Tuesday, August 9, 2011

She Should Have Gone to Rehab

I have prayed for the family of Amy Winehouse. No parent should have to bury one of their children, it is a cruel twist of fate. It is worse when it is suicide. "Suicide? No one said it was suicide." When you are a habitual drug user, you are committing suicide at a slow and protracted pace. What is worse is that you are dragging the people who love you through a living hell that they don't deserve. So, I have no sympathy for Amy Winehouse, nor do I think that she should receive celebrity lauded upon her. She squandered her talent glorifying drug use and destructive lifestyles, typical of the hollyweirdo crowd. No loss, except to her family. The larger society needs to wash their hands of these degenerate types who are leading our youth down a path of degeneracy and death.

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