Sunday, February 4, 2007

War on Terror?

How are U.S. citizens supposed to take the "War On Terror" seriously when the only thing the government does is to send U.S. sons and daughters to Iraq to be slaughtered thousands of miles from home? This same government proclaims the seriousness of the "War On Terror" but does NOTHING to secure our borders. The borders are wide open to whomever might want to stroll across. Carrying whatever they would like. The actual people to "work" bring communicable diseases that were nearly wiped out in this country. Others bring illegal drugs for the 'benefit' of the U.S. economy. Still more, an example in Memphis, TN comes to mind, bring children in to be prostitutes. Truly, an ambitious people. Others bring weapons. Of the thousands who come in daily only a few are caught. What are the rest bringing in? What has already been brought in? If only 1% are violent criminals that is too many(30% of prisoners in federal prisons are illegals who have committed felonies in the U.S.). If only 1% are terrorists, again that is too many. And what does our government do? Harass Canadian tourists trying to come to the U.S. legally, on vacation, intending to return to Canada to their families, and jobs. Makes sense.... Then there is the tunnel flap. Tunnels from Mexico into the U.S., large, well built, electric lighting, ventilation - do we fill them in? NO. Do we demolish them? NO. Do we monitor them? NO. do we "do" anything? Not really. And when Border Patrol agents engage in gunfire with illegals smuggling drugs, what does the U.S. government do? Give immunity to the drug smuggler and imprison the Border Patrol agents. Your tax dollars at work. You might want to buy a Spanish-English koran the way the U.S. government is handling things.

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