Thursday, November 24, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving
I want to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and share what I am thankful for: I am thankful to God for loving me enough to sacrifice His son for me, I am thankful for my family and their love, I am thankful for my country and the brave men and women in uniform, I am thankful for my job, which, unfortunately, has kept me away from sharing my views with you, and hopefully I will get on schedule and quit slacking. May God bless you all, pray for and prepare for out country and future!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Wisdom of Yamamoto
"You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind each blade of grass." Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto
The Empire of Japan was more confident in invading mainland Asia, China, Korea, Vietnam, Manchuria, than in invading the mainland US. One reason is obviously logistics, but another was voiced by Adm. Yamamoto. American citizens own guns and Asian peasants do not. Although the Asians outnumbered the Americans by millions, their being unarmed and subservient made the difference. We Americans can never surrender our rights to bear arms nor our weapons. Not just to prevent foreign invasion, but because of historic record. The 22 million Russians murdered between 1921 and 1940 were not killed by Germans who invaded in 1941, but by their own government. The 3 million who died in Cambodia's killing fields were also killed by their leaders. Countless millions of Chinese have been murdered by Peking, long before Tianamen Square. Genocides throughout history have been carried out by governments against their own people. In America we have the right and the means to resist such aggression and we must NEVER surrender either.
The Empire of Japan was more confident in invading mainland Asia, China, Korea, Vietnam, Manchuria, than in invading the mainland US. One reason is obviously logistics, but another was voiced by Adm. Yamamoto. American citizens own guns and Asian peasants do not. Although the Asians outnumbered the Americans by millions, their being unarmed and subservient made the difference. We Americans can never surrender our rights to bear arms nor our weapons. Not just to prevent foreign invasion, but because of historic record. The 22 million Russians murdered between 1921 and 1940 were not killed by Germans who invaded in 1941, but by their own government. The 3 million who died in Cambodia's killing fields were also killed by their leaders. Countless millions of Chinese have been murdered by Peking, long before Tianamen Square. Genocides throughout history have been carried out by governments against their own people. In America we have the right and the means to resist such aggression and we must NEVER surrender either.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Iran Denies Terror Plot
Iran denies any involvement in an attempt to assassinate the Saudi ambassador or to bomb the Israeli embassy. I actually believe them, scary, isn't it? I have been wanting the US to destroy the Iranian government since the 1979 occupation of the US embassy. This story rings of a false flag operation as Iran says: " Iranian officials have denied any involvement with the plot and say the story has been designed to turn public attention away from America's domestic political problems." We have a president who has all but abandoned Israel to embrace radical Islamists taking over Egypt, Libya and other countries in the middle east. We have democratic leaders who have opposed any restraints attempted to control Iranian nuclear and terror projects suddenly jumping on the bash Iran bandwagon: "ERIC HOLDER, US ATTORNEY GENERAL: Today the Department of Justice is announcing charges against two people who allegedly attempted to carry out a deadly plot that was directed by factions of the Iranian government to assassinate a foreign ambassador here in the United States."
"It was a terrific achievement by our law enforcement and intelligence communities, and we will be consulting with our friends and partners around the world about how we can send a very strong message that this kind of action, which violates international norms, must be ended," she said at a news conference.
"This case will, I think, reinforce the well-grounded suspicions of many countries about what they're up to."
"The idea that they would attempt to go to a Mexican drug cartel to solicit murder-for-hire to kill the Saudi ambassador, nobody could make that up, right?" she said.
And Sen. Feinstein:
"Iran is increasingly hostile," she said. "My hope is that there can be some kind of discussion that can be convincing for the Iranians to change course. Absent that, at one time or another, if you project out a number of years, we're on a collision course."
But calmer (and less political) heads say:
JOHN STEWART: But former CIA analyst and Iranian expert Robert Baer is not convinced that Iran is behind the plot and says American officials may have got it wrong.
ROBERT BAER, FORMER CIA ANALYST: This doesn't fit their modus operandi at all. It's completely out of character. They're much better than this. They wouldn't be sending money through an American bank. They wouldn't be going to the cartels in Mexico to do this. It's just not the way they work.
I've followed them for 30 years and they're much more careful, and they always use a proxy between them and the operation, and in this case they didn't.
My thoughts are that we have an administration which has been strongly pro Islamic militant, pro illegal immigration, pro enabling (and arming) mexican drug cartels, in big trouble domestically and which is trying to divert attention away from failed domestic policies by involving the US in another middle east conflict. This is basic politics, when you are in trouble at home create an international crisis in which you can be a hero, or when in trouble internationally, create a crisis at home in which you can be the hero. Obama has tried the international hero route with bin Laden and al Awlaki, and it has not worked. He is trying the domestic crisis with the Occupiers and that is not working. We are going to see a really terrible event in the near future as Obama and the democrats try to save themselves and their socialist agenda. In the meantime the republicans are ignoring the people and trying to force Romney and Christie on a people who clearly want a more conservative candidate and presidential administration.
"It was a terrific achievement by our law enforcement and intelligence communities, and we will be consulting with our friends and partners around the world about how we can send a very strong message that this kind of action, which violates international norms, must be ended," she said at a news conference.
"This case will, I think, reinforce the well-grounded suspicions of many countries about what they're up to."
"The idea that they would attempt to go to a Mexican drug cartel to solicit murder-for-hire to kill the Saudi ambassador, nobody could make that up, right?" she said.
And Sen. Feinstein:
"Iran is increasingly hostile," she said. "My hope is that there can be some kind of discussion that can be convincing for the Iranians to change course. Absent that, at one time or another, if you project out a number of years, we're on a collision course."
But calmer (and less political) heads say:
JOHN STEWART: But former CIA analyst and Iranian expert Robert Baer is not convinced that Iran is behind the plot and says American officials may have got it wrong.
ROBERT BAER, FORMER CIA ANALYST: This doesn't fit their modus operandi at all. It's completely out of character. They're much better than this. They wouldn't be sending money through an American bank. They wouldn't be going to the cartels in Mexico to do this. It's just not the way they work.
I've followed them for 30 years and they're much more careful, and they always use a proxy between them and the operation, and in this case they didn't.
My thoughts are that we have an administration which has been strongly pro Islamic militant, pro illegal immigration, pro enabling (and arming) mexican drug cartels, in big trouble domestically and which is trying to divert attention away from failed domestic policies by involving the US in another middle east conflict. This is basic politics, when you are in trouble at home create an international crisis in which you can be a hero, or when in trouble internationally, create a crisis at home in which you can be the hero. Obama has tried the international hero route with bin Laden and al Awlaki, and it has not worked. He is trying the domestic crisis with the Occupiers and that is not working. We are going to see a really terrible event in the near future as Obama and the democrats try to save themselves and their socialist agenda. In the meantime the republicans are ignoring the people and trying to force Romney and Christie on a people who clearly want a more conservative candidate and presidential administration.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Enemy at the Gate
There was a movie out a few years ago, Enemy at the Gate. The story is about a sniper dual during the battle of Stalingrad. In one of the early scenes new conscripts are trucked into the city and every two men are given one rifle and five rounds of ammunition. These men are then forced into an attack on a German defensive position, needless to say the veteran German soldiers cut down the communist draftees. As the Russians begin to retreat, the communist machine guns begin to shoot down their own 'comrades'. Instead of using ammo on the Germans the communists instead shoot their own people. This is so symbolic of how the communists view the world and how they use people, including people who they are 'fighting for' or who are true believers in the communist cause. Why bring this movie up? Because it is illustrative of the Obama regime. Obama will destroy any one in order to accomplish his goal of spreading the misery of the third world to the United States of America. Boeing builds a multi million manufacturing facility in South Carolina to employ 1000 people and the Obama Administration, to appease unions, forces Boeing to abandon their facility. What message does that send to manufacturers around the world? With all the drug violence going on in the USA due to illegal smuggling of drugs, guns, and people from Mexico, Obama's Justice Department raids a guitar manufacturer in Tennessee because of imported wood. The same wood used by other guitar manufacturers in the US, but the raided company is a non-union facility and the other manufacturers are union. Get the picture?
Do not think that Obama is incompetent, he is accomplishing exactly what he has set out to do, and is using wealth envy to continue his campaign for 'fairness' for the proletariat. The 'fairness' of world wide poverty ruled by the comrade master.
Do not think that Obama is incompetent, he is accomplishing exactly what he has set out to do, and is using wealth envy to continue his campaign for 'fairness' for the proletariat. The 'fairness' of world wide poverty ruled by the comrade master.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Department of Justice?
Ok, the FBI will allow convicted felons to buy guns in support of the BATFE's disastrous 'Operation Gunwalker' and 'Operation Fast and Furious'; the DOJ will not secure our borders; the DOJ will violate our immigration laws by following the provisions of the DREAM Act, which did not receive congressional approval; the DOJ will not interfere with states legalizing marijuana; but the FBI will raid Gibson's Guitars, again, for violations of importing endangered plant products? Now really? It appears the clowns are running the circus and in the same manner as the German clowns in the 1930's.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
More on the SPLC
The SPLC and media outlets distribute dis-information on a regular basis, mostly about their enemies, but also to 'trojan horse' some of their allies as enemies. To give them 'street cred' as it were. Case in point, Rep. Peter King (R) NY. Commenting on his hearings on radicalization of American Muslims, the SPLC intimated that Rep. King is a radical right conservative, and many in the mainstream media actually used those words. In reality, Rep. King is far from it. Looking at his record he is more in line with Rep. Mike Doyle (D) PA. King consistently votes on the liberal side of Constitutional and social issues. King is more a Bloomberg republican than a McCain or (gasp) a Reagan republican. King is NOT a radical right winger, nor a Conservative, nor a Constitutionalist, nor really a Republican. He could be the poster boy for RINO's. But the media and the SPLC would have you to believe that he ranks with Teddy Roosevelt, when the truth is that he could not stand in TR's shadow, much less in his shoes. So beware of the info from any of the media, and especially of the SPLC.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Rick Perry or Not?
I was initially enthusiastic about Rick Perry running for president but have done a little digging and now I am not so sure. Granted almost anyone would be better than Obama, but .... I don't know how accurate this info is but here it is. Someone please verify or disprove these points: 14 Reasons Why Rick Perry Would Be A Really, Really Bad President at
Like I said, I don't know and would expect you to verify anything you read here, any way. Good luck and let's hope Obama doesn't executive order mass illegal alien amnesty to increase his voter turnout. Pray for the best and prepare for the worst.
Like I said, I don't know and would expect you to verify anything you read here, any way. Good luck and let's hope Obama doesn't executive order mass illegal alien amnesty to increase his voter turnout. Pray for the best and prepare for the worst.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
She Should Have Gone to Rehab
I have prayed for the family of Amy Winehouse. No parent should have to bury one of their children, it is a cruel twist of fate. It is worse when it is suicide. "Suicide? No one said it was suicide." When you are a habitual drug user, you are committing suicide at a slow and protracted pace. What is worse is that you are dragging the people who love you through a living hell that they don't deserve. So, I have no sympathy for Amy Winehouse, nor do I think that she should receive celebrity lauded upon her. She squandered her talent glorifying drug use and destructive lifestyles, typical of the hollyweirdo crowd. No loss, except to her family. The larger society needs to wash their hands of these degenerate types who are leading our youth down a path of degeneracy and death.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Citizens and Law Enforcement Beware of the SPLC
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) was formed in 1971 in Montgomery, AL by Morris Dees and Joseph Levin Jr. It was allegedly instrumental in securing civil rights for blacks during the civil rights movement, but in actuality it merely rode on the shoulders of the people who did the heavy lifting. The liberal lawyers founded the SPLC for the purpose of cashing in on the civil rights movement through lawsuits. It has always been a voice for the extreme left in American politics. The SPLC has worked tirelessly to advance the radical leftist agenda for subjugating the US to international (socialist) rule. The SPLC sends a free copy of its quarterly magazine, The Intelligence Report, to law enforcement officers who sign up for it. Ostensibly it is for educational purposes but is actually a propaganda organ. The common enemy of the SPLC is any one who is pro-American, and editor Mark Potok is quick to declare that the biggest threat to the US are returning US military veterans, the Tea Party participants, Second Amendment advocates, and any one who disagrees with the Obama administration. If you want to enforce or strengthen the immigration laws, balance the budget, and return jobs to the US, you are then a threat to the US. In its most recent issue, it attempts to vindicate the Dept of Homeland Security report that included all of the above groups of people in its most dangerous threat to the US. The writers include enough actual factual stories in an attempt to give credibility to its point of view on all subjects. It is worth reading, but use other sources to verify the information provided. After all, all coins have two sides but the SPLC only wants you to see their side.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
What a Crazy Year...
So, while Obama is trying to stay the execution of a Mexican who raped and murdered an American teenager, he is giving full protection of our constitution to a Muslim terrorist. That makes sense... The Fort Hood terrorist is finally going to trial, just in time for the re-election bid .... Hmmmm, no connection there... The Ninth Circus Court of appeals in San Fagcisco is trying to force the US to stop enforcing "don't ask, don't tell" on constitutional grounds, where in the Constitution does it say that homosexuals have a right to serve in the US military? Hate crimes in northern cities are going un-prosecuted, i.e.,
Milwaukee County Share
Flynn calls looting, beatings in Riverwest barbaric
e-mail print By Meg Jones of the Journal Sentinel
July 6, 2011
Chief Flynn explains large-scale fights, robberies RAW SURVEILLANCE VIDEO: Mob attack in Riverwest gas station Page 1 of 2 Shaina Perry remembers the punch to her face, blood streaming from a cut over her eye, her backpack with her asthma inhaler, debit card and cellphone stolen, and then the laughter.
"They just said 'Oh, white girl bleeds a lot,' " said Perry, 22, who was attacked at Kilbourn Reservoir Park over the Fourth of July weekend.
Though Milwaukee Police Chief Edward Flynn noted Tuesday that crime is colorblind, he called the Sunday night looting of a convenience store near the park and beatings of a group of people who had gone to the park disturbing, outrageous and barbaric.
Police would not go quite as far as others in connecting the events; Flynn said several youths "might" be involved in both.
"We're not going to let any group of individuals terrorize or bully any of our neighborhoods," Flynn said.
Perry was among several who were injured by a mob they said beat and robbed them and threw full beer bottles while making racial taunts. The injured people were white; the attackers were African-American, witnesses said.
Store video of the BP station at E. North Ave. and N. Humboldt Blvd. shows the business being ransacked. A clerk at BP confirmed to the Journal Sentinel that he was busy waiting on customers when one or two people held the door open to let others rush in and steal snacks and candy.
Not far away, 20 to 25 friends from Milwaukee's Riverwest neighborhood had gathered at the park shortly before midnight to watch some fireworks set off by a neighbor. In interviews with 11 people who said they were attacked or witnessed the attack, a larger group of youths appeared in another section of the park around midnight and were joined by more young people running up the park's stairs.
At some point the group of friends and the group of youths intersected; those interviewed said the attack appeared to be unprovoked.
"I saw people dancing and I figured they were just having a good time," said Riverwest resident Jessica Bublitz, 28.
Minutes later Bublitz saw a male friend hit in the temple and fall down. Her fiancé told her to run to safety. James Zajackowski, 28, said things suddenly turned chaotic.
"Within 30 seconds to a minute, bottles were flying and people started getting punched. I was in shock. I thought, 'Really? Is this really happening?' I was on the ground, people were trying to get into my pockets, I could feel their hands but I held on to my cellphone and my wallet," said Zajackowski, a census worker.
Emily Mowrer, 27, was not hurt but saw her friends beaten and punched and full beer bottles thrown at them. Her boyfriend was punched. She saw Perry lying with blood on her face, not moving. She called 911 on her cellphone.
"I saw some of my friends on the ground getting beat pretty severely. They got away with one of my friends' bikes. Some people had their wallets stolen," said Mowrer, who owns a house with her boyfriend in Riverwest. "It didn't seem like it was a mugging - it seemed like an attack. Like they weren't after anything - just violence."
Andy Lange, 29, a social worker who has lived in Riverwest for 10 years, said one of his friends was hit in the head with a bottle and needed staples to close the wound. Lange said he was struck in the face and didn't even see who hit him.
Perry needed three stitches to close a cut above her eye. She said she saw a friend getting kicked and when she walked up to ask what was happening, a man punched her in the face.
"I heard laughing as they were beating everybody up. They were eating chips like it was a picnic," said Perry, a restaurant cashier. "All I remember is seeing bright lights (after the punch), then my backpack was gone and blood was spurting out of my head."
A police spokeswoman on Monday said police received no reports of mobs of people committing crimes in the Riverwest area, only the reports of two armed robberies.
At the Tuesday news conference, Flynn attempted to defuse reports that mobs of youth were running through the Riverwest neighborhood attacking citizens. However, he acknowledged that those responsible for the BP store looting and attacks at Kilbourn Reservoir Park had mob-like characteristics.
"Clearly we had mob-like behavior in the incidents involving the robberies at Reservoir Park as well as the ransacking of the BP station. . . . Certainly we had elements of mob-like behavior that challenged us on July 3," Flynn said.
With an estimated 200,000 people watching the lakefront fireworks, which ended about 10:30 p.m. Sunday, there was heavy traffic in the area as people headed home and police were responding to fights.
The BP was overrun shortly before midnight, and minutes later the attacks occurred in the park. Several people seen on the BP station surveillance video may have been involved in the park beatings, Flynn said.
Two strong-arm robberies were investigated by police at the park, the first at 11:50 p.m. and the second, involving Perry, at 12:15 a.m. Three males - two 16-year-olds and one 18-year-old - were arrested in the first robbery. No arrests have been made in the attack on Perry.
Most of the 11 people who told the Journal Sentinel they were attacked or witnessed the attacks on their friends said that police did not take their complaints seriously. They each said police responded to the scene quickly and tended to the injured, but officers did not take statements from them and told them to leave the area.
"You've got 20-plus people giving eyewitness accounts. I'm very surprised that they said it wasn't a mob," said Mowrer.
Lange said he told an officer about the beatings but noticed the officer didn't write anything down or note his name. Bublitz tried to tell an officer that her three-speed bicycle had been stolen and that one of her friends was hurt but said the officer told her he was looking for evidence.
"About 20 of us stayed to give statements and make sure everyone was accounted for. The police wouldn't listen to us, they wouldn't take our names or statements. They told us to leave. It was completely infuriating," Bublitz said.
Jesse Garza of the Journal Sentinel staff contributed to this report
It is going to be a crazy summer, and next two years.
Milwaukee County Share
Flynn calls looting, beatings in Riverwest barbaric
e-mail print By Meg Jones of the Journal Sentinel
July 6, 2011
Chief Flynn explains large-scale fights, robberies RAW SURVEILLANCE VIDEO: Mob attack in Riverwest gas station Page 1 of 2 Shaina Perry remembers the punch to her face, blood streaming from a cut over her eye, her backpack with her asthma inhaler, debit card and cellphone stolen, and then the laughter.
"They just said 'Oh, white girl bleeds a lot,' " said Perry, 22, who was attacked at Kilbourn Reservoir Park over the Fourth of July weekend.
Though Milwaukee Police Chief Edward Flynn noted Tuesday that crime is colorblind, he called the Sunday night looting of a convenience store near the park and beatings of a group of people who had gone to the park disturbing, outrageous and barbaric.
Police would not go quite as far as others in connecting the events; Flynn said several youths "might" be involved in both.
"We're not going to let any group of individuals terrorize or bully any of our neighborhoods," Flynn said.
Perry was among several who were injured by a mob they said beat and robbed them and threw full beer bottles while making racial taunts. The injured people were white; the attackers were African-American, witnesses said.
Store video of the BP station at E. North Ave. and N. Humboldt Blvd. shows the business being ransacked. A clerk at BP confirmed to the Journal Sentinel that he was busy waiting on customers when one or two people held the door open to let others rush in and steal snacks and candy.
Not far away, 20 to 25 friends from Milwaukee's Riverwest neighborhood had gathered at the park shortly before midnight to watch some fireworks set off by a neighbor. In interviews with 11 people who said they were attacked or witnessed the attack, a larger group of youths appeared in another section of the park around midnight and were joined by more young people running up the park's stairs.
At some point the group of friends and the group of youths intersected; those interviewed said the attack appeared to be unprovoked.
"I saw people dancing and I figured they were just having a good time," said Riverwest resident Jessica Bublitz, 28.
Minutes later Bublitz saw a male friend hit in the temple and fall down. Her fiancé told her to run to safety. James Zajackowski, 28, said things suddenly turned chaotic.
"Within 30 seconds to a minute, bottles were flying and people started getting punched. I was in shock. I thought, 'Really? Is this really happening?' I was on the ground, people were trying to get into my pockets, I could feel their hands but I held on to my cellphone and my wallet," said Zajackowski, a census worker.
Emily Mowrer, 27, was not hurt but saw her friends beaten and punched and full beer bottles thrown at them. Her boyfriend was punched. She saw Perry lying with blood on her face, not moving. She called 911 on her cellphone.
"I saw some of my friends on the ground getting beat pretty severely. They got away with one of my friends' bikes. Some people had their wallets stolen," said Mowrer, who owns a house with her boyfriend in Riverwest. "It didn't seem like it was a mugging - it seemed like an attack. Like they weren't after anything - just violence."
Andy Lange, 29, a social worker who has lived in Riverwest for 10 years, said one of his friends was hit in the head with a bottle and needed staples to close the wound. Lange said he was struck in the face and didn't even see who hit him.
Perry needed three stitches to close a cut above her eye. She said she saw a friend getting kicked and when she walked up to ask what was happening, a man punched her in the face.
"I heard laughing as they were beating everybody up. They were eating chips like it was a picnic," said Perry, a restaurant cashier. "All I remember is seeing bright lights (after the punch), then my backpack was gone and blood was spurting out of my head."
A police spokeswoman on Monday said police received no reports of mobs of people committing crimes in the Riverwest area, only the reports of two armed robberies.
At the Tuesday news conference, Flynn attempted to defuse reports that mobs of youth were running through the Riverwest neighborhood attacking citizens. However, he acknowledged that those responsible for the BP store looting and attacks at Kilbourn Reservoir Park had mob-like characteristics.
"Clearly we had mob-like behavior in the incidents involving the robberies at Reservoir Park as well as the ransacking of the BP station. . . . Certainly we had elements of mob-like behavior that challenged us on July 3," Flynn said.
With an estimated 200,000 people watching the lakefront fireworks, which ended about 10:30 p.m. Sunday, there was heavy traffic in the area as people headed home and police were responding to fights.
The BP was overrun shortly before midnight, and minutes later the attacks occurred in the park. Several people seen on the BP station surveillance video may have been involved in the park beatings, Flynn said.
Two strong-arm robberies were investigated by police at the park, the first at 11:50 p.m. and the second, involving Perry, at 12:15 a.m. Three males - two 16-year-olds and one 18-year-old - were arrested in the first robbery. No arrests have been made in the attack on Perry.
Most of the 11 people who told the Journal Sentinel they were attacked or witnessed the attacks on their friends said that police did not take their complaints seriously. They each said police responded to the scene quickly and tended to the injured, but officers did not take statements from them and told them to leave the area.
"You've got 20-plus people giving eyewitness accounts. I'm very surprised that they said it wasn't a mob," said Mowrer.
Lange said he told an officer about the beatings but noticed the officer didn't write anything down or note his name. Bublitz tried to tell an officer that her three-speed bicycle had been stolen and that one of her friends was hurt but said the officer told her he was looking for evidence.
"About 20 of us stayed to give statements and make sure everyone was accounted for. The police wouldn't listen to us, they wouldn't take our names or statements. They told us to leave. It was completely infuriating," Bublitz said.
Jesse Garza of the Journal Sentinel staff contributed to this report
It is going to be a crazy summer, and next two years.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
To ID or Not to ID?
Since the advent of the Patriot Act you have to have two forms of identification (one of them has to be a government issued photo ID) to open a new bank account with your own money, but to vote in any election you don't have to provide any form of ID, much less any proof of voter registration. You just show up and vote, that is how dead people in Chicago, Memphis, Philadelphia, Detroit and other Democrat strongholds are voting in our elections. Until this changes and proof of ID and registration are required to vote, our system will continye to be flawed and 'un-fair'.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
GM CEO Wants Higher Gasoline Tax
Apparently the CEO of GM (Government Motors)Dan Akerson, wants the US government to increase the federal gasoline tax by $1.00 per gallon. Does he have any clue what that would do to American citizens struggling to get to work? With gas prices at near record high levels, an increase in the federal tax would severely strain the limited incomes of Americans trying to work and to provide food for their families. "In an interview published in Tuesday's Detroit News, Akerson floated the idea of a $1 a gallon increase in the gas tax as a way to encourage buyers to purchase smaller, more fuel efficient cars. Greg Martin, spokesman for GM's Washington office, confirmed that the quotes reflect Akerson's and GM's view." This twisted view of the world is due to the fact that GM's Volt is showing pathetic sales figures (never mind the Toyota's Prius is a high seller). So what we have is a political puppet of Obama in the CEO position of GM parrotting Obama's environmental wacko (i.e., Communist) agenda. These people are consistently trying to destroy our country.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Memorial Day
On this Memorial Day we need to reflect on the Americans who have fallen in order to protect our country and our way of life. Go out of your way to thank an active duty service member or veteran, they have stood on the line between our reletively safe lives and the anarchy of a savage world. May God bless the USA and her citizens and her citizen soldiers.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Play On Words...
Usually when looking for something on the Internet, something I am not looking for finds me, for example: A new patient dressed only in saran wrap enters the psychiatrist's office, the doctor looks up and says: "I can clearly see, you're nuts." Some days....
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
The American Police State
Like it or not the USA is rapidly becoming a police state to rival the old Soviet empire. With the US courts eliminating our Fourth Amendment rights, constant video taping, and police killing citizens we are looking more like one of the 'banana republics' we so like to make fun of. The 10th Circuit Court has issued over 200 'sneak and peek' search warrants, which enable law enforcement to enter your home or business, search through your belongings, and not inform you that the search ever happened, much less what they were searching for, this clearly violates the letter and spirit of the 4th Amendment. And in Indiana the courts were more blatant: Read this, from Indiana Supreme Court Justice Steven David: “A right to resist an unlawful police entry into a home is against public policy and is incompatible with modern Fourth Amendment jurisprudence. We also find that allowing resistance unnecessarily escalates the level of violence and therefore the risk of injuries to all parties involved without preventing the arrest.”
As one of the two dissenting judges wrote, the ruling “sweeps with far too broad a brush by essentially telling Indiana citizens that government agents may now enter their homes illegally – that is, without the necessity of a warrant, consent or exigent circumstances.”
And it gets worse:FEMA is preparing a list of farms and what they produce so that in 'case of emergency' they know where to come to confiscate (government jargon for stealing) the farmers crops.
Local police are regularly killing honest citizens: Detroit police shot and killed a seven-year-old girl during an early morning raid of a home on the city’s east side Sunday morning. The child, Aiyana Stanley Jones, was struck in the head and neck area while sleeping on a couch at the home on Lillibridge Street.
"Vanessa Guerena thought the gunman might be part of a home invasion -- especially because two members of her sister-in-law's family, Cynthia and Manny Orozco, were killed last year in their Tucson home, her lawyer, Chris Scileppi, said. She shouted for her husband in the next room, and he woke up and told his wife to hide in the closet with the child, Joel, 4.
SWAT officers fired at least 71 shots at suspect Jose Guerena, a former U.S. Marine, and a family struggles to put the pieces together. Guerena grabbed his assault rifle and was pointing it at the SWAT team, which was trying to serve a narcotics search warrant as part of a multi-house drug crackdown, when the team broke down the door. At first the Pima County Sheriff's Office said that Guerena fired first, but on Wednesday officials backtracked and said he had not. "The safety was on and he could not fire," according to the sheriff's statement."
DeAuntae Farrow, 12, who was shot twice by a West Memphis police officer just over a week ago was laid to rest over the weekend. The accused officer said Farrow was playing with a toy gun, which he mistook as real.
When Tony Arambula managed to corner an armed intruder in his son's bedroom he expected police to come to his aid.
Instead, a Phoenix police officer confused Arambula for the intruder and shot him six times before realizing his mistake, a moment captured on the 911 call with a simple "F**k."
Even after realizing their mistake, Arambula said he was treated roughly, being dragged out of the house and transported briefly on the hood of a police car.
Now Arambula, 35, who survived but faces a lifetime of pain, is suing the city of Phoenix and the officers who responded to his house that night.
The lawsuit, filed in Maricopa County Court, alleges that Phoenix Police Officer Brian Lilly and his on-scene supervisor, Sgt. Sean Coutts, quickly conspired to cover up the mistake, not realizing that 911 was still recording Arambula's call for help.
We the people have to know what is going on and hold the government accountable. We have to be responsible for governing ourselves, as our founders intended, or we will return to the tyranny our founders fought against. Now is the time for ballots, not bullets; for reason, not action; for preperation for when the wolves vote on what is for dinner.
As one of the two dissenting judges wrote, the ruling “sweeps with far too broad a brush by essentially telling Indiana citizens that government agents may now enter their homes illegally – that is, without the necessity of a warrant, consent or exigent circumstances.”
And it gets worse:FEMA is preparing a list of farms and what they produce so that in 'case of emergency' they know where to come to confiscate (government jargon for stealing) the farmers crops.
Local police are regularly killing honest citizens: Detroit police shot and killed a seven-year-old girl during an early morning raid of a home on the city’s east side Sunday morning. The child, Aiyana Stanley Jones, was struck in the head and neck area while sleeping on a couch at the home on Lillibridge Street.
"Vanessa Guerena thought the gunman might be part of a home invasion -- especially because two members of her sister-in-law's family, Cynthia and Manny Orozco, were killed last year in their Tucson home, her lawyer, Chris Scileppi, said. She shouted for her husband in the next room, and he woke up and told his wife to hide in the closet with the child, Joel, 4.
SWAT officers fired at least 71 shots at suspect Jose Guerena, a former U.S. Marine, and a family struggles to put the pieces together. Guerena grabbed his assault rifle and was pointing it at the SWAT team, which was trying to serve a narcotics search warrant as part of a multi-house drug crackdown, when the team broke down the door. At first the Pima County Sheriff's Office said that Guerena fired first, but on Wednesday officials backtracked and said he had not. "The safety was on and he could not fire," according to the sheriff's statement."
DeAuntae Farrow, 12, who was shot twice by a West Memphis police officer just over a week ago was laid to rest over the weekend. The accused officer said Farrow was playing with a toy gun, which he mistook as real.
When Tony Arambula managed to corner an armed intruder in his son's bedroom he expected police to come to his aid.
Instead, a Phoenix police officer confused Arambula for the intruder and shot him six times before realizing his mistake, a moment captured on the 911 call with a simple "F**k."
Even after realizing their mistake, Arambula said he was treated roughly, being dragged out of the house and transported briefly on the hood of a police car.
Now Arambula, 35, who survived but faces a lifetime of pain, is suing the city of Phoenix and the officers who responded to his house that night.
The lawsuit, filed in Maricopa County Court, alleges that Phoenix Police Officer Brian Lilly and his on-scene supervisor, Sgt. Sean Coutts, quickly conspired to cover up the mistake, not realizing that 911 was still recording Arambula's call for help.
We the people have to know what is going on and hold the government accountable. We have to be responsible for governing ourselves, as our founders intended, or we will return to the tyranny our founders fought against. Now is the time for ballots, not bullets; for reason, not action; for preperation for when the wolves vote on what is for dinner.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Obama Tells Israel to Return to Pre-1967 War Borders
Isn't that fascinating? History repeating itself, yet again. I am reminded of Chamberlain telling Czechoslovakia that they had to surrender the Sudetenland to Hitler to insure "Peace in our Time". We saw how well that worked out. Now Obama wants Israel to surrender all lands they gained when the Arabs attacked them in the various wars since 1967. Why would a US president want to undermine Israel in such a way? Why would any national leader want to undermine a key ally of so many years? I am assuming that since Obama's speech in Texas, USA, that he would want the US to return to the borders we had with Mexico in 1846. The last two speeches of the 'President' would encourage the extremists of the middle east to intensify their attacks on Israel and would encourage the criminal cartels running Mexico to increase their illegal smuggling of drugs and people (513 illegals caught in two tractor trailer trucks bound for the US). Both situations are bad for the US and its honest citizens and this US government seems to be dead set on undermining our allies and our country. Obama, born to spread the misery.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Bad Politicians on Both Sides of Border
Get ready, Cinco de Mayo is coming and all the usual suspects will be out praising the illegals here in the USA. One thing that the USA and Mexico has in common is that both have bone headed politicians, for example, Mexican opposition senators are proposing legislation to ... fight drug cartels? introduce a bill of rights for their people? No.... try to draw more industry to their impoverished nation? No.....The legislation they are proposing is to ban bullfighting.... With all the critical issues facing Mexico, these animal rights wackos are concerned with bullfighting. Sounds like some of our loopy legislation, doesn't it? Maybe they are counting on Obama to grant amnesty to all illegals in exchange for voting democrat and the entire population will go north so they can be left to love their bulls in private. Who knows, sounds like San Francisco to me. But seriously, make sure you fly the flag of the USA on May 5, 2011, here, in the USA.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Example of Obama's Financial Mismanagement
Dismissing concerns over possible links between Libyan rebels and al Qaeda, the Obama administration has notified Congress it is providing $25 million in nonlethal aid to the rebels’ effort to drive Col. Moammar Gadhafi’s regime from power.
First, it is the congress which appropriates and distributes funds, according to the Constitution, not the president.
Second, Obama's own "intelligence" services indicate that al Qaeda is highly involved with Libyan rebels.
Third, we cannot afford to give any money to any foreign group, period.
I know that the US governments at all levels waste huge amounts of taxpayer money, which reinforces the fact that we cannot afford to give money to any one overseas. I mean, get real, Workforce Central Florida spent more than $14,000 on the red capes as part of its "Cape-A-Bility Challenge" public relations campaign. The campaign featured a cartoon character, "Dr. Evil Unemployment," who needs to be vanquished. Is that not ridiculous? And that is just one example, this goes on all over the country, and no one is held responsible, and with the president being so willing to give away hard earned tax dollars, what deters other government officials from wasting money? Especially since 45% of US households do not pay any federal income tax. As one of the tax payers, I say it is past time to call in our elected officials and cut their budgets back. Cut their salaries, cut their benefits, eliminate their travel expenses, for example, Al Kamen reported Tuesday, April 19:
"If it’s Passover, it must be Hong Kong. If it’s Easter, it must be Beijing. If it’s spring break, it must be a week-long jaunt by a large Senate delegation to China, led by Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.).Ten senators, coming off a tough legislative session, plus spouses, staffers and military escorts, landed in the Middle Kingdom on Monday to begin a fine tour to Hong Kong, Chengdu, Xian and Beijing. The Senate news release calls it an “informational trip throughout China,” which Loop Fans know is a tip-off that this is going to be an excellent time." This is all done at taxpayer expense. We have to get control of our free spending elected officials and take away the charge card. Let's start with Obama and keep him from giving away tax dollars to people overseas.
First, it is the congress which appropriates and distributes funds, according to the Constitution, not the president.
Second, Obama's own "intelligence" services indicate that al Qaeda is highly involved with Libyan rebels.
Third, we cannot afford to give any money to any foreign group, period.
I know that the US governments at all levels waste huge amounts of taxpayer money, which reinforces the fact that we cannot afford to give money to any one overseas. I mean, get real, Workforce Central Florida spent more than $14,000 on the red capes as part of its "Cape-A-Bility Challenge" public relations campaign. The campaign featured a cartoon character, "Dr. Evil Unemployment," who needs to be vanquished. Is that not ridiculous? And that is just one example, this goes on all over the country, and no one is held responsible, and with the president being so willing to give away hard earned tax dollars, what deters other government officials from wasting money? Especially since 45% of US households do not pay any federal income tax. As one of the tax payers, I say it is past time to call in our elected officials and cut their budgets back. Cut their salaries, cut their benefits, eliminate their travel expenses, for example, Al Kamen reported Tuesday, April 19:
"If it’s Passover, it must be Hong Kong. If it’s Easter, it must be Beijing. If it’s spring break, it must be a week-long jaunt by a large Senate delegation to China, led by Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.).Ten senators, coming off a tough legislative session, plus spouses, staffers and military escorts, landed in the Middle Kingdom on Monday to begin a fine tour to Hong Kong, Chengdu, Xian and Beijing. The Senate news release calls it an “informational trip throughout China,” which Loop Fans know is a tip-off that this is going to be an excellent time." This is all done at taxpayer expense. We have to get control of our free spending elected officials and take away the charge card. Let's start with Obama and keep him from giving away tax dollars to people overseas.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Contact BATFE About Import Shotgun Ban
This is copied from the NRA-ILA:
Friday, April 08, 2011
As we reported on Jan. 28, May 1 is the deadline for public comments concerning a shotgun importation ban that has been proposed by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. A working group within the BATFE has recommended that any shotgun (semi-automatic, pump-action or any other) that has any one of 10 specific features should be banned from importation, on the grounds that such shotguns are not “generally recognized as particularly suitable for a readily adaptable to sporting purposes.”
The features in question are a folding, telescoping, or collapsible stock; a magazine of over five rounds or a drum magazine; a flash suppressor or a muzzle brake that also suppresses flash; an integrated rail system other than on top of the receiver or barrel; a light enhancing device; a forward pistol grip or similar protruding part; an “excessive” weight of over 10 pounds; an “excessive bulk” of over three inches width and/or over four inches depth; a bayonet lug; or “a grenade-launcher mount.”
The working group considers “sporting purposes” to be limited to hunting, skeet, trap and sporting clays, but not to include practical shotgun matches or recreational target shooting. To have considered practical matches, the working group said, could have led to conclusions that would undercut the BATFE’s 1989 and 1998 bans on the importation of semi-automatic rifles, and its 1993 ban on the importation of various semi-automatic pistols. The working group also indicated a reluctance to accept practical matches because they test defensive firearm skills, which the working group believes are of military and police orientation.
Since the law conditions a firearm’s ability to be imported on whether it is “generally recognized” as meeting the law’s sporting purpose test, it is important that the BATFE hear from members of the general public. Particularly relevant will be the comments of people who use shotguns equipped with one or more of the features for hunting or any form of competitive or recreational target shooting, and people who adapt such shotguns to a sporting purpose by simple modifications, such as attaching or removing a flashlight, attaching or removing a forward grip, or installing or removing a magazine extension or magazine plug.
Comments to the BATFE may be submitted by e-mail to, or by fax to (202) 648-9601, and must be received by May 1, 2011. Faxed comments may not exceed 5 pages. All comments must include name and mailing address.
If you believe in the Second Amendment and that the government, especially the BATFE, is out of control, send your comments, politely and factually, to the email address in the article. Thanks!
Friday, April 08, 2011
As we reported on Jan. 28, May 1 is the deadline for public comments concerning a shotgun importation ban that has been proposed by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. A working group within the BATFE has recommended that any shotgun (semi-automatic, pump-action or any other) that has any one of 10 specific features should be banned from importation, on the grounds that such shotguns are not “generally recognized as particularly suitable for a readily adaptable to sporting purposes.”
The features in question are a folding, telescoping, or collapsible stock; a magazine of over five rounds or a drum magazine; a flash suppressor or a muzzle brake that also suppresses flash; an integrated rail system other than on top of the receiver or barrel; a light enhancing device; a forward pistol grip or similar protruding part; an “excessive” weight of over 10 pounds; an “excessive bulk” of over three inches width and/or over four inches depth; a bayonet lug; or “a grenade-launcher mount.”
The working group considers “sporting purposes” to be limited to hunting, skeet, trap and sporting clays, but not to include practical shotgun matches or recreational target shooting. To have considered practical matches, the working group said, could have led to conclusions that would undercut the BATFE’s 1989 and 1998 bans on the importation of semi-automatic rifles, and its 1993 ban on the importation of various semi-automatic pistols. The working group also indicated a reluctance to accept practical matches because they test defensive firearm skills, which the working group believes are of military and police orientation.
Since the law conditions a firearm’s ability to be imported on whether it is “generally recognized” as meeting the law’s sporting purpose test, it is important that the BATFE hear from members of the general public. Particularly relevant will be the comments of people who use shotguns equipped with one or more of the features for hunting or any form of competitive or recreational target shooting, and people who adapt such shotguns to a sporting purpose by simple modifications, such as attaching or removing a flashlight, attaching or removing a forward grip, or installing or removing a magazine extension or magazine plug.
Comments to the BATFE may be submitted by e-mail to, or by fax to (202) 648-9601, and must be received by May 1, 2011. Faxed comments may not exceed 5 pages. All comments must include name and mailing address.
If you believe in the Second Amendment and that the government, especially the BATFE, is out of control, send your comments, politely and factually, to the email address in the article. Thanks!
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Planned Parenthood, Again!
Dammit, the republicans are shooting themselves in the foot again, and are shooting the American people and our country, as well. With all the wasteful spending that Congress gets away with, what makes the headlines? Republicans are holding up the entire budget agreement because of Planned Parenthood. You morons! Do you have no political acumen? Hold up the budget on any of the issues that matter: welfare, misplaced defense spending, bridges to nowhere, wall street bail outs, government takeover of industry and business, illegal aliens getting government benefits, anything but abortion. If you want to be turned out in 2012 like the democrats were in 2010, keep talking about abortion, if you want a chance of gaining more strength in government at all levels, leave it alone.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Sen Graham Proposes Limiting the First Amendment?
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R) SC has proposed limiting the First Amendment. Now if that doesn't qualify for a Tea Party challenge in his next election, I don't know what does. He is proposing this in response to the violence triggered by the burning of a Koran by a FL pastor. Personally, I think de-facing any religious book or artifact is purely stupid, but if you buy something and then decide to burn it on your property, that is your right. It is your property. And you then live with the consequences. If a mob of angry Afghans killed one of my relatives because you burned a Koran, I might take serious issue with you, but that's just me. I think that the religious leaders of the world need to stick to that, religion, and leave government administration to others, or do not try to force your opinion on others. That brings us back to the First Amendment. Of all people, Graham is using FDR as reference for censorship. Absurd. Next he will be endorsing the New Deal. The First Amendment is unique to the USA, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." This protects unpopular speech and protects religion from government interference. This is freedom of religion, not freedom from religion. And Sen. Graham has been in Washington, DC for too long if he advocates abridging this sacred right. I hope the good people of SC will replace him with a good Tea Party candidate.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Shutting Down the Feds is a Bad Thing, Why?
Ok, so the federal government may shut down if they can't agree on a budget. That is a bad thing, why? If the feds are shut down, they can't do any more damage. They won't have the money to send Marines from Camp Lajeune to Libya, which they shouldn't do any way, they won't have the money to oppose states which are trying to enforce the laws, they won't have money for homosexuality sensitivity training. You see, no problem...I understand the gravity of the situation, but can't resist a little sarcasm. And the democrats, instead of cutting spending, are trying to blame the Tea Party for 'stalling' by not agreeing to keep spending tax payer dollars for welfare cell phones and bridges to nowhere, and for 'art' exhibits of crucifixes in jars of urine. (Try doing that with a Koran and see what happens.) Maybe if the congressmen had to buy their own bottled water or pay their parking tickets we could get them to cut the budget. I have had to cut my budget and sell some stuff off as well. So keep up the pressure on Congress to cut spending because, if you are like me, you can't afford higher taxes and that is the only alternative to cutting spending.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Enforce the Laws on the Books
President Obama has once again brought up the issue of immigration reform, but he did it on Spanish-language Univision TV Tuesday in El Salvador. Obama does not want "immigration reform", he wants to be the president who gives amnesty to millions of foreign nationals who have broken US law upon entry into the US, and many have continued their criminal career while here. This is the president who refuses to enforce US law repeatedly, but repeatedly tells the world how bad the US is. This is the president who is embarassed by the fact that so few Americans speak a foreign language, when he himself does not speak a foreign language. Get the point? We need to secure our borders and deport the illegals and once that is done we can look at any other issues. First, stop the bleeding, then move on....
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
NYC Mayor Bloomberg's Police Run and Hide
NYC's Mayor Bloomberg's are quite capable of going into other jurisdictions and harassing honest citizens with their gun buying "stings", but when faced with a criminal attacking an honest citizen on his way to work in NYC they run and hide. Case in point,when Joseph Lozito was attacked in a subway car, "...two police officers who were aboard the subway car where the attack occurred locked themselves into the safe confines of the conductor’s cabin..." "Lozito said he grappled with Gelman for minutes before police acted. The fight left him with multiple stab wounds and he was spraying blood, he said. He was rushed to Bellevue Hospital where his wounds were treated. 'I thought I was going to die,' he said. 'I didn’t know a human body had so much blood.'”
So, if you want to be confronted by NYC's finest, go to a gun show in your state and if you want to safely commit a crime, go to NYC.
So, if you want to be confronted by NYC's finest, go to a gun show in your state and if you want to safely commit a crime, go to NYC.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Three Cheers, Not for Obama Regime
I hate to admit this, but I have been overwhelmed. The Obama regime and its syncophants who revolve around its axis of evil, have been doing so much to undermine, weaken, and essentially destroy this country that I have not had a clue where to start to comment. So...when I read an encouraging article from "across the pond" I decided to commment on that. British Prime Minister David Cameron has pulled the financial plug entirely on four U.N. agencies at the end of next year. Excellent!!! A British politician has found his intestinal fortitude and is de-financing the corrupt and ineffiecient UN. Pray to God that we have some politicians who can emulate him. This man is more like the men who built a mighty nation, un-like the politicians who are steadily weakening the west, and needs our support. The UN is a festering slum where the likes of Qaddafi, Mubarak, Communist China, North Korea, and Zimbabwe's Mugabe all have the same vote as Switzerland, France, the UK, Germany, and the USA. That is a farce. It is like Al Capone being mayor of Chicago, oh we have had that for decades. But you see what I mean? It is time to de-fund the UN and kick it out of the US.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Republicans for Amnesty?
Rumor has it that DC senior republicans are pressuring the freshmen, elected to force Washington to change and to adhere to the Constitution, to back off on the illegal immigration issue. They are afraid of enforcing our laws and don't want to "offend" latino voters. Hogwash. The republicans need to be shook up and reminded that this is the United States of America, not the United States of Mexico or anything else. The republicans have as much blame for the mess we are in as the democrats, and they have talked the talk of turning the country around. Now, they must walk the walk or they too will be sent packing.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Time to De-fund NPR and PBS
NPR-PBS are long over due to be placed in the mix of competing broadcast media. For tax dollars to support any business is to give it unfair advantage over its competition. And when the substance of the business is blatantly hostile to the American way of life and history, it should receive no tax funding, at all. The first amendment allows for unpopular speech, it does not require taxpayers to fund unpopular speech.
On NPR-PBS there is no room for disagreement with the script, as Juan Williams found out. He expressed an honest feeling, normally something NPR-PBS is ok with, except that it disagreed with the party line and for this, the long time celebrated liberal commentator is fired. As with many things which begin with the best intentions, NPR-PBS have become at best a burden and at worst a voice of treason. It is long past time to stop pouring good money after bad. There are some good programs on these channels but the damage they do far out weigh the good and it is time for us to contact our representatives and encourage them to stop funding this agency.
On NPR-PBS there is no room for disagreement with the script, as Juan Williams found out. He expressed an honest feeling, normally something NPR-PBS is ok with, except that it disagreed with the party line and for this, the long time celebrated liberal commentator is fired. As with many things which begin with the best intentions, NPR-PBS have become at best a burden and at worst a voice of treason. It is long past time to stop pouring good money after bad. There are some good programs on these channels but the damage they do far out weigh the good and it is time for us to contact our representatives and encourage them to stop funding this agency.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Americans Die as Government Encourages Domestic Spying
Ironically, as Dept of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano encourages Americans to spy upon each other in forced adds at check out aisles, Americans are being killed by criminals at home and abroad, and Mexican military units violate US soil. ICE agents were shot in Mexico after being stopped at an "army" checkpoint, one of them was killed. Two American teenagers were killed while buying a car just south of the border. Last March two Americans were killed after leaving a children's' party in Mexico, and the list goes on and on. Meanwhile on our side of the border, Mexican soldiers, vehicles, and aircraft violate our territory at an increasing rate.Just this week heavily armed Mexican army troops stopped an American vehicle, on American soil and search it then return back into Mexico. All of this on film. In March a Mexican Navy helicopter with armed troops hovered over homes in the Texas town in Zapata County. This was one of three recorded incursions of American airspace by Mexico just last year. In January this year shots were fired at highway workers east of Fort Hancock,TX by a man on the Mexican side of the border. Also, domestically, more and more illegal aliens are committing more and more violent crimes: 3 illegal aliens murdered 15 year old Brenda Arenas in Arizona, Jose Oswaldo Reyes Alfaro, an illegal immigrant who was ordered deported to El Salvador a decade ago but never left was charged with three murders in Virginia. And these are only two examples, all of this and "Big Sis" wants Americans to spy on each other because "domestic" terrorists pose a bigger threat to America than the muslim extremists who are rampaging all over the globe. Did I mention the group of muslims who beat a good Samaritan in Minnesota with baseball bats and left him for dead or the Iranian book found near our southern border, "In Memory of Our Martyrs"? And the US government feels that you and I are a bigger threat to our country? Or are we a bigger threat to their positions of dominance?
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Disease and Starvation, Continued
Since I kind of stopped in the middle of nowhere I thought I should at least stay on topic. In addition to bleach, iodine also can be used as a water purifier. In the "old days", Army water purification tablets were made of iodine combined with other chemicals. Tincture of iodine will need 5 drops per quart to disinfect water for drinking. Remember shake it up and let it sit for 30 min before drinking. Boiling is the most effective method for killing disease causing organisms then follow up with the chemicals for safety sake. There is a lot of information and a lot of supplies available now, after you need them, they may not be accessible. Hiking, camping, and surplus stores all carry water purification tablets and water filters and I recommend that you keep some on hand. They serve great in an emergency, take up little space and can be stored in each of your vehicles. There are filters from individual servings of water to "base camp" hikers filters that will filter 2.6 gallons of water in 20 minutes. Look, compare prices, and buy now, because we don't know about tomorrow. Don't just buy supplies and stick them in the closet waiting for the next yard sale, learn to use these tools because you may need them to save your life. After water, we need food to survive, and we have all seen the videos of the desperation of New Orleans after Katrina. We do not want to be in similar videos. More next time.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Disease and Starvation
I know that I am preaching to the choir, but here goes anyway. The fun part of being prepared for disaster is the acquisition of equipment and training with it. Reality rears its ugly head when we look at history and realize that more people die from disease and starvation than from enemy weapons. We in the US have had it relatively easy in this area. That is part of what angers us about the flow of illegal aliens into our country. These criminals bring with them diseases and parasites that had been eradicated in the US. The hygiene standard in the rest of the world is not as high as it is here. Also, whenever there is a natural disaster of any scale in the US (Katrina, the Nashville flood, or the current blizzard situations) mass disease breakout is almost non-existent. In Haiti repeated and varied disease epidemics have swept through the population since the earthquake. That is typical for the third world. That is what Obama and the democrats want to bring to our shores.
So, to prepare for disease is not "sexy" but it is necessary. Once the initial chaos of a disaster has passed, be it natural or man made, the traumatic death rate will slow down, but it is in that period that diseases will begin to spread. Clean water is an absolute necessity. It is estimated that each person in urban areas uses 31 gallons of water per day, drinking and hygiene. FEMA estimates that you should have 1 - 2 gallons of drinking water per person per day for emergencies. That is a lot of water to have sitting around. And what do you do when that water runs out? You have to be able to purify the water available to you. That is where bleach comes in, add 2 drops of bleach to 1 quart canteen of clear water (3 drops for cloudy water), shake it up and let sit for 30 minutes. It won't taste great, but it is safe. Bleach is also a good disinfectant for cleaning medical tools and for food preparation. Boiling water also kills bacteria which causes disease. Rubbing alcohol is a good disinfectant and good for cleaning skin surfaces around wounds. Hydrogen peroxide is good for cleaning out wounds, and all wounds will have to be treated. If a small cut or splinter gets infected then your chances for survival, depending upon the crises, are reduced. Band aids are going to be at a premium as are all medical supplies. Having a supply of multivitamins on hand will supplement your diet and help ward off disease. All prescription meds you must have will have to be stored so that you can survive. We have not had a major outbreak of disease in the US in decades so our immune system is not prepared for it. We have to prepare not only for the criminals who will directly try to take what is ours, but for the diseases which will follow. A strict regime of washing clothing and bedding will have to be followed, as well as healthy food preparation. You may joke about this, but that is what finally stopped the flu pandemic of 1917-1918 and what has kept the US from any other such diseases since then. Hygiene, personal and community, is the key to a healthy society, and to surviving when everything else fails. We must be prepared to provide our own security, weapons, and our own sanitation, protection from disease. Knowledge is strength. Or as an old poster stated: "Your mind is your primary weapon."
So, to prepare for disease is not "sexy" but it is necessary. Once the initial chaos of a disaster has passed, be it natural or man made, the traumatic death rate will slow down, but it is in that period that diseases will begin to spread. Clean water is an absolute necessity. It is estimated that each person in urban areas uses 31 gallons of water per day, drinking and hygiene. FEMA estimates that you should have 1 - 2 gallons of drinking water per person per day for emergencies. That is a lot of water to have sitting around. And what do you do when that water runs out? You have to be able to purify the water available to you. That is where bleach comes in, add 2 drops of bleach to 1 quart canteen of clear water (3 drops for cloudy water), shake it up and let sit for 30 minutes. It won't taste great, but it is safe. Bleach is also a good disinfectant for cleaning medical tools and for food preparation. Boiling water also kills bacteria which causes disease. Rubbing alcohol is a good disinfectant and good for cleaning skin surfaces around wounds. Hydrogen peroxide is good for cleaning out wounds, and all wounds will have to be treated. If a small cut or splinter gets infected then your chances for survival, depending upon the crises, are reduced. Band aids are going to be at a premium as are all medical supplies. Having a supply of multivitamins on hand will supplement your diet and help ward off disease. All prescription meds you must have will have to be stored so that you can survive. We have not had a major outbreak of disease in the US in decades so our immune system is not prepared for it. We have to prepare not only for the criminals who will directly try to take what is ours, but for the diseases which will follow. A strict regime of washing clothing and bedding will have to be followed, as well as healthy food preparation. You may joke about this, but that is what finally stopped the flu pandemic of 1917-1918 and what has kept the US from any other such diseases since then. Hygiene, personal and community, is the key to a healthy society, and to surviving when everything else fails. We must be prepared to provide our own security, weapons, and our own sanitation, protection from disease. Knowledge is strength. Or as an old poster stated: "Your mind is your primary weapon."
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
NYC Mayor Guilty of Criminal Intent?
It seems that NYC Mayor Bloomberg is breaking the law by using "straw" buyers to purchase guns in other states. Most recently people working for the mayor were in Arizona at a gun show to conduct a "sting" of gun purchases. One, it is illegal to purchase firearms through a third party, secondly it is a crime to purchase a firearm for another person. Both of these are regarding a licensed firearms dealer, but it is no one's business for a private citizen to sell their legally owned property. If Mayor Bloomberg's employees bought guns from licensed dealers for Mayor Bloomberg with Mayor Bloomberg's money then shouldn't they all be arrested by the BATFE for violations of the law? Next, why does Bloomberg think he has the authority to do anything in another jurisdiction? Just because he bent NYC law to remain mayor does not mean that he is the dictator of anything outside the 5 boroughs of NYC.
Democratic Presidents and the Loss of Civilization
Ok, maybe the title is a little over the top, but look at what I am saying. Our strongest Arab ally in the Middle East was Iran and the Shah of Iran. When Carter was president he used the influence of the President's office to force the Shah to allow the return to Iran of the Ayatollah Khomeini. Then came the exile of the Shah and the Islamic Revolution, including the capture of the US Embassy in Tehran. I was serving in the army at that time and felt sure that we would rescue our hostages, but Carter did nothing. Then it came out that Washington had ordered the Marines to not defend the embassy, their purpose for being there. Fast forward to the 1990's and Clinton ordering the bombing of Serbs in defense of the radical muslims in what was Yugoslavia. Remember that it was the Serbs in WWII who helped rescue US Airmen who were shot down over enemy territory. It was the muslims who were fighting alongside the Nazis and trying to kill Americans. And now we have Obama who watches as our longtime ally, Egypt, is swept in violence and revolution led by the same radical muslim ideology that held Americans hostage for over year (in complete violation of the Geneva Convention, by the way, not that anyone but the US abides by that _____ piece of paper). Do you see the connection? It may be wierd coincidence but...
Monday, January 24, 2011
Media Anti-Military Bias
I watched thenews report of the 25th anniversary of the Challenger explosion on the news and thought to myself. I remembered that day and I remembered another just one month prior, Dec 12, 1985. 248 soldiers of the 101st Airborne Division were on board a plane bound for home. They had served 6 months in the Sinai Penisula as part of the UN's peacekeeping force between Israel and Egypt and were going home for Christmas. The plane crashed near Gander, Canada with no survivors. 248 soldiers' families received the worst news a family could imagine that day, and 25 years later only Fort Campbell and Gander seem to remember. I heard nothing on the main media, no coverage of the annual memorial at Fort Campbell, no interviews with family or friends of any of the 248 soldiers and 8 air crew members who died. I do not belittle the service of our astronauts, but I also honor the service of our soldiers. May they all rest in peace and their families be comforted that their loved ones are remembered and cherished by a grateful country, even if not by the news media.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Things the American People Need to Force the Government to Do
1. Evict the UN from the USA and stop paying any tax dollars for any UN projects or administration, then sell the UN facilities for commercial use.
2. Stop all foreign aid; we cannot pay our own bills, why are we paying everyone else’s?
3. Bring our troops and equipment back from overseas. We have done what we can in Iraq, Germany, Japan, Korea, and other parts of the world.
4. Deploy our troops along the southern border, and while they are there have them install triple strand concertina wire, mine fields, tangle foot and pungi stakes. Have hardened border crossing funnels to let illegals return to Mexico, and control who is allowed into the USA.
5. Naval forces would join the Coast Guard in patrolling the Pacific and Atlantic coasts, the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea.
6. Once the border is secure, give illegals one month to voluntarily exit with their belongings, after the one month any illegal found in the US will be taken to border crossing with one set of clothing, all other processions are then forfeit.
7. Once illegals in US prisons finish their prison term, return them to their country of origin.
8. Convicted murderers, rapists, and smugglers currently in prison are to be executed, hung by the neck until dead.
9. End “disability” payments to people for alcoholism and drug dependency.
10. Insurance companies should not have to pay for medical treatment for sexually transmitted diseases.
11. Corporations which have closed factories in the USA and reopened them in foreign countries will be heavily and punitively taxed and their products imported into the USA will have a heavy tariff. When these factories return and employ US citizens these taxes will be removed.
12. Corporate and income taxes will be no higher than 10%.
13. Eliminate inheritance taxes.
14. City residences should not have to pay county taxes.
15. Put a 5 year freeze on immigration, with the exception of foreign born spouses of military personnel.
16. After 5 years return to the pre-Kennedy Immigration Reform requirements for immigration.
17. Stop funding NPR and PBS, let them compete in the marketplace.
18. Return education control to local school boards and, emphasize what is great about America.
19. Remove any one who is able to work from welfare rolls, and charge rent for “public housing”.
20. Any un-wed mother on welfare who gets pregnant a second time loses benefits; there are too many ways to prevent pregnancy.
2. Stop all foreign aid; we cannot pay our own bills, why are we paying everyone else’s?
3. Bring our troops and equipment back from overseas. We have done what we can in Iraq, Germany, Japan, Korea, and other parts of the world.
4. Deploy our troops along the southern border, and while they are there have them install triple strand concertina wire, mine fields, tangle foot and pungi stakes. Have hardened border crossing funnels to let illegals return to Mexico, and control who is allowed into the USA.
5. Naval forces would join the Coast Guard in patrolling the Pacific and Atlantic coasts, the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea.
6. Once the border is secure, give illegals one month to voluntarily exit with their belongings, after the one month any illegal found in the US will be taken to border crossing with one set of clothing, all other processions are then forfeit.
7. Once illegals in US prisons finish their prison term, return them to their country of origin.
8. Convicted murderers, rapists, and smugglers currently in prison are to be executed, hung by the neck until dead.
9. End “disability” payments to people for alcoholism and drug dependency.
10. Insurance companies should not have to pay for medical treatment for sexually transmitted diseases.
11. Corporations which have closed factories in the USA and reopened them in foreign countries will be heavily and punitively taxed and their products imported into the USA will have a heavy tariff. When these factories return and employ US citizens these taxes will be removed.
12. Corporate and income taxes will be no higher than 10%.
13. Eliminate inheritance taxes.
14. City residences should not have to pay county taxes.
15. Put a 5 year freeze on immigration, with the exception of foreign born spouses of military personnel.
16. After 5 years return to the pre-Kennedy Immigration Reform requirements for immigration.
17. Stop funding NPR and PBS, let them compete in the marketplace.
18. Return education control to local school boards and, emphasize what is great about America.
19. Remove any one who is able to work from welfare rolls, and charge rent for “public housing”.
20. Any un-wed mother on welfare who gets pregnant a second time loses benefits; there are too many ways to prevent pregnancy.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
The Tucson Blame Game
To blame conservative personalities and politicians for the Tucson shooting is as absurd as blaming vandalism on popular music, i.e., the Glee TV program has a song out "I Bust the Windows Out Your Car" does that mean whenever there is vandalism that the songwriter is to blame? What about the performer, or the recording studio, or the TV stations for broadcasting the performance of the song? Ridiculous? That is what the politicians and media is trying to do in regards to the Tucson shooting. Starting with the local Sheriff, Pima County Sheriff, Clarence Dupnik (D), politicians have been trying to squelch free speech that disagrees with the current administration and direction the country is being driven. They are saying that the "vitriolic" atmosphere caused this criminal to shoot these people, while people who know the criminal say that he was anti-politics and a pot head, and that his downward spiral began with his being romantically rejected in high school. In a panic politicians are trying to pass more laws, restricting honest citizens more, instead of enforcing the laws that exist.
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