Saturday, February 19, 2011
Republicans for Amnesty?
Rumor has it that DC senior republicans are pressuring the freshmen, elected to force Washington to change and to adhere to the Constitution, to back off on the illegal immigration issue. They are afraid of enforcing our laws and don't want to "offend" latino voters. Hogwash. The republicans need to be shook up and reminded that this is the United States of America, not the United States of Mexico or anything else. The republicans have as much blame for the mess we are in as the democrats, and they have talked the talk of turning the country around. Now, they must walk the walk or they too will be sent packing.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Time to De-fund NPR and PBS
NPR-PBS are long over due to be placed in the mix of competing broadcast media. For tax dollars to support any business is to give it unfair advantage over its competition. And when the substance of the business is blatantly hostile to the American way of life and history, it should receive no tax funding, at all. The first amendment allows for unpopular speech, it does not require taxpayers to fund unpopular speech.
On NPR-PBS there is no room for disagreement with the script, as Juan Williams found out. He expressed an honest feeling, normally something NPR-PBS is ok with, except that it disagreed with the party line and for this, the long time celebrated liberal commentator is fired. As with many things which begin with the best intentions, NPR-PBS have become at best a burden and at worst a voice of treason. It is long past time to stop pouring good money after bad. There are some good programs on these channels but the damage they do far out weigh the good and it is time for us to contact our representatives and encourage them to stop funding this agency.
On NPR-PBS there is no room for disagreement with the script, as Juan Williams found out. He expressed an honest feeling, normally something NPR-PBS is ok with, except that it disagreed with the party line and for this, the long time celebrated liberal commentator is fired. As with many things which begin with the best intentions, NPR-PBS have become at best a burden and at worst a voice of treason. It is long past time to stop pouring good money after bad. There are some good programs on these channels but the damage they do far out weigh the good and it is time for us to contact our representatives and encourage them to stop funding this agency.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Americans Die as Government Encourages Domestic Spying
Ironically, as Dept of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano encourages Americans to spy upon each other in forced adds at check out aisles, Americans are being killed by criminals at home and abroad, and Mexican military units violate US soil. ICE agents were shot in Mexico after being stopped at an "army" checkpoint, one of them was killed. Two American teenagers were killed while buying a car just south of the border. Last March two Americans were killed after leaving a children's' party in Mexico, and the list goes on and on. Meanwhile on our side of the border, Mexican soldiers, vehicles, and aircraft violate our territory at an increasing rate.Just this week heavily armed Mexican army troops stopped an American vehicle, on American soil and search it then return back into Mexico. All of this on film. In March a Mexican Navy helicopter with armed troops hovered over homes in the Texas town in Zapata County. This was one of three recorded incursions of American airspace by Mexico just last year. In January this year shots were fired at highway workers east of Fort Hancock,TX by a man on the Mexican side of the border. Also, domestically, more and more illegal aliens are committing more and more violent crimes: 3 illegal aliens murdered 15 year old Brenda Arenas in Arizona, Jose Oswaldo Reyes Alfaro, an illegal immigrant who was ordered deported to El Salvador a decade ago but never left was charged with three murders in Virginia. And these are only two examples, all of this and "Big Sis" wants Americans to spy on each other because "domestic" terrorists pose a bigger threat to America than the muslim extremists who are rampaging all over the globe. Did I mention the group of muslims who beat a good Samaritan in Minnesota with baseball bats and left him for dead or the Iranian book found near our southern border, "In Memory of Our Martyrs"? And the US government feels that you and I are a bigger threat to our country? Or are we a bigger threat to their positions of dominance?
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Disease and Starvation, Continued
Since I kind of stopped in the middle of nowhere I thought I should at least stay on topic. In addition to bleach, iodine also can be used as a water purifier. In the "old days", Army water purification tablets were made of iodine combined with other chemicals. Tincture of iodine will need 5 drops per quart to disinfect water for drinking. Remember shake it up and let it sit for 30 min before drinking. Boiling is the most effective method for killing disease causing organisms then follow up with the chemicals for safety sake. There is a lot of information and a lot of supplies available now, after you need them, they may not be accessible. Hiking, camping, and surplus stores all carry water purification tablets and water filters and I recommend that you keep some on hand. They serve great in an emergency, take up little space and can be stored in each of your vehicles. There are filters from individual servings of water to "base camp" hikers filters that will filter 2.6 gallons of water in 20 minutes. Look, compare prices, and buy now, because we don't know about tomorrow. Don't just buy supplies and stick them in the closet waiting for the next yard sale, learn to use these tools because you may need them to save your life. After water, we need food to survive, and we have all seen the videos of the desperation of New Orleans after Katrina. We do not want to be in similar videos. More next time.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Disease and Starvation
I know that I am preaching to the choir, but here goes anyway. The fun part of being prepared for disaster is the acquisition of equipment and training with it. Reality rears its ugly head when we look at history and realize that more people die from disease and starvation than from enemy weapons. We in the US have had it relatively easy in this area. That is part of what angers us about the flow of illegal aliens into our country. These criminals bring with them diseases and parasites that had been eradicated in the US. The hygiene standard in the rest of the world is not as high as it is here. Also, whenever there is a natural disaster of any scale in the US (Katrina, the Nashville flood, or the current blizzard situations) mass disease breakout is almost non-existent. In Haiti repeated and varied disease epidemics have swept through the population since the earthquake. That is typical for the third world. That is what Obama and the democrats want to bring to our shores.
So, to prepare for disease is not "sexy" but it is necessary. Once the initial chaos of a disaster has passed, be it natural or man made, the traumatic death rate will slow down, but it is in that period that diseases will begin to spread. Clean water is an absolute necessity. It is estimated that each person in urban areas uses 31 gallons of water per day, drinking and hygiene. FEMA estimates that you should have 1 - 2 gallons of drinking water per person per day for emergencies. That is a lot of water to have sitting around. And what do you do when that water runs out? You have to be able to purify the water available to you. That is where bleach comes in, add 2 drops of bleach to 1 quart canteen of clear water (3 drops for cloudy water), shake it up and let sit for 30 minutes. It won't taste great, but it is safe. Bleach is also a good disinfectant for cleaning medical tools and for food preparation. Boiling water also kills bacteria which causes disease. Rubbing alcohol is a good disinfectant and good for cleaning skin surfaces around wounds. Hydrogen peroxide is good for cleaning out wounds, and all wounds will have to be treated. If a small cut or splinter gets infected then your chances for survival, depending upon the crises, are reduced. Band aids are going to be at a premium as are all medical supplies. Having a supply of multivitamins on hand will supplement your diet and help ward off disease. All prescription meds you must have will have to be stored so that you can survive. We have not had a major outbreak of disease in the US in decades so our immune system is not prepared for it. We have to prepare not only for the criminals who will directly try to take what is ours, but for the diseases which will follow. A strict regime of washing clothing and bedding will have to be followed, as well as healthy food preparation. You may joke about this, but that is what finally stopped the flu pandemic of 1917-1918 and what has kept the US from any other such diseases since then. Hygiene, personal and community, is the key to a healthy society, and to surviving when everything else fails. We must be prepared to provide our own security, weapons, and our own sanitation, protection from disease. Knowledge is strength. Or as an old poster stated: "Your mind is your primary weapon."
So, to prepare for disease is not "sexy" but it is necessary. Once the initial chaos of a disaster has passed, be it natural or man made, the traumatic death rate will slow down, but it is in that period that diseases will begin to spread. Clean water is an absolute necessity. It is estimated that each person in urban areas uses 31 gallons of water per day, drinking and hygiene. FEMA estimates that you should have 1 - 2 gallons of drinking water per person per day for emergencies. That is a lot of water to have sitting around. And what do you do when that water runs out? You have to be able to purify the water available to you. That is where bleach comes in, add 2 drops of bleach to 1 quart canteen of clear water (3 drops for cloudy water), shake it up and let sit for 30 minutes. It won't taste great, but it is safe. Bleach is also a good disinfectant for cleaning medical tools and for food preparation. Boiling water also kills bacteria which causes disease. Rubbing alcohol is a good disinfectant and good for cleaning skin surfaces around wounds. Hydrogen peroxide is good for cleaning out wounds, and all wounds will have to be treated. If a small cut or splinter gets infected then your chances for survival, depending upon the crises, are reduced. Band aids are going to be at a premium as are all medical supplies. Having a supply of multivitamins on hand will supplement your diet and help ward off disease. All prescription meds you must have will have to be stored so that you can survive. We have not had a major outbreak of disease in the US in decades so our immune system is not prepared for it. We have to prepare not only for the criminals who will directly try to take what is ours, but for the diseases which will follow. A strict regime of washing clothing and bedding will have to be followed, as well as healthy food preparation. You may joke about this, but that is what finally stopped the flu pandemic of 1917-1918 and what has kept the US from any other such diseases since then. Hygiene, personal and community, is the key to a healthy society, and to surviving when everything else fails. We must be prepared to provide our own security, weapons, and our own sanitation, protection from disease. Knowledge is strength. Or as an old poster stated: "Your mind is your primary weapon."
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
NYC Mayor Guilty of Criminal Intent?
It seems that NYC Mayor Bloomberg is breaking the law by using "straw" buyers to purchase guns in other states. Most recently people working for the mayor were in Arizona at a gun show to conduct a "sting" of gun purchases. One, it is illegal to purchase firearms through a third party, secondly it is a crime to purchase a firearm for another person. Both of these are regarding a licensed firearms dealer, but it is no one's business for a private citizen to sell their legally owned property. If Mayor Bloomberg's employees bought guns from licensed dealers for Mayor Bloomberg with Mayor Bloomberg's money then shouldn't they all be arrested by the BATFE for violations of the law? Next, why does Bloomberg think he has the authority to do anything in another jurisdiction? Just because he bent NYC law to remain mayor does not mean that he is the dictator of anything outside the 5 boroughs of NYC.
Democratic Presidents and the Loss of Civilization
Ok, maybe the title is a little over the top, but look at what I am saying. Our strongest Arab ally in the Middle East was Iran and the Shah of Iran. When Carter was president he used the influence of the President's office to force the Shah to allow the return to Iran of the Ayatollah Khomeini. Then came the exile of the Shah and the Islamic Revolution, including the capture of the US Embassy in Tehran. I was serving in the army at that time and felt sure that we would rescue our hostages, but Carter did nothing. Then it came out that Washington had ordered the Marines to not defend the embassy, their purpose for being there. Fast forward to the 1990's and Clinton ordering the bombing of Serbs in defense of the radical muslims in what was Yugoslavia. Remember that it was the Serbs in WWII who helped rescue US Airmen who were shot down over enemy territory. It was the muslims who were fighting alongside the Nazis and trying to kill Americans. And now we have Obama who watches as our longtime ally, Egypt, is swept in violence and revolution led by the same radical muslim ideology that held Americans hostage for over year (in complete violation of the Geneva Convention, by the way, not that anyone but the US abides by that _____ piece of paper). Do you see the connection? It may be wierd coincidence but...
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