Saturday, June 27, 2009

Obama and Ahmadinejad, the Leaders

Obama is not upset by the Iranian government's actions because Obama does not endorse freedom of thought, action, or election. He does not endorse the protests of the Iranian people nor condemn the violent actions of the Iranian government because he, too, would like to have the same power and authority. Obama would have used similar tactics against the TEA Party protesters had he been more solidly in power. Ahmadinejad has much that Obama envies: absolute power, total control of all media(Obama has not gained control of radio or the Internet, yet), total financial control(working on it), total military control(US military is hostile to his un-constitutional plans), total police and para military control, control of commerce, food supplies, and energy. Obama has made great strides in controlling many of these areas in the US. He has not objected to what the Iranians have done because he, like they, believes the state is all important and the state serves the leader. And Obama sees himself as The Leader.

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