Saturday, January 22, 2011

Things the American People Need to Force the Government to Do

1. Evict the UN from the USA and stop paying any tax dollars for any UN projects or administration, then sell the UN facilities for commercial use.
2. Stop all foreign aid; we cannot pay our own bills, why are we paying everyone else’s?
3. Bring our troops and equipment back from overseas. We have done what we can in Iraq, Germany, Japan, Korea, and other parts of the world.
4. Deploy our troops along the southern border, and while they are there have them install triple strand concertina wire, mine fields, tangle foot and pungi stakes. Have hardened border crossing funnels to let illegals return to Mexico, and control who is allowed into the USA.
5. Naval forces would join the Coast Guard in patrolling the Pacific and Atlantic coasts, the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea.
6. Once the border is secure, give illegals one month to voluntarily exit with their belongings, after the one month any illegal found in the US will be taken to border crossing with one set of clothing, all other processions are then forfeit.
7. Once illegals in US prisons finish their prison term, return them to their country of origin.
8. Convicted murderers, rapists, and smugglers currently in prison are to be executed, hung by the neck until dead.
9. End “disability” payments to people for alcoholism and drug dependency.
10. Insurance companies should not have to pay for medical treatment for sexually transmitted diseases.
11. Corporations which have closed factories in the USA and reopened them in foreign countries will be heavily and punitively taxed and their products imported into the USA will have a heavy tariff. When these factories return and employ US citizens these taxes will be removed.
12. Corporate and income taxes will be no higher than 10%.
13. Eliminate inheritance taxes.
14. City residences should not have to pay county taxes.
15. Put a 5 year freeze on immigration, with the exception of foreign born spouses of military personnel.
16. After 5 years return to the pre-Kennedy Immigration Reform requirements for immigration.
17. Stop funding NPR and PBS, let them compete in the marketplace.
18. Return education control to local school boards and, emphasize what is great about America.
19. Remove any one who is able to work from welfare rolls, and charge rent for “public housing”.
20. Any un-wed mother on welfare who gets pregnant a second time loses benefits; there are too many ways to prevent pregnancy.

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