Monday, October 29, 2007


"Halloween fact # 73 Life is better with a sugar buzz." Saw this on a greeting card and couldn't agree more. Happy Halloween!!!

Monday, October 22, 2007

San Fran Again?

San Francisco is again demonstrating why it is the laughing stock of the U.S. as it seeks to stoop to yet another Sodom and Gomorrah low. Injection rooms for addicts of illegal drugs. I am sure some kind hearted person thought up the idea. And other kind hearted people are trying to emulate it. These are the people who profess Darwinism, and are not willing to let Darwinism follow its course. They are also the people who want an improved sanitary landfill, but “not in my neighborhood”. The ‘problem’,as they see it, is that there have been so many drug overdoses by illegal drug users that the 911 system is being overtaxed. (Read into this, the people being hauled away have no insurance to send the bill to.) A fine example of not being able to see the forest for the trees. The problem is the criminal activity, not that the criminals are dying. To follow Darwin is to accept the ‘survival of the fittest’ mentality. People who willingly stick poison into their veins are not fit in any shape, fashion, or form. Moreover, these are not contributing members of society, at best, and are parasites and criminals, at worst. These are the people who prostitute themselves for their drugs, commit violent muggings and burglaries for their drugs. And they provide a lucrative illegal income for violent felons who prey on the honest in society. These are the people who kill the innocent in their crossfire as they fight with rival criminals. For a city in the U.S to even consider this approach is to completely undermine society and sanctify crime. If the government is going to provide a safe environment and clean needles to the customers of drug gangs, this is only ensuring the gangs survival and continued increase in revenues. ‘Healthy’ drug addicts live longer and buy more drugs. And where do addicts and the government get the money to pay for the drugs and the rooms? Both steal it from honest citizens.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Hillary Is Coming

Hillary is coming, it is time to prepare. Actually, it's a little late, but better late than never. The time to buy a fire extinguisher is before a fire, the time to put on a seatbelt is before a car crash, the time to put on a life jacket is before you fall out of the boat, the time to buy a flashlight is before the power outage. The time to prepare for a disaster is before it happens.
Prepare for Hillary now, and who will be Hillary's van der Lubbe?
Hillary will hit the ground running and her power and dictatorial agenda will have to be in place in the first two years. If she moves slow, the American people will not like what they see and will reject her agenda by whatever means necessary. So, watch your back during the first two years, and prepare now. We could be in for a long miserable chapter in American history. Let us pray when all is said and done, that our country and our history remain, that we do not follow the route of Czarist Russia.

And Another Thing...

And another thing, if our government officials continue to allow our borders to be left unsecured, then our government officials need to have their security removed. If the border can be open, so can the White House and Congress, the state capitals and county courthouses. Remove the Secret Service, The Capital Police, the surveillance cameras, the metal detectors, and have a government that is as secure as our border. What is fair for the country is fair for our servants in our public buildings.

Fruit of Clinton

According to the AP a Bosnian muslim was arrested in Vienna, Austria. Remember the Bosnian muslims? Back in the 1990's as Yugoslavia disintegrated into the traditional regions of age old enemies, Serbs, Croats, and muslims, Bill Clinton "and NATO" decided to bomb our old allies, the Serbs, to protect the muslims. What most Americans do not know is that during WWII the Serbs were American allies. When U.S. flyers were shot down behind German lines, it was the Serb resistance which would return them safely to allied hands. The muslims, on the other hand, were fighting for our enemies, the NAZIS. In fact the SS had two full muslim divisions. Something about Jews....Anyway, Slick Willy Clinton bombs our old allies who are once again in a life or death fight with their old enemies, the muslims. The muslims. The same group which attacked the USS Cole, our embassies in Africa, the World Trade Center garage ...
Now, what was this Bosnian muslim, once protected by U.S. air power, doing to get arrested? Attempting to place a backpack bomb of explosives and nails in the U.S. Embassy.
hmmm...Interesting how the Clintons pick allies