Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Another observation: you know that you are in trouble when stone aged savages who were recently chopping people up with machetes are celebrating your new president. I am referencing the Odinga/Obama supporters in Kenya, Africa's oldest working democracy, who , when their candidate, Odinga, lost the election, began killing their opposition with machetes. Approximately 1500 were killed including a group of mostly women and children who took refuge inside a church only to be locked inside and the church burned around them. Understandably both sides are celebrating; the Odinga/Obama supporters because Obama won and the opposition to Odinga because they did not have to endure another loser's slaughter. Change we can believe in. Right...

McCain's Concession Speech

Watching the concession speech of John McCain I was struck by something I had never before seen at a concession speech. The crowd was respectful and supportive of their candidate, but they were quiet. There was the occasional outburst of support for McCain and a more frequent booing when McCain would mention Obama, but overall there was a somber, resolute quiet. The faces in the crowd were not fearful, but determined. The determined look of someone with a difficult job that has to be done, and is ready to get started. The quiet confidence that they will commit to success, although success is not guaranteed. There were no glassy eyed fanatics, just Americans who are used to working through difficult problems, realizing the task at hand.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Obama on Guns and the 2nd Amendment

Barack Obama on Guns and the 2nd Amendment in His Own Words and by His Actions
"I am consistently on record and will continue to be on record as opposing concealed carry." Chicago Tribune, April 27, 2004
"...just because you have an individual right does not mean that the state or local government can't constrain the exercise of that right..." 2008 Philadelphia primary debate
"I think it is a scandal that this president did not authorize a renewal of the assault weapons ban." Illlinois Senate Debate #3 Oct 21, 2004
"I'll continue to be in favor of handgun law registration requirements and licensing requirements for training." Chicago Defender, July 5, 2001
September 9, 1996 Obama says he supports a complete handgun ban in questionaire from Independent Voters of Illinois.
December 13, 1999 Obama announces support for a 500% increase in the excise tax on firearms and ammunition.
May 25,2004 Obama votes twice in the Illinois Senate to allow prosecution of people who use handguns in self-defense.
February 15, 2008 Obama says he believes the gun bans in Washington, D.C. and Chicago are constitutional.
Need I say more?