Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Politicians and Criminals

I recently read an article by Ben West, Jr. in The Tennessean about "assault style weapons". Mr. West hit the nail on the head. Since there has not been an outbreak of bayonetings in Nashville, or elsewhere in the U.S., in the 100+ years semiautomatic weapons have been in possession of Americans then this is political smoke and mirrors. Instead of concentrating on putting criminals behind bars, some politicians would rather attack inanimate objects rightly owned by law abiding citizens. The idea is that if you own an "evil" looking firearm then you will use it on everyone around you. Following this train of thought, if you own a car and a six pack of beer then you will get drunk and kill someone with your car. Sounds logical. Reality is that the media is fervently anti 2nd amendment and some politicians are cowards. Instead of controlling criminals, difficult because they are 'criminals' and don't follow rules and often resist arrest, especially when guilty; politicians and some law enforcement leadership find it easier to control honest, lawabiding taxpayers. Honest people seldom resist arrest because they have faith in the legal system coming to the truth and generally obey even the most stupid laws our elected employees come up with. Example, New Orleans during the Katrina aftermath, law enforcement did not disarm criminals roaming the streets looting, raping, and killing; no, they disarmed honest citizens in their homes trying to protect themselves when there was no law enforcement to do so. Next time a publication or politician wants to criminalize something let's make sure the criminals know so they can obey.

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