Thursday, February 1, 2007

"Utopian Left"

In the "Utopian" dream of the American radical left, anything globalist is good whereas anything pro-American - The Constitution, The Bill of Rights, the U.S. Military - is "double plus ungood" in the language of the world they plan to dictate over us. Also, in the demented mentality of the radical left people (specifically, independent minded Americans) are to blame for all the world's ills. As their friends in Iran would say, we are the great satan. But I digress, the radical left believes there too many people for the resources available and it would be no loss if millions of people who oppose their "new world order" simply disappeared. It's for the good of the planet, actually. Remember, "two legs bad, four legs good" in the minds of these leftist freaks and their public mouthpieces, i.e., Barbara Streisand, Alec Baldwin, Sean Penn, Jane Fonda, et al. And let's not forget the 'unbiased' media, CNN, The New York Times, ABC, NBC, CBS, et al. If these people had spoken out against the U.S. in 1942 as they are doing now, they have been imprisoned or executed. But these "brave souls" would not have had the nerve to speak out then. Like true hyenas, they sense the wounded victim and are noisily closing in.

1 comment:

xDaveManx said...

Not only that, the terms "grandstanding" and "attention whoring" come to mind also. These tools would latch on to whatever issue was de rigeur and make it their own, just to get face time. Morons.

What happened to social standards? Wasn't there a day when the opinions of the world were impressed upon Hollywood and the like, rather than their opinions being impressed upon us? Why should I care what some overpaid and undertalented twit thinks about world events? What makes their view more important than mine? Argh.