Sunday, September 23, 2007

Overmedicated Americans

Americans are over analyzed and over medicated. We are too busy paying to the latest feel good therapy to realize that the only people who live without problems are in mental wards under heavy medication. So called physicians and pharmaceutical companies are making money hand over fist by prescribing and selling these mind altering drugs. The government is encouraging this practice for the same reason ranchers prefer to turn bulls into steers, they are easier to control. If for any reason you have emotional ups and downs, family death, promotion, personal illness, child graduation, you become 'unsteady' and in need of 'help'. We are told by the god of the 21st century, T.V. that we have to have this car, this big screen, this shampoo, this beverage to be happy. Yet to have all that we are told we need to make us happy, we have so much debt that we work all the time and cannot enjoy what we need to make us 'happy', so we become 'depressed' and need 'help'. There is a pill for that. As stress and age perform their natural changes on our body, there is a pill for that. Do you listen to the side effects of these pills? The side effects are worse than what you take the pill for!!! It is natural to have to work, to struggle, to have to plan to provide for your family and yourself. Life is not euphoria. A wise man once wrote: "If everything were easy, no one would ever do anything." Look at yourself in the mirror. If you don't like what you see, the change must come from within you, not from some pill. Get a grip on reality and DO something positive for yourself. Instead of driving to weight watchers, go for a walk and cut back on what you eat, instead of watching the game, play catch with the kids or fetch the dog, instead of fast food, cook a meal with your spouse. Living instead of watching T.V. will cure most ills and help us realize that we don't need

1 comment:

xDaveManx said...

Whoah, there, anti-medicant. There are people out there with legitimate psychiatric problems and severe mood disorders that benefit from modern medications. Without them, they would not be productive members of society, and would live in a private world of torment and despair. While I agree that mood-altering medications are probably overused, banning them wholesale could have disastrous results for a significant portion of the population. For someone with a real chamical imbalance or genetic predisposition to real depression or mania, it would be a death blow to be cut off from their medication. For these people, walking the dog or "sucking it up" are not options.