Monday, January 28, 2008

The Golden Rule

"The golden rule of history, those who have the weapons make the rules."

A Healthy Taste for Crow

Well, well now don’t I like the taste of crow! Ted Kennedy actually endorsed Obama after all this time. Why? And why now? With Super Tuesday just days away and Obama having won a tremendous victory in SC, why would Teddy choose this moment to give an endorsement? The democratic ‘powers that be’ know that Ted is a liability, which is why he played second fiddle to John’s daughter. Why allow a dead weight to attach itself to a rising star? Possibly to intentionally slow the ascent of a newcomer whose turn has not come yet? “Conspiracy Theory!” Yes, but taking into account the people we are dealing with that is not far off the mark. It would be kind of like the Gambino, Gotti, and Bonano families having a picnic, no one would think they were discussing charity work, everyone would think “crime syndicate”. It’s the same with this group of politicos, Ted is a liability and the powers that be have tapped Hillary to be #1 on the ticket, so… have Ted endorse Obama. There is enough disgust for Ted to cause disaffected republicans, independents, and moderate democrats who would vote for Obama to think twice and, at worst, just not vote in the primary. That being the case, mission accomplished. Then once the Clinton/Obama ticket is announced at the convention, Ted can be relegated to Massachusetts in case Romney wins for the republicans. If by some twist of fate Obama were to indisputably win the nomination, he had better not pick Clinton to be the running mate. He would probably end up like Vince Foster, or John Kennedy. "Bubble, bubble toil and trouble,
Fires burn and cauldrons bubble"

Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Kennedy Effect

It is interesting to see that all of the democratic candidates have kept Ted Kennedy at arms length. They well know that Ted Kennedy is not John Kennedy. John Kennedy is held in high esteem even by many republicans. Ted Kennedy is a stinking albatross around the neck of the Democratic Party. Not that they disagree with him, he is just a tremendous liability on many points: Ted Kennedy was a strong supporter of the 1965 Hart-Celler Act — signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson — which dramatically changed US immigration policy.[17] "The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants. It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society. It will not relax the standards of admission. It will not cause American workers to lose their jobs." (We all know that was a bust.) Add Chappaquiddick 1969, losing his bid to unseat Carter for the 1980 nomination, being a divorced Catholic, and the McCain-Kennedy bill which would further erode our nationality. There have also been repeated Kennedy family alcohol and drug abuse stories in the headlines. Not to mention stories of abuse of women by the Kennedy’s. It is no wonder that he is “neutral” in the primary. There is simply too much baggage for the candidates, none of who want or need his “endorsement”. Ted is a pathetic, though still dangerous, shadow of the Kennedy legacy. His only play in the 2008 campaign would be if Romney were to win the republican nomination. And then it will be a very limited play. Can you say damage prevention?


Are you disgusted with the democrats?
Are you repulsed by the republicans?
Do you want to make them both as mad as they make you?
Vote for Ron Paul, if only to make both parties look as foolish as they act.
Vote for Ron Paul because he makes both democrats and republicans mad.
Vote for Ron Paul for the hell of it, look at all the other clowns running for president, do you WANT to vote for any of them?
Why vote for Ron Paul, why not?

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Only One Question

I only have one question: Where is the global warming that Al Gore keeps talking about? I'm freezing my butt off. It was 20 degrees F. in Miami and the orange crop is in danger of being ruined. Where is global warming when you need it? If it gets hot, global warming. If it gets cold, global warming. If there is no change, global warming. Give me a break, Al Gore is the P.T. Barnum of the 21st century, "There's a sucker born every minute." Although, Barnum actually never said this quote, he never denied it either. Al has never said it, but evidence proves his hoax is as rich as Barnum's.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A Few Good Elected Officials

It is good to know that we have a few elected officials who are looking out for the American citizens. Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma is a fanatic about wasteful spending of our tax dollars, and has been able to put a ‘hold’ on many unnecessary spending proposals, much to the chagrin of republicans and democrats alike. Sen. Mike Crapo of Idaho is pushing for affirmation of the Second Amendment in National Parks and U.S. Fish and Wildlife managed lands. Current regulations forbid American citizens from transporting or carrying their firearms on these lands. He has sent a letter to the Interior Secretary requesting that these prohibitions be removed. Currently 46 other senators have signed on to this letter, to find out if your senator has supported Sen. Crapo or to encourage your senator to do so call, (202)224-3121, the U.S. Congress switchboard, ask for your senator and let them know where you stand. You could also log onto their web site and email them. There are many examples of murders of defenseless victims by predatory people in remote areas, a recent example is the hiker murdered in Georgia. There have also been numerous attacks on humans by mountain lions and grizzly and black bears. These include fatalities by black bears down in Tennessee. These are two of our elected officials who put the citizens and The Constitution ahead of party politics. Let’s begin holding the rest to the same standard.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Reviewing Bill O'Reilly

On reading Bill O’Reilly”s article about there being five political parties running, I find a few points of disagreement. O’Reilly stated that Sen. Clinton is the standard bearer for “the old party line” and that only Sen. Obama and Sen. Edwards are finding support in the leftist extreme of the Democratic Party. All three are leftist extremists, it is just that Sen. Clinton has the national political organization of former Pres. Clinton to call upon. That is a huge asset that cannot be underestimated. Sen. Clinton has taken a page from the Clinton playbook of sounding moderate to draw in mainstream democrats, independents, and disgruntled republicans, then move back to the extreme left where she actually has her ideological home. One point that I agree with is that it will be a Clinton/Obama ticket. Since you read this here in Dec. 2006, other commentators, Michael Savage and Neal Boortz, have come to the same conclusion. The republicans are in disarray to the point of having their own candidate for the disgruntled republican and independent vote, Congressman Ron Paul. He is a pariah in the Republican Party because, like Teddy Roosevelt, doesn’t play their political games. He’s honest and he tells you what he believes and sticks to it, regardless of who he is addressing. The republican powers that be tried to stifle Teddy and he ended up tweaking their noses good. He should’ve punched them in the nose good, but that is another story. The best we can hope for with Ron Paul is a good tweaking. That’s too bad because he might actually stand a chance of beating Clinton/Obama.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Liberty Equals Individual Responsibility

First, The Constitution and The Bill of Rights are applicable to U.S. citizens, not rouge dictators, international terrorists, or illegal aliens. If you are not a U.S. citizen and are visiting our country, you are subject to obeying our laws. Just as when Americans visit other countries. You, as a visitor, are not privileged to receive the guarantees of our liberty, The Constitution and The Bill of Rights.
Second, if you as a citizen are not willing to defend yourself against violent or criminal attack, it is not my responsibility as a taxpayer to pay for someone to protect you. If you are in fear of facing a criminal attack you have three options:
1. Grow the necessary will to survive and acquire the knowledge and tools to protect yourself
2. Be a victim, if you feel it is morally wrong to resist criminal attack
3. Leave. Find another country to live in
It is not the government’s job to protect those who will not protect themselves. It is, however, society’s responsibility to protect those who can not protect themselves. Like the old adage, if you don’t work, you don’t eat. Applicable to the able bodied who prefer to live off “government assistance” whose is food taken out of the mouths of those who do work.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

No Real Fight Between Clinton and Obama

There is much hullabaloo about the struggle between Senators Clinton and Obama, and many conservatives are hoping this will lead to a splintered and weakened democratic party in November. Not!!! This sparring between Clinton and Obama is merely the two primary contenders feeling each other out, testing their strength, tenacity, and endurance. Also, it is an experiment to see what will and will not work with voters. How much negativity will the public tolerate? The leftist fringe of the democratic party need not worry, no matter how dirty these two get, at the convention when Clinton wins the nomination she will magnanimously choose Obama as her running mate, thus bringing the democrats together to defeat the evil (and inept) republicans. The republicans are running around like three blind mice without a leader emerging from the pack. Don’t forget, I warned you over a year ago. The best of the worst we can hope for is a single term, but it is looking like eight years of Clinton and eight years of Obama, if we get off that easy. There is a long and dark road ahead of America.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

One for PETA

This is one for all the PETA freaks out there: remember, Hitler was a non-smoking, non-drinking VEGETARIAN in favor of gun control. Now, doesn't that make all of you feel better about yourselves?

Monday, January 7, 2008

Two Worth Voting For

It has been pointed out to me and verified through my own research, that the only two candidates for president in 2008 who have been consistent about their beliefs throughout their careers, who have stated their case and stuck with it, popular or not, and who have consistently worked in the best interests of their constituents and the country, within the bounds of the Constitution, are Congressman Ron Paul(R) and Congressman Dennis Kucinich(D). These two who are least likely to be elected to president, are the two who would probably do the best job. And being from opposing parties, they are not dissimilar. They are both from working class families; they know what it is to work and to fail and have the nerve and backbone to pick themselves up from failure and to go onto fight another day. Wouldn’t it be interesting if they could get together and run as the Constitutionalist Party? Don't believe me, do your own research. Check them out at wikipedia and their websites.

Taxing Democrats

Rising star in the democrat party, San Fransisco mayor Gavin Newsom, is a typical democrat politician: Raising taxes will solve all problems. From Rangel to Obama to Clinton, raise taxes on this, raise taxes on that, and keep increasing the size of government. In the heart of the Socialist Republic of California, S.F. is proposing taxing soft drinks. Now, is that because of health concerns? That is the excuse, but reality is that it is an easy tax “for the children” to increase city government revenue. Another reason, being in S.F., is that soft drinks are American made products which simply must be heavily taxed so that Chinese imports can be brought in cheaper. This is one of the latest bad ideas to come from the Socialist Republic of California. Recently they refused permission for the USMC silent drill team to film a recruiting commercial in their city. These totalitarian bad ideas and tendencies are born of the “open minded, liberal, peace, love” mentality which has permeated CA politics to the point that California more closely resembles communist Cuba, or feudalist Mexico than the U.S. The leftist leaders of CA need to follow the path of their compatriot, Trotsky, to the same end, for the good of California and the rest of the U.S.A.