Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Bad Religious Joke 2

What is the difference between the taliban and the talibaptists?
The taliban is more liberal, they let men have beards.

Politicians and Criminals

I recently read an article by Ben West, Jr. in The Tennessean about "assault style weapons". Mr. West hit the nail on the head. Since there has not been an outbreak of bayonetings in Nashville, or elsewhere in the U.S., in the 100+ years semiautomatic weapons have been in possession of Americans then this is political smoke and mirrors. Instead of concentrating on putting criminals behind bars, some politicians would rather attack inanimate objects rightly owned by law abiding citizens. The idea is that if you own an "evil" looking firearm then you will use it on everyone around you. Following this train of thought, if you own a car and a six pack of beer then you will get drunk and kill someone with your car. Sounds logical. Reality is that the media is fervently anti 2nd amendment and some politicians are cowards. Instead of controlling criminals, difficult because they are 'criminals' and don't follow rules and often resist arrest, especially when guilty; politicians and some law enforcement leadership find it easier to control honest, lawabiding taxpayers. Honest people seldom resist arrest because they have faith in the legal system coming to the truth and generally obey even the most stupid laws our elected employees come up with. Example, New Orleans during the Katrina aftermath, law enforcement did not disarm criminals roaming the streets looting, raping, and killing; no, they disarmed honest citizens in their homes trying to protect themselves when there was no law enforcement to do so. Next time a publication or politician wants to criminalize something let's make sure the criminals know so they can obey.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Now Is The Time

Republicans who feel that the election of McCain or Guilianni would have a better result than the election of Hillary are whistling past the graveyard. IF by some miracle, McCain or Guilianni were to win over Hillary you then have a weak socialist republican president and a strong socialist democrat congress, what's going to happen? What's left of The Bill of Rights will be shredded (some socialist lawmakers have legislation pending to continue the shredding even now), there will be more constraints on our military in Iraq (ditto pending), and our sovereignty and privacy will be further eroded (SPP.GOV, NAID, Canamex, North American Union). All for the benefit of international corporations.
An interesting sidebar is that many of these corporations have teamed up with cell phone companies to give their employees a sizable discount for being a corporate employee with their cell service. If you look in the fine print (most of us don't) the corporation then has access to your phone records because it's part of their discount plan. So much for privacy, eh?
Anyway, that's the 'least' that could happen. And, to face reality, when Hillary is elected we will see the unfolding of America as we could never have feared.
It took from 1775 to 1945, 170 years for 13 colonies, rift with problems and internal turmoil, to gain their independence, grow as a nation, and be able to destroy the 2 greatest military machines the world had ever seen. 60 years later we are too soft and spoiled to defend ourselves, our country, or our sacred liberty. Those of us who see the light think it is the TV not an express train barrelling down upon us. If we did realize what was upon us, would we get up off the couch or just sit there and get run into the ground?
NOW is the wake up time. What Hitler could not do, what Japan could not do, what the Soviets could not do, knock the U.S. down, has been accomplished. We have lain down and are letting the masters of our government run over us. Now is the time to stand up and say, NO MORE.
No more infringing upon our God given rights enumerated in The Bill Of Rights.
No more shipping the industry which won WWII overseas.
No more allowing every illiterate third worlder into our country.
No more taming our military by 'sensitivity training', 'time out', or other such nonsense.
No more 'don't ask, don't tell'.
We American Citizens have to unite, regardless of race, religion, politics, or region, to not only save our country, but to prepare our children to take up the torch of liberty and to continue to retake and rebuild our great country. Vote by vote, county by county, state by state. America, First!
"Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country." John F. Kennedy
Translation: Be independent, be strong, be responsible for your decisions and your prosperity and the country will excel, be dependent on government and the country will collapse.
How low the democrats have sank from the height and greatness of their last great American leader. These people leading the democrats, and republicans, do not deserve to stand in the shadow of a man who aspired to American Greatness.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Globalists by an other name....

The "Globalist" leaders of today have the same goals as the leaders of the soldiers we stared down at the Berlin wall. "Globalism" is a euphemism for communism and its leaders have, unfortunately, firmly taken control of both republican and democrat parties. What the mighty red army could not have done the subterfuge in the U.S. has accomplished.
The one world government and redistribution of selected wealth(the hard earned wages of you and I and the rest of 'working' America) is evident in NAFTA, FTAA, and the 'guest worker' program. The North American Union will flood U.S. businesses and industries(what's left) with cheap unskilled and skilled labor thus forcing down pay through not hiring U.S. citizens at U.S. wages. All of this and the continued increase of the tax burden on working Americans will further drive us into a third world state of affairs. Just a look south of our border will show us what is in store. No matter how much the America hating elite in Hollywood want to denigrate this country, it is still the one place where everyone wants to come to. Wonder why?
As a Cuban refuge once said, "America has to stand because there is no place left to go."

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

War is....

War is poor people slaughtering poor people to determine which rich people get richer. and
No one should go to war, but everyone should be armed and trained in the arts of war for their own self defence.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Quote from old friend

"All men are self made, but only the successful will admit it."

Saturday, February 10, 2007


"Participating in politics is like taking out the trash, it stinks and is unpleasant, but it has to be done, and the longer you put it off the worse it gets."

French Backbone?

I recently read an article about a French newspaper editor exhibiting signs of having some backbone. Immediately rereading the article in amazement, I was quite impressed. A Frenchman with guts. Apparently the paper had published some of the Prophet Mohammed cartoons and was receiving quite a bit of grief. And the editor held firm about not being intimidated. Surely this man was a product of the recent German occupation. The French have not exhibited strength or courage since the fall of the monarchy. In fact the phrase 'terrorism' is said to have been born in the murderous days of the French revolution. Granted the French assisted in the American revolution, but so did some Germans (von Stueben, among others) and some Poles (Pulaski and others). Indeed the assistance in our first war with England was truly international once it appeared that we might beat the mighty British empire. But that was the French monarchy. The French have not been quite the same since their demise.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Samual Adams Quotes

"If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen." August 1, 1776

"If ever time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin."

"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in the peoples minds."
Yes, Samual Adams is more than a beer label.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Bad Religious Joke 1

I have been told that I am a little dark so I'll have to include some bad humor occaisionally, sorry.
What do you get when a Jehovah's Witness marries an atheist?
Children who knock on doors and don't know why.
I told you it was bad.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

War on Terror?

How are U.S. citizens supposed to take the "War On Terror" seriously when the only thing the government does is to send U.S. sons and daughters to Iraq to be slaughtered thousands of miles from home? This same government proclaims the seriousness of the "War On Terror" but does NOTHING to secure our borders. The borders are wide open to whomever might want to stroll across. Carrying whatever they would like. The actual people to "work" bring communicable diseases that were nearly wiped out in this country. Others bring illegal drugs for the 'benefit' of the U.S. economy. Still more, an example in Memphis, TN comes to mind, bring children in to be prostitutes. Truly, an ambitious people. Others bring weapons. Of the thousands who come in daily only a few are caught. What are the rest bringing in? What has already been brought in? If only 1% are violent criminals that is too many(30% of prisoners in federal prisons are illegals who have committed felonies in the U.S.). If only 1% are terrorists, again that is too many. And what does our government do? Harass Canadian tourists trying to come to the U.S. legally, on vacation, intending to return to Canada to their families, and jobs. Makes sense.... Then there is the tunnel flap. Tunnels from Mexico into the U.S., large, well built, electric lighting, ventilation - do we fill them in? NO. Do we demolish them? NO. Do we monitor them? NO. do we "do" anything? Not really. And when Border Patrol agents engage in gunfire with illegals smuggling drugs, what does the U.S. government do? Give immunity to the drug smuggler and imprison the Border Patrol agents. Your tax dollars at work. You might want to buy a Spanish-English koran the way the U.S. government is handling things.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

"Utopian Left"

In the "Utopian" dream of the American radical left, anything globalist is good whereas anything pro-American - The Constitution, The Bill of Rights, the U.S. Military - is "double plus ungood" in the language of the world they plan to dictate over us. Also, in the demented mentality of the radical left people (specifically, independent minded Americans) are to blame for all the world's ills. As their friends in Iran would say, we are the great satan. But I digress, the radical left believes there too many people for the resources available and it would be no loss if millions of people who oppose their "new world order" simply disappeared. It's for the good of the planet, actually. Remember, "two legs bad, four legs good" in the minds of these leftist freaks and their public mouthpieces, i.e., Barbara Streisand, Alec Baldwin, Sean Penn, Jane Fonda, et al. And let's not forget the 'unbiased' media, CNN, The New York Times, ABC, NBC, CBS, et al. If these people had spoken out against the U.S. in 1942 as they are doing now, they have been imprisoned or executed. But these "brave souls" would not have had the nerve to speak out then. Like true hyenas, they sense the wounded victim and are noisily closing in.