Friday, August 29, 2008

Now We Have a Race

Okay, now we have a race! McCain announcing his choice of Gov. Sarah Palin as running mate says many positive things about his campaign. First, is OPSEC, Operation Security, this was a complete surprise. For there to be a complete lack of leaks of this explosive bit of news shows how tight the McCain Campaign is. Excellent job. Second is judgment, this is the right choice in many ways. The Alaskan governor is a strong, intelligent, independent candidate who happens to be a woman; a wife and mother with a son serving in a Stryker battalion in the U.S. Army, and a woman whose youngest child has Down syndrome. She was elected to the governorship on a platform of shaking up government and she has delivered. Gov. Palin is an independent thinker who is strong enough to solidify the conservatives, and forward thinking enough to appeal to libertarians and moderate to conservative democrats. Her being someone from outside the Washington, D.C. mess will appeal to undecided voters who are sick of politics as usual. A Life Member in the NRA, and a strong American leader, what more could one ask for? The choosing and the accepting are outstanding decisions for McCain and Palin alike. Now, I feel enthusiasm and that there might be a good chance to defeat the democrats.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Next Part of the Readiness Guide

Part of the stocking of necessities for the upcoming difficult times is the next part of the readiness guide that has been quoted to date.

2) AMMUNITION: Your ammunition must be for your rifle. It is by far better to buy your ammo in bulk than to buy it a box or two at a time. Perhaps you can go in together with someone that uses the same rounds as you do. This is a common occurrence in the unit. It would be great if you (or your fellow team-mates) could get into reloading, so you could save even more money. We suggest that you keep at least 1000 rounds of ammo at home, as it can become a high-value commodity overnight. Ammo can be ordered from wholesalers, and delivered directly to you,

100 rounds is an absolute minimum carried load. This ammo should be carried "hands-free" in ammo pouches or a bandoleer. Carrying a bucket of ammo will not work. If your weapon is magazine-fed, you must carry at least one magazine, and we highly suggest that you have enough magazines to carry 100 rounds in. If you do not have a magazine-fed rifle, then try to keep your rounds on stripper clips. Loading single rounds one at a time can put you at a dire tactical disadvantage. You should make every effort to ensure that your ammo is easily accessible for quick and efficient reloading. It is a good idea to bring an ammo can full of your favorite rounds to training.

Armor piercing rounds, tracers, and such: These special purpose rounds are much more expensive than regular ball ammunition. If you can afford some, armor piercing rounds would be a bonus in the event that you are confronted by armor wearing foes (like the bank robbers in Los Angeles). If you are a small unit leader, you may wish to consider tracer rounds to help direct your unit's fire.

Hollow point ammunition is not allowed in armed conflict under the Geneva Convention. It is, however, acceptable for training or hunting. Please be aware that recent policy statements made by The US Department of Defense seem to express the position that in certain instances, hollow point type ammo is acceptable. The Hague protocols seem to apply to armed conflict between regular uniformed armed forces of a nation, and not to anti-terrorist operations.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Psychological Neutering of the American Male

The good news is that more and more American women are buying firearms, learning to use them, and legally carrying them for their own protection. The bad news is that one of the reasons why is the demise of the American male. The average American male is being psychologically neutered and being rendered unable to function in any normal fashion. This does not include members of the military, for obvious reasons. Women are now more psychologically suited to protect themselves than men are to protect them. The violent video games and bad rap lyrics aside, even ‘gang bangers’ are cowards. They don’t stand and fight man to man, they gang up (gang bangers) on one person or they shoot unarmed people. Pure cowardice.
Sensitivity training, Hollywood depictions of normal American males as inept and ‘nerdy’ or as uneducated rednecks, and the casting of homosexuals as normal all contribute to this situation. Add the lack of discipline in schools, ‘zero tolerance’ policies that punish the victims of attack as well as the attackers, and the government’s removal of parental rights to raise their children and you have what we see now in our society.
Special interest profiteers and government policies are isolating people form one another along racial, religious, and political lines. If you help someone in trouble, you may be subject to a lawsuit. If you interact outside your circle, you are looked upon with suspicion. We are isolated, and then add Homeland Security telling us that we have to watch each other because “Anyone could be a terrorist”.
We are being divided and, like the individual sticks of bamboo, individually we can be broken, but bound together we are strong. Apparently the government fears our strength when we are united. We just might hold them accountable for all the wrong they have done and how much of our money they waste. As Ben Franklin said during the Continental Congress debates leading up to the Declaration of Independence, “We must hang together or we shall surely hang separately.”

An Assassination Would Be Horrible

The last thing that needs to happen in this country is for some idiot to attempt or succeed in assassinating Sen. Obama. His death would be a tragedy for him and all who love him and look up to him. The resultant upheaval would be terrible for the country. And the draconian government response would be the death knell of our Constitution. Sen. Biden already has another “crime bill” ready and waiting for any tragic crime to trigger it into law. Add this to the Constitution shredding done by Pres. Bush, and we have what quickly looks like martial law. As I understand it, law enforcement has arrested three men in Denver in procession of weapons, body armor, and illegal drugs. They were allegedly going to try to shoot Sen. Obama during his acceptance speech. What idiots!!!
The immediate result would be national mourning, quickly followed by choosing a replacement candidate. The natural choice would be, you guessed it, Sen. H. Clinton who finished a close second to Sen. Obama and has since endorsed his candidacy. Sen. Clinton would then be assured a strong victory as a memorial to Sen. Obama. Sen. Biden’s “crime Bill” would quickly pass through the house and senate and be signed into law by a lame duck president with a history of limiting the individual freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution and Bill Of Rights or by Pres. Clinton II. Sarah Brady, Ted Kennedy, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and the rest of the anti freedom leaders would secretly celebrate another opportunity to further subjugate the American people. Disarmed peasants are so much easier to control, hence the laws prohibiting arming slaves or ex slaves in pre Civil War America, see the Dred Scott Decision, and reference the Jim Crow laws in the post reconstruction South.
No, the election process needs to proceed without the violence of some mindless robot carrying out an assassination of anybody.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Joe Biden for Vice President 2008

Joe Biden, with 36 years in the U.S. Senate, brings a wealth of experience on how things are done in Washington, D.C. He does not bring change. In fact, he is so knowledgeable of how the system works; his lawyer son became a highly paid lobbyist. Sen. Biden once stated that Sen. Obama lacked experience and that the job of President of the United States was no place for “on the job training”. So what changed his mind and what does Sen. Biden bring to the Obama Campaign? As Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, he brings the typical democratic look at U.S. foreign policy…Anything favoring the U.S is wrong and must be aborted. He also authored the Biden Crime Bill of 1994, better known, falsely, as the assault weapons ban, which dovetails nicely with Sen. Obama’s opinion of the Second Amendment. Combine this with the Obama domestic agenda of “if you work hard and pursue the American dream, I am going to tax you into poverty” and Sen. Obama’s attempts to gag the First Amendment by trying to silence the opposing views in the media and you have exactly what the U.S. does not need nor want: descent into third world cesspool status. Remember, sheeple: “Two legs bad, four legs good, two legs bad, four legs good.”

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Mistaken About the Democrats

Well, well, it appears that I was mistaken about the democrats. They have nominated Obama and he has proven smart enough to not wait until the convention to announce his running mate. He has taken a page out of the Clinton I play book in choosing his version of Al Gore as Vice President. And he did not wait on the convention back room maneuverings to force him to take H. Clinton onto the ticket. No Vince Foster moment for this one. He is a product of the Chicago political machine, therefore a survivor. And it would appear that this Mayor Daly will actually own the White House, instead of playing king maker, like his father. “Oh what a tangled web we weave…” Or should I be quoting Machiavelli instead of Shakespeare? It would appear that prudent home stocking of necessities is in order, as this wave of Bolshevism rises to a crest in American politics. This storm could be a long one.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Another Part of the Guide

This is another part of the guide which was posted earlier. It discusses choosing a rifle. I hope you find it interesting and informative. Everyone has their own preference based on their experience. Take this for what it is worth; a compiled group of opinions.
1) RIFLE: There are many choices available when choosing a primary weapon. Because military rifles have been subjected to extensive testing and have been designed to withstand tough battlefield conditions, we suggest that your rifle be of a type similar to that used by some military forces at some point within the last 100 years or so. Even a brief study of the history of military conflict, and a look at current events will reveal that this does not narrow your choice by any measurable degree. Any type of weapon can be used in a pinch.
For our purposes, we will rule out extremely rare and ancient weapons. Muskets, blunderbusses, and repeating crossbows are better than no weapon at all, but not very practical to discuss in this guide.
Theoretically, you could carry a pistol or shotgun as a primary weapon. Indeed, there are many specific situations where a pistol or shotgun will be the best thing you can have, but for general purposes, a rifle is what is required.
We will look at some of the options available to the novice militia person.

Military surplus bolt-action rifles. For the average citizen, the first consideration in acquiring that first weapon will be cost. (One should also factor in how much value they place on the survival of themselves, their families, and their Nation.) Military surplus bolt-action rifles are among the most inexpensive weapons available. Just because a rifle is inexpensive, that doesn't mean that there is anything wrong with it. Many of these old bolt-action rifles have served admirably in conflicts around the world.
With just a bit of effort, some of these old war-horses can be turned into impressively accurate sniper-rifles, which would be perfect for guerrilla-type, shoot-and-run operations.
One consideration when looking at military surplus bolt-action rifles is ammunition availability. They can come in some pretty obscure calibers, so ask around before buying one. Some fairly common, affordable rifles come in 7.62X54, .303, and various 8mm cartridges. The 6.5mm Swedish Mauser has been increasing in popularity recently, and it is still fairly affordable. Of course, any rifle is better than none, as long as you have ammunition for it. The M44 Carbine chambered in 7.62X54, and the Turkish 8MM Mauser are very affordable options, and would serve well as militia weapons.
Check at the next gun show, talk to your local dealer, or spend some time reading "The Shotgun News" (available at any good bookstore or newsstand), to get some ideas on what you can afford.
Another relatively inexpensive option would be to purchase an SKS. These are 10-shot semi-automatic carbines, with either a 16- or 20-inch barrel. Made in China or Russia, these are chambered in 7.62X39, the same round as the AK47. You may still be able to find some with a built-in bayonet. This may, one day, be a useful feature.
The fixed 10-round magazine may be seen by some to be an overly limiting feature, but beware of after-market conversion kits intended to allow a detachable-magazine. Section 922R of the arbitrarily made-up federal regulations could make adding this item a felony. More importantly, most people who have tried these conversion kits have found them heavy and difficult to operate, and they have quickly returned to the stock, 10-round fixed magazine. Loading a fixed magazine with stripper clips is a completely acceptable method of operating this weapon, anyway. There are some SKS rifles that will accept the AK47 magazine. These are hard to find, and are certainly more expensive than a 10-round SKS, but they are dependable weapons.
Also accepting the AK47 magazines are the many civilian versions of the AK47. The most commonly available version of these is the MAK90. They cost more than the SKS, and are just as reliable. The big improvement is their ability to accept larger capacity magazines. Since there are such large-capacity magazines available, you may wish to consider a heavy-barrel version of this rifle. Most of them will be designated as such. A heavy-barrel will allow a greater rate of fire, because the heavier barrel will be less likely to overheat. A drawback to a heavy-barrel is the additional weight. This is a personal decision, with no clear right or wrong way to go.
The AK47 is considered one of the most successful military rifles in the world. Its use by armies and others worldwide will attest to its worthiness as a militia weapon. In our experience, however, the typical AK is not very accurate. The most accurate AK variants are the newer VEPR rifles, and some of the older ones with longer, heavier barrels.
The .30 Cal. M1 Carbine is another rifle to consider. These were originally designed to replace the .45 pistol. They are relatively lightweight, and fairly accurate. Chambered for the .30 cal. round, they do not possess overwhelming penetration power. Several million of these were produced, so there are plenty out there. The .30 Carbine round is no longer used by any armed forces, so in the long run, it may become difficult to acquire more ammunition in the field.
Ruger manufactures both the Mini14, chambered in .223, and the Mini30, chambered in 7.62X39. These are both reliable and accurate, and not incredibly heavy. Either one would serve well as a militia weapon. They come in many variants, and many accessories are also available. They may be, however, a bit more difficult to break down, clean, and reassemble in a filed environment.
The Korean-made Daewoo DR200 is a favorite among some of our militia friends. It uses the same ammunition as the AR15/M16, .223 cal., the round used by our military forces, and it also accepts the same magazine. It is accurate and dependable, and it costs much less than an AR15. They have that terrible "thumbhole" stock, but if you don't mind that ugly bit of political correctness, these would make a fine choice.
The L1A1, the civilian version of the FN/FAL, would be a good option. These weapons are chambered in the popular .308 (7.62X51), these weapons offer possibly more range than the .223 selections. They are a bit heavier than many rifles, but they are made very well, and are dependable rifles.
The .308 CETME, a predecessor to the German G3 and similar rifles is one of the recent favorites among militia members. They are relatively inexpensive at around $350 or so. Field testing of the rifles at militia training has proven them to be excellent rifles. 20-round magazines for these rifles are fairly inexpensive, and ammo and accessories seem to be reasonably priced.
The M1 Garand, chambered for .30-06, a very hard-hitting round, has been called the greatest infantry rifle ever made, in one publication. These rifles have a unique 8-round clip that pops out when empty. For a powerful rifle with long range capabilities, they would be excellent. For a spray-and-pray enthusiast (someone with less emphasis on accuracy, and more emphasis on large volumes of rounds), this would not be a good pick. The .30-06 round is widely available, as it is used by many hunters.
Many people consider the M1A to be the ultimate rifleman's weapon ever developed. Chambered in .308, rugged, durable, and incredibly accurate, these will make excellent choices for militia riflemen. If you can afford these somewhat expensive masterpieces, then you should strongly consider it. For more on becoming a dedicated rifleman, and more about the M1A/M14, please visit, or read "Fred's Column" in "The Shotgun News".
The AR15 is the civilian version of the rifle used by the US armed forces, the M16. As it is possible that militia units will find it necessary to fight alongside US units in defending our country, this would be an appropriate choice. These rifles come in so many barrel lengths, and with so many options and variants, that it would be very difficult to not find one that suits you. The AR is a precision made, close tolerance machine. This provides more accuracy than nearly any other standard military semi-auto rifle, but it requires fastidious cleaning to ensure reliability. Some loose tolerance rifle types, like the AK series, are famous for being subjected to mud and rust by illiterate rural peasants anywhere in the world, and still come up shooting every time. The AR is more suitable for Americans, who use machinery
every day (cars, phones, computers, doorknobs, flushing toilets), and are much more likely to be capable of maintaining it. Most of the US military surplus gear that is currently available is geared toward this weapon. It is a favorite of many militia types.
Keep in mind that the most commonly available rounds are .223, 7.62X39, and .308 (7.62X51). Availability of ammo is an important consideration, and we know of some people who have purchased a weapon merely because they came across a good deal on some ammo for that weapon.
There are many other options to think about. A lever-action 30-30 will work, if that's what you have. It would be a good idea to attend any militia range function, and see what they are carrying. We have even seen a 9mm Carbine used to qualify Level One with, so one of these would be acceptable, as well.
Given that the right to keep and bear any arms is continually coming under attack, one should give serious thought to acquiring that first weapon as soon as possible; buy a rifle while you still can.

Monday, August 4, 2008

More Border Trouble

The following is coverage of a brutal murder in Phoenix, AZ. Follow the links for more info.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) said three suspects who broke into a home and killed the owner weren't active or former members of the Mexican Army.

View Police Documents:
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Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) said three suspects arrested in a Monday morning Phoenix home invasion and homicide were not members of the Mexican Army.

"We have no indication whatsoever that any of the individuals were involved with formal military in Mexico," said Vincent Picard of ICE. Click Here for more.

The incident at 8329 W. Cypress St. resulted in the death of the homeowner. Between 50 and 100 rounds were fired at the house.

While on the J.D. Hayworth show Tuesday, a top member of a Phoenix police union announced that the suspects were active members of the Mexican Army hired by drug cartels to perform home invasions and murders.

Phoenix Police Enforcement President Mark Spencer said a police officer told him that one of the men captured said they were completely prepared to ambush Phoenix police, but ran out of ammunition. Click Here to listen to the entire interview.

He added that all of them were dressed in military tactical gear and armed with AR-15 assault rifles. Three other men involved in the invasion escaped.

Picard said two of the men spent a "significant amount of time" in the Arizona Department of Corrections, adding that they could have picked up their "tactics from other criminals while incarcerated."

Phoenix police also did not confirm whether the men were from the military despite internal documents showing that they were (see above).

Sgt. Joel Tranter said one suspect revealed that he had "prior military training," but "no credible evidence" that any of them were active in the military.

Click Here for more from Sgt. Tranter with KFYI reporter Bob Bennett.

And we don't need to secure the border, Why?

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Basic Readiness Guideline

This is the next section of the guide previously mentioned. Been extremely busy the last few weeks and will get back on track ASAP.
We consider Level 1 the absolute minimum level of preparedness necessary to be an active line member of the militia as well as vote in militia activities. These, when met, will be sufficient to be considered "capable of bearing arms"; the militia being defined as "all citizens capable of bearing arms". Once you have started testing for Level One, you will have 60 days to complete it, though it can easily be achieved in a single training session. This will give everyone at least two sessions in which to try it. You can always start again if necessary.

Level One qualification will last until the end of the following calendar year, so if you qualify at any time during 2008, for example, you will be considered an active member until December 31st, 2009.

Basic Equipment:

1) Rifle.

2) 100 rounds of ammunition for same rifle.

3) Water container, one quart minimum.

4) Cleaning kit for above rifle.

5) Suitable carrying gear to transport personal equipment.

6) Individual first-aid kit.

7) Combat or hiking boots.

8) Copy of the US Constitution (the document, not the ship, the USS Constitution) and Declaration of Independence.

Basic Abilities:

A) Complete a two-mile hike with all basic equipment within 40 minutes.

B) Field strip weapon for cleaning.

C) Place 8 out of 10 shots into a 9" target at 100 yards.
More to follow, plus more of my humble (ha, ha) opinions.