Saturday, March 17, 2007

Four Freedoms?

FDR's State of the Union speech for 1941 is famous for it's four freedoms enumerated by the president. It is typical socialist, globalist indoctrination. He used familiar and cherished American Rights to frame an innocent sounding theory that has become a blueprint for big, internationalist government. His first two freedoms are already enshrined in America by the First Amendment of The Bill of Rights, and he then omits the remaining nine amendments. FDR substitutes the "freedom from want" and "freedom from fear" and reaches to extend these globally instead of first being concerned with the U.S On face value his points "sound good" but so does the junk mail stating that you 'may' have won $1 million. Communism in theory sounds good but fails to take into account human nature and natural events. FDR's second points lead only to big government. How to take 'want' and 'fear' out of the human psyche, and why? They are the driving force behind human accomplishment. There are four basic needs: water, food, clothing, shelter, beyond these, all is luxury. 'Want' is what makes people get out of bed and go to work. I 'want' to provide for my family's needs. I 'want' to provide health care and education so my children may not have to work as hard as me. I 'want' to provide luxuries for my wife because she deserves it for putting up with me. 'Fear' is what makes people stay at work - I'm afraid if I can't provide I will lose my family - they will starve, freeze, get sick or leave for someone who can provide. To remove want and fear is to remove motivation and that subjects you to government. Remember, under England, we were not citizens, we were 'subjects'.

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