make no mistake, this is war. Another phase in a centuries old jihad to convert the entire world, or at least bring it under Islamic rule. The Battle of Toulouse in 721 A.D., was where the Christian west was able to stop the Muslim invasion of Europe and was the beginning of retaking Spain(Reconquista) from the invaders. This would not be completed until 1492 A.D. Had these Christians followed Prof. Camp, Christianity would have gone the route of Jews in Nazi Germany.
Today's war is no less brutal, but it is far more technical and more far reaching. Weakness only encourages the enemy. There has to be a strong, forceful, efficient response if we, or our children, are to survive in a country we call America.

Saturday, December 2, 2006

Religious Freedom

I am not going to get into a theological debate with Prof. Lee Camp. I am going to take offence with his attitude of surrendering what so many American veterans sacrificed so much to earn and protect. We are blessed to have been born in the United States. Our founding fathers were possibly the most brilliant assembly of men ever gathered in pursuit of a common cause. They recognized that all men "are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights". Not only did these men recognize these rights, they knew any form of government could (and probably would) choose to ignore the rights of the people for the increase of power and control. The surviving heroes of the American revolution took great pains to ensure that these rights were enumerated on official, public documents (The Bill of Rights) and many personal published papers. The freedom of religion is included in the same Amendment which recognizes freedom of speech and protects the rights of any religious believer to practice their particular beliefs without interference from the government. The Second Amendment provides the citizens with the ablilty to protect themselves and, more importantly, the other amendments from government abuse.
How many thousands of Americans have died to protect these rights? How many millions have died in other countries due to a lack of these rights? For example, conversion to Christianity, Buddism, Judaism in Muslim countries is punishable by death. In the People's Republic of China, Christianity is punishable by death. America is, believe it or not, the most tolerant and benelovent country on earth. No outside force in history has been able to defeat our nation and infringe on our rights or the practicing thereof. This Professor Lee Camp wants us to "give up" some of our beliefs, our rights, for peace. "The man who is willing to exchange Liberty for security, deserves neither Liberty nor security." Benjamin Franklin.
If I recall correctly, Jesus said, "I came not to send peace, but a sword..."Matt. 10:34 And we are told in Luke 22:36 "let he who hath no sword, sell his garment and buy one." Also, the Islamic clerics do not back down from the prophet's words: "let there be no religion, but Islam."
When Franco was asked which of his four columns marching on Madrid would reach the Spanish capital first, his response was: "...the Fifth column..." meaning the spies, sabotuers, and traitors already in Madrid. It would appear that Professor Lee Camp is in the fifth column in the United States. Make no mistake, Islam has never stopped its quest to convert the world, only now it has the technology and the willing victims to be able to succeed. "All that is required for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing."