Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Liberty Equals Individual Responsibility

First, The Constitution and The Bill of Rights are applicable to U.S. citizens, not rouge dictators, international terrorists, or illegal aliens. If you are not a U.S. citizen and are visiting our country, you are subject to obeying our laws. Just as when Americans visit other countries. You, as a visitor, are not privileged to receive the guarantees of our liberty, The Constitution and The Bill of Rights.
Second, if you as a citizen are not willing to defend yourself against violent or criminal attack, it is not my responsibility as a taxpayer to pay for someone to protect you. If you are in fear of facing a criminal attack you have three options:
1. Grow the necessary will to survive and acquire the knowledge and tools to protect yourself
2. Be a victim, if you feel it is morally wrong to resist criminal attack
3. Leave. Find another country to live in
It is not the government’s job to protect those who will not protect themselves. It is, however, society’s responsibility to protect those who can not protect themselves. Like the old adage, if you don’t work, you don’t eat. Applicable to the able bodied who prefer to live off “government assistance” whose is food taken out of the mouths of those who do work.

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