Sunday, October 21, 2007

Fruit of Clinton

According to the AP a Bosnian muslim was arrested in Vienna, Austria. Remember the Bosnian muslims? Back in the 1990's as Yugoslavia disintegrated into the traditional regions of age old enemies, Serbs, Croats, and muslims, Bill Clinton "and NATO" decided to bomb our old allies, the Serbs, to protect the muslims. What most Americans do not know is that during WWII the Serbs were American allies. When U.S. flyers were shot down behind German lines, it was the Serb resistance which would return them safely to allied hands. The muslims, on the other hand, were fighting for our enemies, the NAZIS. In fact the SS had two full muslim divisions. Something about Jews....Anyway, Slick Willy Clinton bombs our old allies who are once again in a life or death fight with their old enemies, the muslims. The muslims. The same group which attacked the USS Cole, our embassies in Africa, the World Trade Center garage ...
Now, what was this Bosnian muslim, once protected by U.S. air power, doing to get arrested? Attempting to place a backpack bomb of explosives and nails in the U.S. Embassy.
hmmm...Interesting how the Clintons pick allies

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