Thursday, May 19, 2011

Obama Tells Israel to Return to Pre-1967 War Borders

Isn't that fascinating? History repeating itself, yet again. I am reminded of Chamberlain telling Czechoslovakia that they had to surrender the Sudetenland to Hitler to insure "Peace in our Time". We saw how well that worked out. Now Obama wants Israel to surrender all lands they gained when the Arabs attacked them in the various wars since 1967. Why would a US president want to undermine Israel in such a way? Why would any national leader want to undermine a key ally of so many years? I am assuming that since Obama's speech in Texas, USA, that he would want the US to return to the borders we had with Mexico in 1846. The last two speeches of the 'President' would encourage the extremists of the middle east to intensify their attacks on Israel and would encourage the criminal cartels running Mexico to increase their illegal smuggling of drugs and people (513 illegals caught in two tractor trailer trucks bound for the US). Both situations are bad for the US and its honest citizens and this US government seems to be dead set on undermining our allies and our country. Obama, born to spread the misery.

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