Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Americans Die as Government Encourages Domestic Spying

Ironically, as Dept of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano encourages Americans to spy upon each other in forced adds at check out aisles, Americans are being killed by criminals at home and abroad, and Mexican military units violate US soil. ICE agents were shot in Mexico after being stopped at an "army" checkpoint, one of them was killed. Two American teenagers were killed while buying a car just south of the border. Last March two Americans were killed after leaving a children's' party in Mexico, and the list goes on and on. Meanwhile on our side of the border, Mexican soldiers, vehicles, and aircraft violate our territory at an increasing rate.Just this week heavily armed Mexican army troops stopped an American vehicle, on American soil and search it then return back into Mexico. All of this on film. In March a Mexican Navy helicopter with armed troops hovered over homes in the Texas town in Zapata County. This was one of three recorded incursions of American airspace by Mexico just last year. In January this year shots were fired at highway workers east of Fort Hancock,TX by a man on the Mexican side of the border. Also, domestically, more and more illegal aliens are committing more and more violent crimes: 3 illegal aliens murdered 15 year old Brenda Arenas in Arizona, Jose Oswaldo Reyes Alfaro, an illegal immigrant who was ordered deported to El Salvador a decade ago but never left was charged with three murders in Virginia. And these are only two examples, all of this and "Big Sis" wants Americans to spy on each other because "domestic" terrorists pose a bigger threat to America than the muslim extremists who are rampaging all over the globe. Did I mention the group of muslims who beat a good Samaritan in Minnesota with baseball bats and left him for dead or the Iranian book found near our southern border, "In Memory of Our Martyrs"? And the US government feels that you and I are a bigger threat to our country? Or are we a bigger threat to their positions of dominance?

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