Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Iran Denies Terror Plot

Iran denies any involvement in an attempt to assassinate the Saudi ambassador or to bomb the Israeli embassy. I actually believe them, scary, isn't it? I have been wanting the US to destroy the Iranian government since the 1979 occupation of the US embassy. This story rings of a false flag operation as Iran says: " Iranian officials have denied any involvement with the plot and say the story has been designed to turn public attention away from America's domestic political problems." We have a president who has all but abandoned Israel to embrace radical Islamists taking over Egypt, Libya and other countries in the middle east. We have democratic leaders who have opposed any restraints attempted to control Iranian nuclear and terror projects suddenly jumping on the bash Iran bandwagon: "ERIC HOLDER, US ATTORNEY GENERAL: Today the Department of Justice is announcing charges against two people who allegedly attempted to carry out a deadly plot that was directed by factions of the Iranian government to assassinate a foreign ambassador here in the United States."

"It was a terrific achievement by our law enforcement and intelligence communities, and we will be consulting with our friends and partners around the world about how we can send a very strong message that this kind of action, which violates international norms, must be ended," she said at a news conference.
"This case will, I think, reinforce the well-grounded suspicions of many countries about what they're up to."
"The idea that they would attempt to go to a Mexican drug cartel to solicit murder-for-hire to kill the Saudi ambassador, nobody could make that up, right?" she said.

And Sen. Feinstein:
"Iran is increasingly hostile," she said. "My hope is that there can be some kind of discussion that can be convincing for the Iranians to change course. Absent that, at one time or another, if you project out a number of years, we're on a collision course."

But calmer (and less political) heads say:
JOHN STEWART: But former CIA analyst and Iranian expert Robert Baer is not convinced that Iran is behind the plot and says American officials may have got it wrong.

ROBERT BAER, FORMER CIA ANALYST: This doesn't fit their modus operandi at all. It's completely out of character. They're much better than this. They wouldn't be sending money through an American bank. They wouldn't be going to the cartels in Mexico to do this. It's just not the way they work.

I've followed them for 30 years and they're much more careful, and they always use a proxy between them and the operation, and in this case they didn't.

My thoughts are that we have an administration which has been strongly pro Islamic militant, pro illegal immigration, pro enabling (and arming) mexican drug cartels, in big trouble domestically and which is trying to divert attention away from failed domestic policies by involving the US in another middle east conflict. This is basic politics, when you are in trouble at home create an international crisis in which you can be a hero, or when in trouble internationally, create a crisis at home in which you can be the hero. Obama has tried the international hero route with bin Laden and al Awlaki, and it has not worked. He is trying the domestic crisis with the Occupiers and that is not working. We are going to see a really terrible event in the near future as Obama and the democrats try to save themselves and their socialist agenda. In the meantime the republicans are ignoring the people and trying to force Romney and Christie on a people who clearly want a more conservative candidate and presidential administration.

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