Monday, December 24, 2007

God Bless Us, Everyone

May God bless you and yours. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Blessed Kwanzaa.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Border Worry

SADM Delivery by Parachutist/Swimmer (Special Atomic Demolition Munition) - No Date Given - 9:45 - Black&White (No explosions) - The Special Atomic Demolition Munition (SADM) was a Navy and Marines project that was demonstrated as feasible in the mid-to-late 1960s, but was never used. The project, which involved a small nuclear weapon, was designed to allow one individual to parachute from any type of aircraft carrying the weapon package that would be placed in a harbor or other strategic location that could be accessed from the sea. Another parachutist without a weapon package would follow the first parachutist to provide support as needed.
The two-man team would place the weapon package in an acceptable location, set the timer, and swim out into the ocean where they would be retrieved by a submarine or other high-speed water craft. The parachute jumps and the retrieval procedures were practiced extensively.
The video shows a man in a wet suit donning his parachute, the weapon package, and a reserve parachute. After he jumps from the aircraft and is nearing the water, he drops the weapon package down on a 17-foot line to lessen the impact of his landing. He then floats the weapon package to the desired location
As if this is not unsettling enough, the army developed the Davy Crockett, the smallest NUCLEAR device fielded by the U.S. armed forces. A nuclear warhead fired from a recoilless rifle, the Crockett was tested by none less than the elite 101st Abn Div at Ft Campbell, KY prior to their deployment to Viet Nam. Taking both of these weapons systems into account, there could be some truth to the urban legend that back pack nukes were available and nearly deployed in Viet Nam. Also, with the nuclear genie out of the bottle, it would be foolish to think that only one nuclear super power would develop such tactical weapons. Soviet development and production has been verified, but since the demise of the USSR, accountability has been somewhat lacking. In fact, a former soviet general involved with the programs revealed that they cannot account for all such weapons. In a bankrupt country, where local generals were the ultimate authority everything valuable and not nailed down was for sale. As weaponry was the only thing the soviets were good at building, there was a lot of “extra” weaponry lying around. But who would have enough money to buy a nuke? Oil rich Saudi families? Thug third world dictators flush with oil money? Would be Saracens rich from opium crops in Afghanistan? And what would they do with them? Surely not attack the great satan, the USA? And if so, how? The U.S. borders are so secure. Need I say more? All that is left is timing and location. Hmm, what happened in Spain before their election?

Saturday, December 15, 2007

"For the GOP, it's Huckabee!"(Almost)

In the same week Mike Huckabee received an increasingly important endorsement from the Minuteman Organization, he stepped on his personals by stooping to stupidity. "Don't mormons believe that Jesus and the devil are brothers?" Come on Mike, you don't expect us to think you were seriously asking that question, do you? If so, the sheer magnitude of this stupidity immediately rules you outfor the vote of the educated conservatives. This old smear of mormons was a direct appeal th the over vocal, increasingly intolerant, i.e., near illiterate, talibaptist vote, which he had pretty will locked up anyway. It's not like they are going to vote for Rudy, "He's from New York City." Most of these fanatics can't even spell New York City. McCain has shot himself in the foot on so many issues that he should get another purple heart. And Fred looks like a tired old actor with a Hollywood wife, not real endearing to the talibaptist ladies auxilliary. No one has heard of Dr. Ron Paul unless they have a computer. That rules out the cave dwellers. So Mike prety much had that vote and for him to stoop to such a low, in such a high brow publication interview, shows that he doesn't have the PR skills of the last Ark. Gov. who ran for president. Or the ability to recover from his blunders. Clinton voters didn't expect much so they weren't disappointed. Educated conservatives expect more and Mike has dropped the ball. He might still win the nomination, but he will have to work harder now. Where's Colin Powell when you really need him?

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Darfur Now

The photo is of a black African woman sitting in front of a decrepit building. A folding stock AK 47 lays across her lap. A true selective fire assault rifle. Her name is Hejewa Adam, she is one of the people you will meet in the documentary Darfur Now . This woman’s baby was smashed to death by Sudanese government sponsored muslim terrorists, known as janjaweed. She was defenseless. Now she is armed and can defend herself, other women and their children. If the U.N. were to have its way, she would still be defenseless in the face of government sponsored terror. The Jews have a saying, “Never again”, referring to the Nazi holocaust. So far the Jews have been successful because they refuse to be disarmed. Will you be successful or will you be like the victims of Darfur, Cambodia, Rwanda, China, the USSR, or Nazi Germany? Will you be disarmed?

Monday, December 10, 2007

$100 Million

First, murder is a heinous crime regardless of who the victim is or who the murderer is. If it is black on black, white on white, red on red, brown on brown, or yellow on yellow or any combination thereof, it is a heinous crime. The reasoning behind the murder is irrelevant. Someone somebody loved is dead. Murderers should face punishment. However, to spend $10 million per year for 10 years to try to solve 40 year old murders is a waste of time and is political grandstanding at its worst. The civil rights era was a violent time, but the sacrifices made accomplished the mission. All American citizens are equal under the law. As it should be. Are there still financial discrepancies? Yes. There always will be as long as people inhabit the earth. But I digress....
The fact that 40 years ago murders were committed is a horrible thing. A horrible thing of the past. To now re-open old wounds is to insult the sacrifices made. Like the all volunteer army of today, those brave men and women knew what they were facing. To waste $100 million to try and find and convict the murderers, who have probably already died of old age, disease, or murder is ludicrous. Someone has been watching too much Cold Case, or they are pandering to professional race baiters like Al Sharpton and David Duke. These are people who have no other way of making a living except by playing on the fears and greed of the lowest common denominators of their respective races. It is a pity the entire congress fell for it. By the way if congress is still buying with taxpayer money, I have a bridge in London for sale.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Terrorism as a Tactic

What the powers that be do not want people to know is that terrorism as a tactic has been historically successful. The Easter Rebellion in Dublin 1916 was a military disaster, but it unified the Irish for the terror campaign which brought an end to British rule in southern Ireland in 1922. Decades later the civil rights movement in Northern Ireland failed, but Bloody Sunday again unified the Irish Catholics for a decades long battle which has ended with a shared power government between protestants and catholics. Terrorism by Jewish radicals in Palestine brought about the state of Israel in 1948. Muslim terrorists in Algeria successfully won independence from France in 1962. The Mujaheddin terrorists drove the Soviets out of Afghanistan and terrorism has ripped Gaza from Israel. Terrorism continues around the world, in many cases by governments as well as against governments. Look at the list of U.N. member states and it reads like a who's who of dictatorship and despotism: Sudan, North Korea, China, Burma, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Zimbabwe, Equatorial Guinea, Eritea, Cuba, Uzbekistan, Belarus, Cambodia, Vietnam, Syria, need I go on? And these countries have the same vote in the U.N. as the U.S., Britain, Israel, Switzerland, Germany, India, Argentina and the other relatively free countries. Something is wrong here.

Politics, The Art of the Possible

Politics, the art of the possible where participants feel free to re-write history, alter facts, and commit outright fraud to achieve the power they crave. This is just an example of one democrat, you can find examples in both major parties. This one is just a little too blatant when American military personnel are once again fighting for their lives.
In wikipedia you will find a photo of President Roosevelt, Governor James Allred of Texas & Lyndon B.Johnson. In later campaigns, Johnson edited Governor Allred out of the picture to assist his campaign
In 1937, Johnson ran for Congress in a special election for the 10th Congressional District of Texas to represent Austin and the surrounding Hill Country. He ran on a New Deal platform and was effectively aided by his wife, Lady Bird Johnson.
President Roosevelt showed a personal interest in the young Texan from the time he entered Congress. Johnson was immediately appointed to the Naval Affairs Committee, a job that carried high importance for a freshman congressman. He also worked for rural electrification and other improvements for his district. In 1941, Johnson ran for the U.S. Senate in a special election against the sitting governor of Texas, radio personality W. Lee "Pappy" O'Daniel. Though Johnson was expected to win, he was defeated by controversial late returns in an election marked by massive fraud on the part of both campaigns. During his last campaign, he promised that he would serve in the military should war break out; in December 1941, the U.S. entered World War II.
War record
During World War II he served briefly in the United States Navy as a Lieutenant Commander. Awards and decorations included the Silver Star, Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal and the World War II Victory Medal.
After World War II, some sources challenged the circumstances in which Johnson had been awarded his Silver Star. It was speculated that the decoration was largely for political purposes. On NPR, in a narrative about medals and politicians, it was stated Johnson demanded the Silver Star from General Douglas MacArthur because he had been in an airplane that had been fired upon.
Lyndon Johnson's Silver Star citation is as follows:
For gallantry in action in the vicinity of Port Moresby and Salamaua, New Guinea on June 9, 1942. While on a mission of obtaining information in the Southwest Pacific area, Lieutenant Commander Johnson, in order to obtain personal knowledge of combat conditions, volunteered as an observer on a hazardous aerial combat mission over hostile positions in New Guinea. As our planes neared the target area they were intercepted by eight hostile fighters. When, at this time, the plane in which Lieutenant Commander Johnson was an observer, developed mechanical trouble and was forced to turn back alone, presenting a favorable target to the enemy fighters, he evidenced marked coolness in spite of the hazards involved. His gallant action enabled him to obtain and return with valuable information
Shortly after this incident, President Roosevelt ordered members of Congress serving in the military to return to their offices, and Johnson was discharged forthwith. He returned to his seat in the House of Representatives where he continued to serve through 1949.

Friday, December 7, 2007

On Modern Service

I served my time in the U.S.Army. My nephew served in Iraq and my niece in Kuwait, my wife's niece and her husband served. My wife's brother and my sister's husband, our fathers and grandfathers served and our son serves.
To go to a foreign country, to fight, kill, and perhaps die while politicians safe in luxurious offices in Washington give our country to illegal aliens? To insure that our borders are not secure? To allow, no, to encourage, our manufacturing base to relocate over seas?
Again, why?

Sunday, December 2, 2007


I was given this quote and would like to contact the author. I like the style.

Sometimes events happen that rattle chains. The top shiny links become disturbed by lower rusted links which rot and fall away. The chromed links name this anarchy while the decaying supportive links call it justice. I call it justice through anarchy.
Cerebor, April 21, 1983

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Sad Fact

A friend sent this to me and I thought you would find it interesting.
Sad fact
If you consider that there has been an average of 160,000 troops in the Iraq Theater of operations during the last 22 months, and a total of 2112 deaths, that gives a firearm death rate of 60 per 100,000.

The firearms death rate in Washington D.C. is 80.6 per 100,000.

That means that you are about 25% more likely to be shot and killed in our Nation's Capitol, which has some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation, than you are in Iraq.

Conclusion: We should immediately pull out of Washington

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Crusades

In the Islamic world the current Iraq war is being compared to the crusades of the Middle Ages. The Bush Administration repeatedly states that this is not a crusade, nor a war on Islam, but on ‘terrorism’. As terrorism is a tactic, not a state or form of government, this argument does not carry a lot of weight. It would appear that the U.S. has set in for a long term occupation. (If this were actually a war on Islam, hopefully it would be carried out as the war on Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.) With only fringe candidates calling for an immediate withdrawal (even Hillary says it would only happen during her second term). One has to believe there could be an ulterior motive. Hence a look back at the original crusades. Europe at the time of the first crusades, the continent was rife with oppressive nobility, taxes were high, starvation was common, and disease was rampant. There were even laws in some realms that when a peasant woman married, the consummation would be first with the lord, baron, or duke of the realm under which the woman lived. All these elements coming together could easily combust into a revolution. How does a corrupt system of government prevent the down trodden from finding a leader for a revolution? Have the religious leader of the system call for a holy war to reclaim the Holy Land. A crusade to end the evil rule of the infidel. All men capable of bearing arms, and of the disposition to do what is right, would then be sent half a world away for years at a time. Those who died would be heroes of the realm and those who survived would be far enough away to not be a threat to the kingdom’s corrupt government.
Sounds familiar…..
The probability of a Hillary presidency looms on the horizon, Bush has given the presidency tremendous power to bypass The Constitution, and high level government involvement in internationalist politics (which is hostile to our liberty) is rampant. With a military already hostile to the Clintons, it is no wonder she doesn’t want to bring the troops home. Add in that the oath sworn by all military members includes the phrase, “support and defend The Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic” and a president or Congress could have problems if they pass legislation, or executive orders, which not only violate The Constitution or Bill of Rights, but would dismantle them or make them subservient to another political entity. They would then be domestic enemies of The Constitution and therefore at odds with the U.S. military, which is a place no sane person wants to be. But if the U.S. military is entirely engaged on the other of the world…. Who is going to prevent the government from running roughshod over the citizens? Only the citizens themselves using the tools recognized in The Bill of Rights. And if we allow The Bill of Rights to be compromised or completely taken away, where will we be?

Friday, November 23, 2007

General Observation

The last time we sold huge amounts of raw material or scrap metal to an oriental power, as we are doing with Communist China now, they returned these materials to us. Beginning at Pearl Harbor Dec. 7, 1941.

Boston Has Come Full Circle

We have come full circle from 1775. Boston police are proposing that they be allowed to search homes for guns without needing a search warrant. This is a return to the tactics used by the British crown in their attempt to crush freedom in "the colonies". As The Bill of Rights is under under increasing attack by urban political machines and national politicians, this latest threat to our freedom comes in the womb of our nation's conception. A post birth abortion, as the p.c. crowd would call it. Where is the respect for the 4th Amendment? The 5th Amendment? Or the 2nd Amendment? Politicians are seeking to increase their power by ignoring our God given rights as recognized and enumerated in The Bill of Rights. Government does not "give" us our freedoms or liberty, government must be forced to recognize our freedoms and liberty. Franklin, Jefferson, Washington, and all other founding fathers understood this which is why they passed The Bill of Rights. This is why The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution of the United States of America, and The Bill of Rights were all written in the common language of the day. They did not use "legalese" because they wanted these documents to be understandable to each citizen of this free republic. All the citizens understanding these world changing documents would serve to keep government from becoming tyrannical. The people hold the rights and the power, only when we abdicate our rights and power can government succeed in taking over. Government is like the ocean's tide, always trying to take away our freedom one grain of sand at a time until, like a barrier island, we have no beach/freedom left.
John Adams would be nauseous to see his Boston now.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


A reader sent me these quotes, the only one I could verify is Colin Powell's, and it is an excerpt of a longer dialog which can be found at I do find that they are very demonstrative of the American spirit and outlook.
When in England at a fairly large conference, Colin Powell was asked by the Archbishop of Canterbury if our plans for Iraq were just an example of 'empire building' by George Bush.

He answered by saying, "Over the years, the United States has sent many of its fine young men and women into great peril to fight for freedom beyond our borders. The only amount of land we have ever asked for in return is enough to bury those that did not return."
It became very quiet in the room.

Then there was a conference in France where a number of international engineers were taking part, including French and American. During a break one of the French engineers came back into the room saying "Have you heard the latest dumb stunt Bush has done? He has sent an aircraft carrier to Indonesia to help the tsunami victims. What does he intended to do, bomb them?"

A Boeing engineer stood up and replied quietly: "Our carriers have three hospitals on board that can treat several hundred people; they are nuclear powered and can supply emergency electrical power to shore facilities; they have three cafeterias with the capacity to feed 3,000 people three meals a day, they can produce several thousand gallons of fresh water from sea water each day, and they carry half a dozen helicopters for use in transporting victims and injured to and from their flight deck.. We have eleven such ships; how many does France have?"
Once again, dead silence.

A U.S. Navy Admiral was attending a naval conference that included Admirals from the U.S., English, Canadian, Australian and French Navies. At a cocktail reception, he found himself standing with a large group of Officers that included personnel from most of those countries. Everyone was chatting away in English as they sipped their drinks but a French admiral suddenly complained that, 'whereas Europeans learn many languages, Americans learn only English.' He then asked, 'Why is it that we always have to speak English in these conferences rather than speaking French?'

Without hesitating, the American Admiral replied 'Maybe it's because the Brits, Canadians, Aussies and Americans arranged it so you wouldn't have to speak German.'
You could have heard a pin drop!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Hillary is Very Qualified

The republican pundits are missing the mark, again. To question the qualifications of anyone to be president is absurd. Very few presidents have been sworn into office that have had the experience necessary to anticipate the trials of this office. Eisenhower comes to mind, as supreme allied commander in the European theater of WWII. Other than him….
The constant questioning of Hillary Rodham’s capability is in vain. She is quite capable. I’ve heard it said, “I’d rather have Al Gore than Hillary, at least we know he is incompetent.”
Hillary is frighteningly competent. She is calculating, cold, vicious, and vindictive. She has surrounded herself with a political cadre the likes of which have not been seen since Moscow in 1922, Berlin in 1933, or Peking 1949. These modern day political shock troops are fanatically loyal to Hillary and ruthless in their attacks on her enemies, openly and more importantly behind the scenes. That is where the danger lies. Not in whether or not she is qualified to be president, she is, like Mugabe of Zimbabwe or Chavez of Venezuela. The pertinent question is where will she take the U.S.? Down the same road as these stellar examples of U.N. membership? The “Great Society” she envisions for the majority of us probably has an entrance sign which reads: “Work will make you free” or “Arbeit Macht Frei” as it read at the entrance to Auschwitz.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The Words of Bob Marley

Survival Bob Marley
How can you be sitting there
Telling me that you care
That you care
When everytime I look around
The people suffer in suffering
In everywhere, In everywhere

We're the survivors
Yes, the black survival

I tell you what
Some people got everything
Some people got nothing
Some people got hopes & dreams
Some people got no aim it seems

We're the survivors;
Yes the black survival
Yes we're the survivors like
Daniel out of the Lion's den suvivors

So my brethren, my sisthren
Which way will we choose
We better hurry, oh hurry woe now
'Cause we got no time to lose
Some people got plots & schemes
Some people got Ways & means
Some people got the facts & claims
Some people got the pride & shame

We're the suvivors;
Yes, the black survival (repeat)
We're the survivors like Shedrach,
Meshach and Abednego
Thrown in the fire but never get burn

So my brethren, my sisthren
The preaching and talking is done
We gotta live up woe now, woe now
'Cause the father's time has come
Some people put the best outside
Some people keep the best inside
Some people can't stand up strong
Some people won't wait for long

We're the suvivors; a black survival
In this age of technological inhumanity
We're the survivors black survival
Scientific atrocity, we're the survivors
Atomic mis-philosophy, we're the survivors
It's a world that forces life long insecurity
All together now we're the survivors
Yes, the black suvival
A good man is never honoured
In his own country.
Black survival
Nothing change.
Nothing strange
Nothing change.
Nothing strange
We got to survive, we got to survive
But to live as one equal in the eyes
Of the almighty
The words of Bob Marley struck a chord in me over twenty years ago and that chord resonates still. Not just the popular “Jammin’” which still gets a lot of play, or “I Shot The Sheriff” (honestly, I prefer Clapton’s version) but the songs of anguish, pride, anger, liberty, and a willingness to fight for what is right. These words are found on the lesser played Survival album. Songs like Survival, Ambush in the Night, Africa Unite, and Zimbabwe. In the words of these songs you hear the heart of Bob Marley; freedom, liberty, opportunity, responsibility, and love of one person for another. Respect. At the time racial oppression and discrimination were easily recognized, but the words have greater meaning. They address freedom for all people and they tease with naming the oppressors. On the surface it is the white race oppressing other races, but deeper in his words you see the powers that be. Corrupt politicians, international corporations, and their hired thugs, used to keep the peasants in their place as slave workers for the insatiable corporate kings. Marley spoke out clearly if you keep your head and understand. He was brilliant in spite of his proficient use of ganja. With his advanced cancer, maybe that was the only thing he could use to endure the pain and stay cognizant enough to put his words to music. His words of love, liberty, and life speak to us today. And, as he said, “Wake Up And Live”, for if you are not willing to stand up for yourself, no one will stand up for you. Liberty is only ours if we are willing to die to take it. Liberty First!!!

Monday, October 29, 2007


"Halloween fact # 73 Life is better with a sugar buzz." Saw this on a greeting card and couldn't agree more. Happy Halloween!!!

Monday, October 22, 2007

San Fran Again?

San Francisco is again demonstrating why it is the laughing stock of the U.S. as it seeks to stoop to yet another Sodom and Gomorrah low. Injection rooms for addicts of illegal drugs. I am sure some kind hearted person thought up the idea. And other kind hearted people are trying to emulate it. These are the people who profess Darwinism, and are not willing to let Darwinism follow its course. They are also the people who want an improved sanitary landfill, but “not in my neighborhood”. The ‘problem’,as they see it, is that there have been so many drug overdoses by illegal drug users that the 911 system is being overtaxed. (Read into this, the people being hauled away have no insurance to send the bill to.) A fine example of not being able to see the forest for the trees. The problem is the criminal activity, not that the criminals are dying. To follow Darwin is to accept the ‘survival of the fittest’ mentality. People who willingly stick poison into their veins are not fit in any shape, fashion, or form. Moreover, these are not contributing members of society, at best, and are parasites and criminals, at worst. These are the people who prostitute themselves for their drugs, commit violent muggings and burglaries for their drugs. And they provide a lucrative illegal income for violent felons who prey on the honest in society. These are the people who kill the innocent in their crossfire as they fight with rival criminals. For a city in the U.S to even consider this approach is to completely undermine society and sanctify crime. If the government is going to provide a safe environment and clean needles to the customers of drug gangs, this is only ensuring the gangs survival and continued increase in revenues. ‘Healthy’ drug addicts live longer and buy more drugs. And where do addicts and the government get the money to pay for the drugs and the rooms? Both steal it from honest citizens.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Hillary Is Coming

Hillary is coming, it is time to prepare. Actually, it's a little late, but better late than never. The time to buy a fire extinguisher is before a fire, the time to put on a seatbelt is before a car crash, the time to put on a life jacket is before you fall out of the boat, the time to buy a flashlight is before the power outage. The time to prepare for a disaster is before it happens.
Prepare for Hillary now, and who will be Hillary's van der Lubbe?
Hillary will hit the ground running and her power and dictatorial agenda will have to be in place in the first two years. If she moves slow, the American people will not like what they see and will reject her agenda by whatever means necessary. So, watch your back during the first two years, and prepare now. We could be in for a long miserable chapter in American history. Let us pray when all is said and done, that our country and our history remain, that we do not follow the route of Czarist Russia.

And Another Thing...

And another thing, if our government officials continue to allow our borders to be left unsecured, then our government officials need to have their security removed. If the border can be open, so can the White House and Congress, the state capitals and county courthouses. Remove the Secret Service, The Capital Police, the surveillance cameras, the metal detectors, and have a government that is as secure as our border. What is fair for the country is fair for our servants in our public buildings.

Fruit of Clinton

According to the AP a Bosnian muslim was arrested in Vienna, Austria. Remember the Bosnian muslims? Back in the 1990's as Yugoslavia disintegrated into the traditional regions of age old enemies, Serbs, Croats, and muslims, Bill Clinton "and NATO" decided to bomb our old allies, the Serbs, to protect the muslims. What most Americans do not know is that during WWII the Serbs were American allies. When U.S. flyers were shot down behind German lines, it was the Serb resistance which would return them safely to allied hands. The muslims, on the other hand, were fighting for our enemies, the NAZIS. In fact the SS had two full muslim divisions. Something about Jews....Anyway, Slick Willy Clinton bombs our old allies who are once again in a life or death fight with their old enemies, the muslims. The muslims. The same group which attacked the USS Cole, our embassies in Africa, the World Trade Center garage ...
Now, what was this Bosnian muslim, once protected by U.S. air power, doing to get arrested? Attempting to place a backpack bomb of explosives and nails in the U.S. Embassy.
hmmm...Interesting how the Clintons pick allies

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Taxation Abuse

The state of Tennessee is using part of its $1 billion surplus to pay for state revenue agents to perform surveillance on TN citizens who purchase cigarettes across state line and return to TN. They are then authorized to stop, search, and seize the vehicle and arrest citizens who are in procession of excessive amounts of cigarettes. I can think of better ways to spend "surplus" money. More importantly, are we not constitutionally protected from undue government scrutiny? And what is next? "How much of that Georgia carpet you got there, boy?" Or North Carolina furniture, or whatever else the state chooses to restrict. We are not pushing the limits of government intrusiveness; we have leapt across the line feet first. As has been pointed out, you can be arrested for almost anything. And when you have veteran police officers being reprimanded for harassing honest citizens because the officer doesn't know the law, you have too many laws. Historically, taxes often initiated many violent uprisings. The first American Revolution of 1776 was the result of taxes, tax resistance, and government attempts to enforce tax collection. Shortly after independence, the U.S. was faced with the Whiskey Rebellion, again taxes. The second American Revolution, called the Civil War, was driven taxation with slavery and states' rights as window dressing. The South exported huge amounts o f cotton and the U.S. government collected high tariffs, sending only part of the proceeds back to the governments of the states which had produced the cotton. Taxes. The following period saw revenue agents trying to collect taxes from moonshiners in the Southern mountains. This was followed by prohibition.
Shifting gears a little, East TN, Eastern KY, WV, SW PA, and Western NC were primarily settled by Scot-Irish, Scots, and Irish immigrants. Three seperate but related groups. OH, MI, WS, and MN were primarily settled by Germans, Italians, Jews, Poles, Scandinavians, and Baltic peoples who came from repressive regimes. These hardworking peoples did well in America and when unions began they fell into membership. They were used to being told what to do. And they readily paid whatever taxes or dues were demanded of them. The people of the mountains do not respond well to government or taxes or demands. Ask the English, they have been fighting to control the Scots and Irish for hundreds of years and have still not accomplished it. This is what government is facing trying to emplace and enforce more outrageous taxes. A long and expensive job when the resources could be better spent on areas of improvement desperately needed in TN. And again we come back to this question. Do we want government looking into everything we do, everywhere we go, everything we buy, or everyone we talk to? NO!!! And neither did the founders of this great country. The Constitution and The Bill of Rights were drafted to control Government not to control the citizens. And it is high time we returned to the Constitution.
Sidebar: If the TN government can try to control taxation at its border, why can't the U.S. government control illegals and smuggling at the Mexican border?

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Overmedicated Americans

Americans are over analyzed and over medicated. We are too busy paying to the latest feel good therapy to realize that the only people who live without problems are in mental wards under heavy medication. So called physicians and pharmaceutical companies are making money hand over fist by prescribing and selling these mind altering drugs. The government is encouraging this practice for the same reason ranchers prefer to turn bulls into steers, they are easier to control. If for any reason you have emotional ups and downs, family death, promotion, personal illness, child graduation, you become 'unsteady' and in need of 'help'. We are told by the god of the 21st century, T.V. that we have to have this car, this big screen, this shampoo, this beverage to be happy. Yet to have all that we are told we need to make us happy, we have so much debt that we work all the time and cannot enjoy what we need to make us 'happy', so we become 'depressed' and need 'help'. There is a pill for that. As stress and age perform their natural changes on our body, there is a pill for that. Do you listen to the side effects of these pills? The side effects are worse than what you take the pill for!!! It is natural to have to work, to struggle, to have to plan to provide for your family and yourself. Life is not euphoria. A wise man once wrote: "If everything were easy, no one would ever do anything." Look at yourself in the mirror. If you don't like what you see, the change must come from within you, not from some pill. Get a grip on reality and DO something positive for yourself. Instead of driving to weight watchers, go for a walk and cut back on what you eat, instead of watching the game, play catch with the kids or fetch the dog, instead of fast food, cook a meal with your spouse. Living instead of watching T.V. will cure most ills and help us realize that we don't need

Saturday, September 22, 2007

No Need To Secure Borders

Blasts Strike Mexican Gas Pipelines
Posted: 2007-09-11 00:45:54
Filed Under: World News
VERACRUZ, Mexico (Sept. 11) - A shadowy leftist rebel group claimed responsibility for six explosions that affected a dozen Mexican gas and oil pipelines Monday, sending flames towering into the sky and forcing the evacuation of thousands.

Photo Gallery: Sabotage in Mexico
Luis Monroy, Maya Comunicaciones / AP A fire rages near the town of Omealca, Mexico, Monday. A leftist guerilla group called the People's Revolutionary Army claimed responsibility for blowing up at least six of the country's oil and gas pipelines.
1 of 4
Financial markets in the U.S. and Mexico were rattled by Monday's blasts, which officials said cost hundreds of millions of dollars in lost production. Some local factories were forced to shut down after natural gas supplies were cut but there were no immediate reports of injuries directly caused by the explosions and fires.

It was the second time in three months that the so-called People's Revolutionary Army has claimed to have targeted pipelines as part of what it has labeled its "prolonged people's war" against "the anti-people government."

The group, known as the EPR, is an extremely secretive, tiny rebel group that staged several armed attacks on government and police installations in southern Mexico in the 1990s. It was later weakened by internal divisions, leaving it unclear which splinter group carried out the attacks.

The six explosions affected a dozen natural gas pipelines and one oil pipeline in the Gulf coast state of Veracruz, said Jesus Reyes Heroles, the head of Mexico's oil monopoly Petroleos Mexicanos, or Pemex, without providing specifics. The explosions occurred in valve stations where different pipelines intersect.

The blasts triggered fires that shot flames and plumes of black smoke high into the sky and could be felt miles away.

At least one undetonated explosive device was later found beside a pipeline in a swampy area about 500 yards away from a highway toll booth just north of the port of Veracruz, said a Veracruz state civil defense coordinator Ismael Reyes.

That explosive device was accompanied by a note signed by the EPR, according to a Veracruz state police official who was not authorized to be quoted by name. Initial reports said the note contained demands for the release of purported political prisoners - similar demands were made public after earlier blasts - but it was impossible to independently confirm the existence or contents of the note.

Veracruz Gov. Fidel Herrera told reporters "there was a note, and the indication was that it could be these groups, there are precedents," but he did not clarify the contents or authorship of the message.

Reyes the explosions would lead to hundreds of millions of dollars in lost production and that it would take four or five days from the time the gas fires burned out and restoration work could begin to resume lost service.

Pemex immediately shut down the stricken lines as well as another line in the area as a precaution. Reyes said about nine states and the capital, Mexico City, would be affected, but did not elaborate.

"It is a big blow," the Pemex chief said. "You can't store natural gas or transport it by truck."

Reyes said Pemex would have to burn off whatever gas it did not succeed in recovering.

At least 21,000 people were evacuated as a precaution but no injuries directly related to the explosions were immediately reported. Fernando Leon Yepez, a civil defense official in Omealca, reported that two elderly women died of heart attacks shortly after the explosions.

The blasts caused brief jitters in international markets, with natural gas futures up as much as 20.2 cents soon after news of the explosions hit. Prices dropped in later trading. Pemex said the damage to the oil pipeline wouldn't affect crude oil exports.

Neither were the explosions expected to affect natural gas prices in the U.S. _ Mexican gas only accounts for 0.3 percent of the country's total imports. The U.S. imported 12.7 million cubic feet of natural gas from Mexico in 2006. Mexico's stocks fell Monday amid the reports of possible sabotage.

Mexican glassmaker Vitro SAB said Monday it has temporarily halted production at six of its factories after attacks on the pipelines, citing problems with natural gas supplies.

The government did not immediately verify the claim of responsibility by the EPR. Interior Secretary Francisco Ramirez said the federal Attorney General's Office was trying to determine who was responsible for the "premeditated acts."

"Pemex's fundamental installations are adequately protected by our armed forces, and we will do our utmost to find those responsible," Ramirez said.

President Felipe Calderon condemned the attacks in a statement from India, where he was on a formal state visit.

"I want to say that my government severely condemns this and all other acts of violence and those who promote it in our country and anywhere in the world," he said. "There is no room for such criminal acts in a democratic Mexico."

Associated Press writer Lisa J. Adams in Mexico City contributed to this report.

Haditha Marines Innocent

Innocent in Haditha
By Kathleen Parker

"Innocent until proven guilty" is a favorite, if sometimes ignored, American trope.

We are reminded of that once again with charges being dropped against two Marines in the so-called "Haditha Massacre" of November 2005. As well, we are reminded of the difficulty in applying civilian perceptions and standards to military conflict.

Those exonerated, Lance Cpl. Justin L. Sharratt and Capt. Randy W. Stone, were among eight (seven Marines and one sailor) charged in the deaths of 24 Iraqi civilians after a roadside bomb had killed a Marine.

Sharratt, 21 at the time of the incident, was charged with three counts of unpremeditated murder and faced life imprisonment. Stone, a military attorney, was charged with two counts of dereliction of duty and one count of violating a lawful order for allegedly failing to properly investigate the killings.

Other Marines involved in the incident, including one charged with 13 counts of unpremeditated murder, are either awaiting hearings or dispensation of their cases.

Haditha is one of those wartime horror stories that rivets and divides nations. There's no question that Iraqi civilians, including women and children, were killed during what appears with hindsight — and from the comfort of American living rooms — to have been a gratuitous rampage.

Allegations also were made that the U.S. military tried to cover up the killings and mischaracterized them as collateral damage during the roadside bombing and ensuing skirmish, rather than as the result of a "shoot first, ask later" order.

From a civilian perspective, the case seemed clear-cut. How does one ever justify intentionally killing civilians? The answer is: We don't.

Americans struggle with the horror of civilian casualties, while insurgent and terrorist forces in Iraq devise ways to effect more, not fewer, civilian deaths. What we deplore — and punish — they celebrate. And replicate.

There is a difference, one that is both our strength and our weakness. Though some Americans, like other mortals, are capable of inhumanity, our national conscience compels us to examine the impulses that degrade our character and purpose.

Our attention to moral warfare — always our goal, if not always met — also nourishes our enemies, who suffer no such burden. They know that demoralization and flagging commitment tend to follow our moral introspection.

War does not become us.

We simply don't like killing as much as our enemies seem to, though you wouldn't know it to have read early reactions to Haditha. After Time magazine first reported the incident, sparking an investigation, other breathless stories followed that all but convicted the Marines of atrocities.

The perception of guilty-as-charged gained traction when former military men such as Rep. John Murtha, who served in the Marine Corps, said the Haditha Marines had killed civilians "in cold blood."

From video and photographs of unarmed families apparently killed at close range, it was easy to infer that we were witness to yet another My Lai-type massacre.

But did the Marines kill in cold blood? Or were they under fire from insurgents, some of whom hid among civilians in their homes, as the accused Marines claimed? Or were some guilty as charged and others not?

Those questions are being answered in part with the dropping of charges against Sharratt and Stone. Sharratt did kill three men, there's no dispute there. But he testified that he shot only after one of the men pointed a gun at him. Investigators apparently found his defense compelling.

Lt. Gen. James Mattis, commander of the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force who decided against court-martialing Sharratt and Stone, wrote Sharratt explaining his decision. Noting the difficulties in applying civilian standards to military circumstances, he quoted the late Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., who served as an infantryman in the Civil War and described war as an "incommunicable experience."

Holmes also said that "detached reflection cannot be demanded in the presence of an uplifted knife."

Mattis was most eloquent in describing the unique challenges in Iraq, posed by "a shadowy enemy who hides among the innocent people, does not comply with any aspect of the law of war, and routinely targets and intentionally draws fire toward civilians."

"As you well know, the challenges of this combat environment put extreme pressures on you and your fellow Marines," Mattis wrote. "Operational, moral, and legal imperatives demand that we Marines stay true to our own standards and maintain compliance with the law of war in this morally bruising environment."
Other Haditha investigations may yet lead to findings of guilt in some cases. Meanwhile, second-guessing how Marines should act under hostile fire before the facts are known is not only unfair, but dishonors the immense courage required to survive in the midst of such an incommunicable experience. [Emphasis mine.]

Kathleen Parker

Friday, September 21, 2007

Another Illegal Alien Amnesty Scam

"Our" senators are again trying to pull a fast one. Some senators are trying to attach illegal alien amnesty trailers to a senate appropriations bill. Last time they tried this the illegals and their supporters staged massive protests thinking they could intimidate the U.S. citizens into submission. We proved them wrong. Now they are trying the sneaky route. Time to stop them again. Could be why we are only seeing O.J. on the news.
"But you must remember, my fellow-citizens, that eternal vigilance by the people is the price of liberty, and that you must pay the price if you wish to secure the blessing. It behooves you, therefore, to be watchful in your States as well as in the Federal Government." -- Andrew Jackson, Farewell Address, March 4, 1837

"The price of liberty is eternal vigilance."

They will try to attach three proposals to the Department of Defense authorization bill: (1) the DREAM Act (amnesty); (2) provisions of the SKIL Act (increases in H-1B visas); and (3) increases in H-2B non-agricultural seasonal workers.

The DREAM Act sounds like an amnesty to provide in-state tuition to illegal aliens who entered the country before they were 16 (millions of illegal aliens would qualify), but in reality would likely grant amnesty to millions more because no documentation is required of an illegal alien applicant to prove that he/she entered the country before he/she was 16. What is required? A sworn statement. Once that illegal alien is approved, he/she is put on the fast track to citizenship and "retroactive benefits," while lawfully present aliens are forced to take the long route.

The SKIL Act provisions would increase the annual cap from 65,000 to 115,000 the first year, and by an additional 20 percent the next. There is a "ceiling" of 180,000 per year, but there are so many exemptions from the cap (currently, approximately two-thirds of H-1B visas have been exempted) that the cap itself is virtually meaningless. Wages the the tech industry have been falling or flat for more than five years now. This increase will make even easier for U.S. employers to import cheap labor rather than hiring American workers. Watch this CNN report to see how it works.

The increase in H-2B visas for non-agricultural, unskilled workers works to deny jobs and decent wages to "unskilled" American workers in the same way that the H-1B does for "skilled" workers. Employers who want to hire H-2B workers must obtain a labor certification from the Department of Labor (DoL) stating that qualified American workers are not available to fill the jobs, but the DoL is not permitted to verify the truthfulness of the information the employers submit on the petitions. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are 14 million Americans actively seeking employment who cannot find a full-time job in the current economy. Forty percent of the illegal alien population came to the United States on a temporary visa, like the H-2B, and then overstayed after the visa expired. Congress has not implemented an exit system to ensure that visa holders ever leave.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Recommended Reading

Recommended Reading List

For Whom The Bell Tolls Earnest Hemingway- The master's best work, in my humble opinion.
A Wrinkle In Time Madeleine L'Engle- An excellent read with a deeper meaning than the adolescent audience it was written for.
The Giver Lois Lowry- Ditto.
1984 George Orwell - The all time classic on the police state.
The Art Of War Sun Tzu - Again, a classic of war as an extension of politics.
The Prince Niccoli Machiovelli - The epitome, not only explains political leadership, but also helps put into perspective why a Spanish king would give an Italian explorer three ships.
The Coming Anarchy: Shattering the Dreams of the Post Cold War Robert D. Kaplan - A chilling look of what is to come.
The Election Sherwin Markman- A dated but still pertinent read.
The Monkey Wrench Gang Edward Abbey - An entertaining look at the radical environmentalists.
Inside The NRA Armed and Dangerous Jack Anderson - Jack is at his muckraking best in this mix of partial truth with pure attack on the 2nd Amendment, not just on the NRA. A must read if you have been following current events or if you are familiar with history. Anyone who is unfamiliar with the events discussed would find Jack's opinion "reasonable".
More will follow, but this is a good start for a look inside the mind of the liberty guerrilla.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


I am disgusted with all the attention given to these Hollywierdos. Here we go again, another celebrity is in the news and it occupies every waking moment of broadcast news. It shows how disgusting and lazy broadcast media has become. A Hollywood script plays out and they don't have to work for a real story. Now, I don't like or dislike O.J. Simpson. I feel for the Goldman family and hope and pray that I never know what they are going through. To bury your child must be the most horrible ordeal a person could be put through. But, only GOD and the murderer know who killed their son. According to the jury, O.J. was acquitted of murder. That is our system and it is the best in the world. Is it flawed? Yes. Everything involving people is flawed, and when you add government it is sure to be at best a disaster. An example is that an ambulance chasing lawyer succeeded in getting a financial settlement in a civil 'wrongful death' lawsuit. This is absurd. If acquitted in a criminal trial you should not be held liable in a civil trial regarding the same offence. For that matter the lawyers in congress (count them, it will sicken you) have passed laws enabling lawyers to be legalized thieves and vultures. To be tried in civil court in a matter relating to an acquittal in criminal court violates the spirit, if not the letter of the Fifth Amendment, of not being tried for the same crime twice. This is precisely one of the atrocious conditions prevailing under British rule which helped to incite the American Revolution. And one of the issues our founding fathers addressed specifically. "But we are wiser now than those great men of the past." B.S. Our technology has advanced while our brains and our sense of right and wrong have atrophied. Now O.J. is in the news again. If found guilty of the charges against him, so be it. I don't care. He was acquitted of murder, right or wrong. Think about this if you are ever unjustly placed on the wrong side of the law. And the way our government is going, that could include a lot of us.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Chuck Schumer Endorses Second Amendment?

Chuck Schumer is going to have an apoplectic fit when he realizes that he inadvertently endorsed both the Second Amendment and the militia movement. Undoubtedly you are asking yourself, "When did Chuck ever endorse anything in the Bill of Rights or the Constitution?" He did not do it intentionally.
When attacking the U.S. military and the success of the troop surge Chuck said: "The violence in Anbar has gone down despite the Surge, not because of the Surge. The inability of American soldiers to protect these tribes from Al Qaeda said to these tribes: We have to fight Al Qaeda ourselves."
— Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY), Congressional Record, 9/5/07, p. S 11090
Tribes? Tribes generally do not have standing, professional armies. Each adult male is expected to be willing and able to fight to defend themselves and their families. Able meaning that they provide their own weapons. And not rely on a central government or agency to defend them. Sounds like the militia in the U.S. now and in the revolutionary days. And is that not what the Second Amendment is all about? Yes, according to men like Franklin, Jefferson, Hancock, Washington, Lee, Adams, and on and on. Yes, that is what the Second Amendment is all about. So "We the people..." can protect ourselves and our families from whatever threat we face. Please, when Chuck realizes what he has done, will someone get a picture?

Friday, September 14, 2007

I Have to Agree With the Libertarians on This One

Leningrad 1975, your name is Petrovich and you have a grudge against your neighbor Michaelovich. At the factory where you both work you mention to a staff political officer that Michaelovich has been seen taking photos of a nearby hydroelectric dam. The next morning your neighbor is taken into custody by the KGB. Grudge settled. That could happen in the U.S. if "reporting suspected terrorism" is not balanced with honesty and good judgment. The honesty is kept in place by having legal recourse to face your accuser (per the Bill of Rights) and to take recompense from false accusation. If Sen. Kennedy's 'hate speech' bill is passed into law and your pastor preaches a sermon a little too close to home, you call the FBI and report that he has been preaching against homosexuality and abortion. The next Sunday you have an interim pastor, as yours is in custody for 'questioning'. Or, what about the guy with the pesky dog? Didn't you see an NRA sticker on his truck? "Hello, FBI? I think this guy said something about shooting someone in government."
And this is how it goes. The snitch society is where you did not know if you could trust your neighbor, or not. An age old tool for controlling populations, used to perfection by the communists of East Germany, is what the Bush administration brings to us. And don't think the leftist democrats won't use it as, or more, ruthlessly than the republicans. We citizens are trapped between the devil and the deep blue sea. Only this is not Dunkirk and there is no where to go for safety or freedom.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Hmm...tough question.

This one will get some reaction.
Apparently a Palestinian terrorist has threatened to cut off the heads of Madonna and Britney Spears. My question is, if these acts are carried out will this constitute terrorism or community service? I mean, some communities have "Adopt a Highway" programs to pickup trash, would this then be a "Behead a Tramp" program? Of course this is tongue-in-cheek, but they know all about each others tongue-in-cheek. If these two represent what passes for American culture then it is no wonder that these people hate us.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Old Army Truism

I recently observed a young 2nd lieutenant interacting with a varied group of individuals and this old question and answer came to mind: What is the difference between a private E-2 and a 2nd Lieutenant? The private has been promoted. Fortunately the military takes this into account and pairs an experienced NCO with the new Lt. so that the Lt. can gain knowledge from the NCO's experience. It is still amusing, however.

Just Wondering

After all the media coverage of Gen. Petraeus and congress, the question comes to mind: In matters military, do you trust the judgement of an Army four star general or a group of five star democrat pantywaists? Just wondering.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Republicans and Democrats

Republicans and democrats, the people who vote not the leadership, are for the most part indistinguishable one from the other. The majority of both groups who vote are working Americans who obey the law, pay their taxes, worship or at least acknowledge a faith. We want a responsive, not an intrusive government. And we see government as our servant, not our master. The biggest difference I've seen is the blind party loyalty of the Democratic voters. These people will vote for someone they despise to vote democrat or die. Only once have I seen a break from the party line. In 1980 when the Reagan Democrats refused to re-elect that walking disaster, Jimmy Carter (time has not improved him, he's even more incompetent and un-American than ever). Voters who generally vote Republican tend to be more punitive when their elected officials do not follow through with the path the voters felt they set them out on. They won't necessarily vote Democrat, but usually independent or not at all.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Enough has not been said about NAFTA or its sequel FTAA. To hear Pres. Bush espouse the "benefits" of NAFTA turns my stomach. The only thing that NAFTA has done is to hurt U.S manufacturing. It allowed international corporations to close American factories and relocate them in Mexico. Thus leaving much unemployment and weakening our industrial base. The only ones to benefit were/are the corporate owners who increased their profit margins by escaping U.S. regulations and the fair salaries and benefits of their U.S. employees. The Mexicans in these factories still live in poverty, not much if any better off than they were before. So when Pres. Bush touts the "benefits" of NAFTA try not to regurgitate what you have eaten. You could be arrested as a biological terrorist.

The Next Wave

Since Pres. Bush did not get his amnesty/guest worker bill passed, you do realize that the next wave of human misery to cross our southern border will not be "illegal immigrants", don't you? They will be "hurricane evacuees" receiving the full support of our government.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Edward Abbey Quote

"A patriot must always be ready to defend his liberty against his government."

Friday, August 17, 2007

Where We're Headed

This was sent to me by a friend who thought I should share it. "Read it and weap."

Where We're Headed
Robert A. Waters
You're sound asleep when you hear a thump outside your bedroom door.

Half-awake, and nearly paralyzed with fear, you hear muffled whispers. At least two people have broken into your house and are moving your way.

With your heart pumping, you reach down beside your bed and pick up your shotgun. You rack a shell into the chamber, then inch toward the door and open it.

In the darkness, you make out two shadows. One holds a weapon--it looks like a crowbar.

When the intruder brandishes it as if to strike, you raise the shotgun and fire. The blast knocks both thugs to the floor. One writhes and screams while the second man crawls to the front door and lurches outside.

As you pick up the telephone to call police, you know you're in trouble. In your country, most guns were outlawed years before, and the few that are privately owned are so stringently regulated as to make them useless. Yours was never registered.

Police arrive and inform you that the second burglar has died. They arrest you for First Degree Murder and Illegal Possession of a Firearm.

When you talk to your attorney, he tells you not to worry: authorities will probably plea the case down to manslaughter. "What kind of sentence will I get?" you ask. "Only ten-to-twelve years," he replies, as if that's nothing. "Behave yourself, and you'll be out in seven."

The next day, the shooting is the lead story in the local newspaper. Somehow, you're portrayed as an eccentric vigilante while the two men you shot are represented as choir boys. Their friends and relatives can't find an unkind word to say about them. Buried deep down in the article, authorities acknowledge that both "victims" have been arrested numerous times. But the next day's headline says it all: "Lovable Rogue Son Didn't Deserve to Die." The thieves have been transformed from career criminals into Robin Hood-type pranksters.

As the days wear on, the story takes wings. The national media picks it up, then the international media.

The surviving burglar has become a folk hero. Your attorney says the thief is preparing to sue you, and he'll probably win.

The media publishes reports that your home has been burglarized several times in the past and that you've been critical of local police for their lack of effort in apprehending the suspects. After the last break-in, you told your neighbor that you would be prepared next time. The District Attorney uses this to allege that you were lying in wait for the burglars.

A few months later, you go to trial. The charges haven't been reduced, as your lawyer had so confidently predicted. When you take the stand, your anger at the injustice of it all works against you. Prosecutors paint a picture of you as a mean, vengeful man.

It doesn't take long for the jury to convict you of all charges.

The judge sentences you to life in prison.

This case really happened.

On August 22, 1999, Tony Martin of Emneth, Norfolk, England, killed one burglar and wounded a second. In April, 2000, he was convicted and is now serving a life term.

How did it become a crime to defend one's own life in the once-great British Empire?

It started with the Pistols Act of 1903. This seemingly reasonable law forbade selling pistols to minors or felons and established that handgun sales were to be made only to those who had a license. The Firearms Act of 1920 expanded licensing to include not only handguns but all firearms except shotguns. Later laws passed in 1953 and 1967 outlawed the carrying of any weapon by private citizens and mandated the registration of all shotguns.

Momentum for total handgun confiscation began in earnest after the Hungerford mass shooting in 1987. Michael Ryan, a mentally disturbed man with a Kalashnikov rifle, walked down the streets shooting everyone he saw. When the smoke cleared, 17 people were dead.

The British public, already desensitized by eighty years of "gun control", demanded even tougher restrictions. (The seizure of all privately owned handguns was the objective even though Ryan used a rifle.)

Nine years later, at Dunblane, Scotland, Thomas Hamilton used a semiautomatic weapon to murder 16 children and a teacher at a public school.

For many years, the media had portrayed all gun owners as mentally unstable, or worse, criminals. Now the press had a real kook with which to beat up law-abiding gun owners. Day after day, week after week, the media gave up all pretense of objectivity and demanded a total ban on all handguns. The Dunblane Inquiry, a few months later, sealed the fate of the few sidearms still owned by private citizens.

During the years in which the British government incrementally took away most gun rights, the notion that a citizen had the right to armed self-defense came to be seen as vigilantism. Authorities refused to grant gun licenses to people who were threatened, claiming that self-defense was no longer considered a reason to own a gun. Citizens who shot burglars or robbers or rapists were charged while the real criminals were released. Indeed, after the Martin shooting, a police spokesman was quoted as saying, "We cannot have people take the law into their own hands."

All of Martin's neighbors had been robbed numerous times, and several elderly people were severely injured in beatings by young thugs who had no fear of the consequences. Martin himself, a collector of antiques, had seen most of his collection trashed or stolen by burglars.

When the Dunblane Inquiry ended, citizens who owned handguns were given three months to turn them over to local authorities. Being good British subjects, most people obeyed the law. The few who didn't were visited by police and threatened with ten-year prison sentences if they didn't comply.

Police later bragged that they'd taken nearly 200,000 handguns from private citizens.

How did the authorities know who had handguns?

The guns had been registered and licensed. Kinda like cars.

Sound familiar?

Monday, August 13, 2007

The Mob Rules

"When you listen to fools, the mob rules!" Who would have thought that Black Sabbath would make political sense? This government originated as a constitutional republic with strict guidelines as to voter eligibility. At this time we need to restore some common sense to the voting process. Just about anyone breathing, and in some districts people who are not, can vote. And each vote is equal whether it is cast by a carpenter, an accountant, a delivery driver, or a career welfare recipient. That sounds better than welfare bum, doesn't it?
My point is, people who will not manage their own lives enough to get out of the welfare system are voting on who leads our country. There is something wrong here. There are even states where convicted felons can vote. That's who I want to vote on who the next judge will be, or who will sit on the school board, or who will have their finger on the nuclear button. If an ex con has turned their life around and become a contributing member of society, there should be a court day set up once a month for these people to bring evidence of their current positive position in society. A legal tribunal of a judge, a prosecutor, and a defender should examine the evidence, interview the person and any witnesses, and then decide on the ex con's voting status. There should be achievable guidelines for both the supplicant and the tribunal. Remember though, the responsibility of proof this time is on the ex con.
Basically, the only people who should vote are citizens who are gainfully employed or retired from working their entire lives. This includes stay home moms or dads, who are not on the welfare "payroll".

Friday, August 10, 2007


Are you telling me that the people who, in the 18th century, broke away from the most powerful empire on earth at the time, and the people who moved a country from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean in the 19th century, and the country that built the Panama Canal in the early days of the 20th century,and repeatedly flew to the moon in the latter days 20th century is incapable of building a wall to protect its border in the 21st century?

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Ourselves Alone

We Americans cannot rely on anyone but "ourselves alone" to secure our liberties and our future. The governments of the world (including ours) hate the degree of freedom we have and wish to do away with these freedoms and control us. We must stand, "ourselves alone", with, on, and in support of our GOD given liberties recognized and enumerated by our founding fathers and scorned by the politicians of today.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Koran in PU Toilet

Now let me get this right, burning the flag of the U.S. is free speech, a crucifix in a jar of urine is art, and feces smeared on a painting of the Virgin Mary is free expression? Speaking out against homosexuality is a hate crime? Placing a Koran in a toilet is a hate crime? Something is horribly wrong here. The 1st Amendment recognizes your right to worship whatever god you choose, be it Odin or Allah, Zeus or Jesus, that is up to you. It also recognizes my right to criticize said religion and your right to criticize mine. Another typical example of the left wing double standard. If placing a Koran in a toilet is a 'hate crime' against Muslims, then placing a crucifix in a jar of urine is a 'hate crime' against Christians and Jews, as Jesus was born Jewish. Also, smearing feces on a painting of the Virgin Mary is a 'hate crime' against Catholics who believe, against women and Jews, as Mary was a Jewish woman. That's only fair.
Now jump to the 'fairness doctrine'. In the field of talk radio, the left, which has not been able to have a successful talk show, want to impose 'the fairness doctrine' to force broadcasters to air, at their expense, opposing views with the same amount of time as the successful (conservative to moderate)talk shows.
In this sense, placing a Koran in a toilet is not a hate crime, but free speech or a work of art. It is a man 'in touch with his feelings' and 'expressing his inner emotions". This is not a 'hate crime' it is the bloom of the flower of tolerant, open thought. It is 'fair'.
Now that we have been through that 'left wing, pinko, fag' version of looking at it, let's be more pragmatic. The Koran is the textbook of the people who are trying to murder us all. These lowlife throwbacks do not have the intestinal fortitude to stand up and fight. The Germans fought hard and well against all military forces, the Japanese did not attack U.S. civilian centers, they attacked the U.S. Military. These civilian murderers are that. Murderers. They were murderers when they were planting bombs in Paris in the early 1960's; murderers when they slaughtered Israel Olympic athletes; murderers when they threw a man in a wheelchair overboard from a cruise ship; a murderer who shot Bobby Kennedy; murderers who flew planes into the twin towers. The Koran is their textbook. Just as in Mein Kampf Hitler told the world what his intentions were, in the Koran believers are told to convert or kill infidels. The Koran then should be banned for the 'hate crime' of inciting murder. If you follow the 'hate crime' train of thought. I don't buy into it, nor does the vast majority of Americans. The Koran should not be banned, nor should it be a 'hate crime' to deface it. It is in bad taste and disrespectful to deface any religious icon. I do have a serious problem with burning the U.S. flag, unless the person burning it is wrapped up in it.
(As a side note, it is very interesting that the atheists who take great pleasure in attacking all things Christian, have said not word one against anything Islam. Also, that the homosexuals have not protested Islamic teachings against homosexuality, but they readily attack Christians preaching against homosexuality. Christians just preach that it is wrong, Islam says that homosexuals are to be put to death.)

Monday, July 30, 2007

Ethnic Cleansing L.A.

Minuteman Radio Network
Weekly Radio Show
Thursday from 7PM - 9PM PST
Call-In Phone Numbers:
(703) 731-1230
(866) 820-5528

Racist Mexican Gangs "Ethnic Cleansing" Blacks In L.A.
January 22, 2007 - Paul Jospeh Watson

Latino thugs indiscriminately murder blacks regardless of gang membership, genocidal purge aligns with radical Aztlan theology

Racist Mexican gangs are indiscriminately targeting blacks who aren't even involved in gang culture, as part of an orchestrated ethnic cleansing program that is forcing black people to flee Los Angeles. The culprit of the carnage is the radical Neo-Nazi liberation theology known as La Raza, which calls for the extermination of all races in America besides Latinos, and is being bankrolled by some of the biggest Globalists in the U.S.

A story carried on the liberal website Alternet, charts an explosion in brutal murders of blacks by Hispanic street gangs in L.A. Far from being gang on gang violence, the Latinos are targeting innocent blacks in accordance with a concerted ethnic cleansing campaign that seeks to eradicate all blacks from Hispanic neighborhoods.

In one instance, 21-year-old Anthony Prudhomme was shot in the face with a .25-caliber semi-automatic while lying on a futon inside his apartment, slain by a Latino gang known as the Avenues as part of a racist terror campaign in which gang members earn "stripes" for each black person they kill.

In one typical case," writes journalist Brentin Mock, "Three members of the Pomona 12 attacked an African-American teenager, Kareem Williams, in his front yard in 2002. When his uncle, Roy Williams, ran to help his nephew, gang member Richard Diaz told him, "Niggers have no business living in Pomona because this is 12th Street territory." According to witnesses, Diaz then told the other gang members, "Pull out the gun! Shoot the niggers! Shoot the niggers!"

The fatwah against blacks began in the mid-nineties, with a 1995 LAPD report concluding that Latinos had vowed to "Eradicate black citizens from the gang neighborhood." In a follow up report on the situation in east Los Angeles, the LAPD warned that "Local gangs will attack any black person that comes into the city."

The author notes that since 1990 the African-American population of Los Angeles has halved, partly as a result of rampant illegal immigration and that there are noticeably fewer blacks walking the streets because many have been forced to relocate in fear of the racist gangs.

"The LAPD estimates there are now 22,000 Latino gang members in the city of Los Angeles alone. That's not only more than all the Crips and the Bloods; it's more than all black, Asian, and white gang members combined. Almost all of those Latino gang members in L.A. -- let alone those in other California cities -- are loyal to the Mexican Mafia. Most have been thoroughly indoctrinated with the Mexican Mafia's violent racism during stints in prison, where most gangs are racially based," writes Mock.

Mock blames the "Mexican Mafia" for ordering the campaign of ethnic cleansing from prison, as part of a turf war with the Black Guerilla family, another prison gang, but fails to pinpoint the racist creed from which the Mexican kingpins draw their inspiration - the long standing Aztlan invasion agenda.

Aztlan's goal, known as La reconquista, is to cede and take over the entirety of the southern and western states by any means necessary and impose a Communist militant dictatorship. President Bush's blanket amnesty program goes a long way to helping the extremists achieve their aim.

Despite the fact that the majority of documented hispanics oppose illegal immigration, as do the majority of Americans, Aztlan and La Raza race hate groups have become the self-appointed voice for a separatist movement that threatens a violent overthrow of the Constitutional system and a barbaric program of ethnic cleansing. This is held up by the media as 'diversity' and to vociferously oppose it is scorned as racism.

Aztlan and Mecha groups advocate killing all whites and blacks and driving them out of the southern states by means of brutal ethnic cleansing. Flags and placards carried at marches depict white people having their heads cut off, as seen in the picture below.

Those that protest such groups are then attacked by the establishment media and labeled as racists, despite the fact that the Plan of San Diego, a rallying cry for the hispanic Klan groups, advocates total eradication of any race but hispanics.

Mecha's own slogan reads, "For the race everything. For those outside the race, nothing."

TV stations owned by rich white industrialists erect giant billboards in Los Angeles claiming the city belongs to Mexico, as seen below.

Mainstream hispanics who love America abhor the virulent racism that the Mexican klan groups embrace.

And who bankrolls these pocket radicals? Billionaire tax-exempt foundations and NGO's owned by white men. Organizations like the Ford Foundation, groups who are zealous in their quest to eliminate the middle class and destroy America, turning it into a cashless society, compact city, surveillance control grid where only two tiers of society exist - the elite and the poor slaves.

During the May immigration protests, The Aztlanwebsite carried the following statement.

"If the racist "Sensenbrenner Legislation" passes the US Senate, there is no doubt that a massive civil disobedience movement will emerge. Eventually labor union power can merge with the immigrant civil rights and "Immigrant Sanctuary" movements to enable us to either form a new political party or to do heavy duty reforming of the existing Democratic Party. The next and final steps would follow and that is to elect our own governors of all the states within Aztlan."

Here is the open call for violent separatism and the overthrow of existing state government structures.

During the immigration demonstrations, which were orchestrated by Rob Allyn of Rob Allyn & Co. who is closely tied with George W. Bush, alarming reports of illegals carrying out violent beatings began to surface. In Santa Ana California, illegal aliens swarmed around in mobs invading schools, carrying out violent beatings and in one incident a county worker had a Mexican flag plunged into his chest.

The violent protests that began on May 1 last year were characterized by throngs marching under Mexican flags, many of which were illegal aliens, as a "day without gringos."

Imagine what the reaction would be if white middle class Americans marched in their millions and called the event "a day without blacks."

The media continues to run defense for a violent militant movement that seeks nothing less than the eradication of blacks and whites through ethnic cleansing and the takeover of the southern and western states. This is a separatist junta that has over 30,000 ruthless gang members at its disposal once the call for mobilization is heard, along with millions of illegal aliens pouring across the border.

These thugs have the temerity to call Latinos, blacks and whites who are opposed to uncontrolled illegal immigration racists when it is their own La reconquista philosophy that has spawned target hits in Los Angeles as part of a virulently racist ethnic cleansing rampage. It's a bloodlust that can only spread to other cities as the realization of Aztlan is generously aided by billionaire Globalists who wish to see America balkanized, plundered and destroyed.

Sunday, July 29, 2007


I would like to thank everyone who reads my rantings. I have a request. Respond, if you agree or disagree. If you think I am full of it, or if you think I may be on to something. That way I can get a feel for who is reading, and what is the most interesting. Not that I will cease to vent my feelings on different issues, nor that I will cease posting the bad humor that comes my way. Anyway, thanks, and keep reading and occaisionally, reply.

Rob An Old Person?

Apparently it is safer to attack young people than it is to attack older people. I read about this and thought that THIS is the type of American we all need to be. This was copied from another blog, but the story can be found on many different sites. No doubt, the current crop of democrat leadership would have the Marine arrested and the criminals turned into saints.
I am proud that my state also passed a law that does not force you to retreat before you can use deadly force, and you allowed to come to the aid of others. Crime and criminals are dropping like flies in the sunshine state.

Friday, July 6, 2007
Marine shoots two robbers, and is called both hero and criminal

Again and again I'll say it -- be careful who you mess with, even if they look harmless. They could just end up being a former soldier.

The Marine is being called both hero and criminal (emphasis mine):

Some are calling a former U.S. Marine a hero for shooting two men — killing one — during the botched robbery of a sandwich shop in Plantation. But the men's friends and family want to know how he could gun them down and not be charged.

John Lovell had just finished dinner at about 11: 15 p.m. Wednesday when, Plantation police say, two men armed with guns rushed inside a Subway shop and demanded cash. After robbing the store, the men turned to Lovell. They wanted his money, police said.

But like his attackers, Lovell was armed.

The retired military man opened fire, shooting dead Donicio Arrindell, 22, of North Lauderdale, and critically injuring Fredrick Gadson, 21, of Fort Lauderdale.

Lovell, 71, of Plantation, has a valid concealed weapons permit and is not expected to be charged in the shooting, said police spokesman Detective Robert Rettig. Gadson, however, faces multiple felony charges that could include murder, he said. Under Florida law, anyone who commits a felony such as armed robbery resulting in a death can be held accountable for the capital offense.

His attorney, Wesley White, of Yulee, near Jacksonville, said he has known Lovell for 19 years and described him as a "quiet Clint Eastwood-type you don't want to mess with." He is a former Marine who was a member of the helicopter detail that transported Presidents Kennedy and Johnson, White said.

Lovell, a retired Pan-Am and Delta Airline pilot, has held a concealed weapons permit since September 1990.

According to a police statement, Arrindell ordered Lovell to hand over his wallet. He intentionally dropped it on the floor and refused to pick it up, saying he was afraid. That's when Arrindell ordered him into the women's restroom.

"The victim believed he would be executed and when he noticed [Arrindell] distracted ... reached behind his back, removed his loaded .45 caliber handgun from his holster and fired seven rounds," the statement said.

Arrindell was struck twice — once in the head and once in the stomach — and collapsed. Officers found him face down, wearing sunglasses and a bandanna, with a gun near his left hand. Gadson was hit in the chest and ran from the store. Police dogs found him in the hedges of a nearby office building and bank.

Sebastian Shakespeare, 23, of Lauderhill, was going to buy a sandwich at the Subway at 1949 N. Pine Island Road when he saw Lovell, gun in hand, standing over Arrindell. A former employee, Shakespeare worked the night shift and often worried about getting robbed.

He said Lovell did a good deed. "A civilian was a hero."

Lovell's neighbor agreed.

"If I was in the same situation ... I hope I could've done the same thing," said Bryan Sklar, 45.

But Gadson's grandmother, Rosa Jones, said: "He ain't no hero. He is a murderer and God will serve justice."

She and her husband, Ivory Jones, pastor of a Fort Lauderdale church, sat on their front porch in Fort Lauderdale on Thursday wondering how a man could shoot two people and not go to jail.

They said their grandson sometimes hung with the wrong crowd but never got into legal trouble. According to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, he has no arrest record. They said Gadson, who never finished high school, got tired of low-wage jobs and was pursuing his GED.

Arrindell, friends said, found himself in a similar situation: no high school diploma and working odd jobs. So he went back to school. He was a man with past troubles, including a 2004 arrest for carrying a concealed weapon, but he was improving his life, they said. He recently bought a car and had a girlfriend.

I love the wording of this article. "Gunned down two men and not arrested."

Has such a nice ring to it, doesn't it?

It's funny how the grandparents of the guy who survived are calling Lovell, the Marine, a murderer. Saying he isn't a hero -- even though the two men who committed the crime were, well, committing a crime. They didn't just stroll into Subway to get a sandwich and get shot out of nowhere. They charged in, armed, and demanded money. Lovell was forced into a bathroom stall with a gun pointed at him -- what, I wonder, would she have done if she had a gun and some guy was forcing her into a bathroom at gunpoint?

I would've shot his ass, too.

And of course, I always love the "good kid hanging with a bad crowd" argument. If he was such a good kid, why was he hanging with such a bad crowd? Why did he drop out of high school? Why was he committing armed robberies? I'm not saying the kid's a monster or anything, but "good kid" is not an applicable label here. The parents of the used the same excuse, even though both were supposedly strippers who dabbled in drugs, even telling police that one of the girls was a drug dealer.

Parents of screwed-up kids always used that excuse. "Good kid hanging with a bad crowd". It's not an excuse. And Lovell is a hero, whether the kid's family [liberals, perhaps?] like it or not.

I mean, what should he have done instead? Let himself be robbed? Let himself be murdered?

Don't think so.

We need more Lovells, and less of the 'self-defense = murder' crowd.
The Liberal Mantra: Delusion, Diversion, Division

Protect the Innocent,
Convert the Willing,
Kill the Rest

I have become Death,
The shatterer of Worlds.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Bumper Sticker

I recently saw a bumper sticker which I felt appropriate: "Inside every old person is a young person wandering what happened."

Monday, July 23, 2007


Main Entry: 1lib·er·al Pronunciation: 'li-b(&-)r&lFunction: adjectiveEtymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin liberalis suitable for a freeman, generous, from liber free; perhaps akin to Old English lEodan to grow, Greek eleutheros free1 a : of, relating to, or based on the liberal arts b archaic : of or befitting a man of free birth2 a : marked by generosity : OPENHANDED b : given or provided in a generous and openhanded way c : AMPLE, FULL3 obsolete : lacking moral restraint : LICENTIOUS4 : not literal or strict : LOOSE 5 : BROAD-MINDED; especially : not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or traditional forms
Well, vandals certainly do not fall under that definition. I am referencing the Hummer vandals outside of Washington. In the recent past 'liberal' referred to the far left of American politics. Traditionally 'liberal' is center to left of center. More middle ground, emphasizing tolerance. These vandals are mere cowards who are using the environment as an excuse for exercising their juvenile tendencies. I am not downplaying their violence. According to law enforcement, the most dangerous domestic terrorists are the eco-terrorists Animal Liberation Front and the Earth Liberation Front. Here's how the animal rights and eco-terrorists made it to the top of the FBI charts.
"There is nothing else going on in this country, over the last several years, that is racking up the high number of violent crimes and terrorist actions, arsons, etc, that this particular area of domestic terrorism has caused," Lewis testified to a Senate committee earlier this year.
Lewis said that from January 1990 to June 2004, "animal and environmental rights extremists have claimed credit for more than 1,200 [attacks], resulting in millions of dollars of damages and monetary loss."
The FBI is worried about mounting rhetoric from the Animal Liberation Front (ALF), whose members regularly break into labs, destroy equipment and threaten scientists; and the Earth Liberation Front (ELF), whose supporters attack SUVs and housing developments.
Consider the words of Jerry Vlasak, a physician who is a well-known activist in the animal advocacy movement in Los Angeles. He said he's not a member of ALF, but makes it his mission to publicize their actions. To Vlasak, anyone who does testing on live animals is a "vivisector."
Vlasak made some incendiary comments at an animal rights conference in 2003. "I think there is a use for violence in our movement," Vlasak was reported as saying.
He called violence morally acceptable at times. "If vivisectors were being killed, I think it would give other vivisectors pause. If there were prominent vivisectors being assassinated, there would be a trickle-down effect ... strictly from a fear and intimidation factor, that would be an effective action."
"You wouldn't need to see too many assassinations" before vivisection declined, he said.
The FBI admits it has had a hard time penetrating ALF and ELF. Actions are usually taken by small groups of people, acting autonomously, and e-mailing or faxing results to people like Vlasak, who publicize the results.
The movement prides itself on this sort of independent cell structure and the lack of central leadership.
These people are hard corps leftists using the soft sell environment as a cover and a fund raiser. Their so called concern does not give them liberty to attack someone or their property. Especially something that is legal to own. This demonstrates the left's contempt of personal property and their absolute cowardice in not confronting the owner in an open discussion of their differing beliefs. The un-liberal left in the U.S. does not allow a difference of opinion, much less open discussion. And they, like the extreme muslims, are willing to use what violence necessary to force their beliefs on everyone else.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

To Address Sen. Kennedy's "Hate Speech"

To address Sen. Kennedy's 'Hate Speech' amendment to the Defense Authorization Bill: 'Hate Speech' and 'Hate Crimes' are doublespeak straight from George Orwell's representation of life in the Marxist utopia of 1984, where 'thought crimes' caused you to be sent to 're-education' camps. Imagine, the IRS being able to arrest you for thinking about tax loopholes. This is the path Sen. Ted Kennedy and Sen. Gordon Smith would like to put us on. Crime is crime, and freedom of thought and speech is what this country is about.
If a group of rednecks in Texas chain a man to the back of a pickup truck and drag him to death, then all involved should be likewise chained to the back of a pickup and dragged to death. If a group of homies enter an ex-girlfriend's house and beat everyone to death with baseball bats, they too, should be beaten to death with baseball bats. If a couple of cowboys in Wyoming beat a gay man and leave him to die on a barbed wire fence, the same should be done to them. When a group of professional criminals carjack, torture, rape, and murder a young couple in Tennessee, the criminals should be tortured and put to the death in the same fashion. Do you get the point?
Crime is crime.
If you get murdered because a junkie needed a fix, or because someone didn't like your race, you are still DEAD. Your family still mourns. These criminals should be dealt with accordingly. Attaching a 'feel good' tag like 'hate crime' to your murder does nothing but cause animosity; it makes victims in a particular group 'more equal than others' as Orwell put it in Animal Farm. We are a nation of natural rights recognized by The Constitution and The Bill of Rights and a nation of laws passed by Congress. The Civil War, the Suffragists, the civil rights movement, the women's movement, and the gay liberation movement were all about ensuring that all people are treated equally under the law. "Hate crime' tilts the balance again, in favor of government interference, to where equality is not present and no one is actually protected, all are suspect. It is the stepping stone to 'hate speech' and then to 'hate thought'. Our 1st amendment protects speech which is unpopular. All the previously mentioned social movements met opposition from people who did not want to here what they had to say. Our founding fathers understood that this country is big enough physically and intellectually for us to discuss and disagree and have the right to do so. Since the success of all these social movements, have we become so much less physically and intellectually that we cannot discuss and disagree? Are we so sensitive that we cannot allow discussions of life style choices or race or religion? Must everyone agree with one extreme or another and no one come to the middle to understand and compromise?
Perhaps the great men of 1776 were wrong and we are not a people who can govern and think for ourselves. Perhaps we all need to be told what to think and do with our lives. That is what Sen. Kennedy and his fellow would be feudal lords, Schumer, Feinstein, Boxer, Smith, Durban, Rodham-Clinton, ad nauseaum, really want, to be able to tell us what to do and for us to do it, like children on Ritalin. Or worse.

Saturday, July 21, 2007


HR 2640 is Janet Reno's dream
"...with ATF harrassing the shit out of numerous mom & pop gunshops in SC, ID & elsewhere, this is THE American issue of alltimes. I pray to God ya all hammer relentlessly." -Nuge
Now that Congress returns to work this week, your liberties are injeopardy once again!
You will remember that before the Independence Day break, the Houseof Representatives passed a McCarthy gun control bill (HR 2640)without any hearings, without any committee action... they put it onthe Suspension Calendar and simply got a non-recorded voice vote.
An important part of the legislative process is to introduce a billin committee, to get both public and private observers to askquestions, make recommendations and offer comments on the bill.
But for some reason, HR 2640 was not given this benefit. The billwas rammed through the legislature with very few Representativespresent on the House floor... there was no recorded vote at all!
So it's not surprising that, having skipped much of the legislativeprocess, there are still a lot of unanswered questions regarding HR2640. In fact, these questions have only been magnified after anoffhanded, tongue-in-cheek remark made at the Harrisburg CommunityCollege in Pennsylvania cost a man his gun rights for life in thatstate.
Newspapers last month reported that Horatio Miller allegedly saidthat it could be "worse than Virginia Tech" if someone brokeinto hiscar, because there were guns there. It is not clear whether he wasmaking a threat against a person who might burglarize his car, or ifhe was simply saying that the bad guy could do a lot of damagebecause of the guns he would find there. Nevertheless, Miller wasarrested, but not charged with anything.
The comment Miller made was certainly not the smartest thing to say.But realize, we don't incarcerate people for making stupid statementsin this country -- at least not yet. Miller was a concealed carrypermit holder who, as such, had passed vigorous background checksinto his past history. Miller does not have a criminal record.
Regardless, the county district attorney did not like what he hadsaid, so, according to the Harrisburg Patriot News on June 20, "Icontacted the sheriff and had his license to carry a firearm revoked.And I asked police to commit him under Section 302 of the mentalhealth procedures act and that was done. He is now ineligible topossess firearms [for life] because he was committed involuntarily."
Get that?
Pennsylvania is operating exactly the way Rep. McCarthy's bill (HR2640) could treat all Americans. You might be thinking, I've neverhad a mental illness... I'm not a military veteran... I've never beenon Ritalin... hey, I have nothing to worry about under the McCarthybill. Right?
Well, think again.
The Pennsylvania case shows how all gun owners could be threatened byHR 2640. After all, did you ever tell anyone that the SecondAmendment was included in the Bill of Rights because the Founders(such as James Madison) wanted the people to be able to overturn atyrannical American government?
Or, while you were watching the nightly news -- and getting adetailed account of all the crime in your area -- did you ever make astatement such as, "If someone were to break through my door, I'dblow him away!"
Well, those kinds of statements will certainly make anti-gun nutsthink you're a potential danger to yourself or others. So if youmake the local district attorney or police officer nervous, howdifficult would it be for him to get a psychiatrist (most of whom arevery left-wing) to say that you are a danger to yourself and toothers?
Or, would the district attorney even need to get a psychiatrist? Oneof the outrageous aspects of the McCarthy bill is that Section 3(2)codifies existing federal regulations. And existing federal codesays it only takes a "lawful authority" to"adjudicate" someone as amental defective.(1) And another section of the bill makes it clearthis "adjudication" does not need to be made by a formal court, butcan simply be a "determination" -- such as a medical diagnosis.(2)
Consider how significant this is. The BATFE has been quietlyattempting to amend the federal code by regulatory fiat for years,but they've been somewhat restrained in their ability to interpretthese regulations because they are, after all, regulations (and notstatutory law).
But with HR 2640, much of the pablum that BATFE bureaucrats havequietly added to the code over the years will now become the LAW OFTHE LAND -- even though those regs were never submitted to alegislative committee or scrutinized in legislative hearings ordebated on the floor of the House of Representatives.
When one looks at the federal regs cited above, there are a lot ofquestions that still remain unanswered. What kinds of people canfall into this category of "other lawful authority" that can deemsomeone to be a mental defective? Certainly, it would seem to applyto Veterans Administration shrinks. After all, the federalgovernment already added more than 80,000 veterans with PostTraumatic Stress into the NICS system in 2000.
But who else could be classified as a "lawful authority"? A schoolcounselor? A district attorney? What about a legislator, a citycouncilman or a cop? They are certainly "authorities" in their ownright. Could the words "lawful authority" also apply to them?
Do we really want to risk the Second Amendment on the question ofwhat the words "lawful authority" in 27 CFR 478.11 mean --once theyhave been "statutized" by HR 2640 and BATF is no longer under ANYconstraint and can read it as broadly as they want?
If the "lawful authority" thinks you pose a danger to yourself orothers (or can't manage your own affairs) then your gun rights couldbe gone.
In its open letter of May 9, 2007, BATFE makes it clear that this"danger" doesn't have to be "imminent" or"substantial," but caninclude "any danger" at all. How many shrinks -- using thePennsylvania standard -- are going to say that a pro-gun Americanlike you, who believes the Second Amendment is the last defenseagainst tyranny, DOESN'T POSE AT LEAST AN INFINITESIMAL RISK ofhurting someone else?
As easy as that, your gun rights would be gone forever.
HR 2640 is Janet Reno's dream. Does somebody make a politiciannervous? Get a prescription pad, get your friendly left-wingpsychiatrist to make the "dangerous" diagnosis, and it's all over.Expungement will be virtually impossible. Just turn in your guns.
(1) See 27 CFR 478.11.(2) See Section 101(c)(1)(C).
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Supporters of the McCarthy bill are hangingtheir hat on language which purports to help disqualified people toget their rights restored. So GOA has built a special section on itswebsite that gets to the truth on this issue and informs gun ownersof the dangers in HR 2640. Please go to to learn what the specifics of thebill are, who its main supporters are, answers to claims made byproponents of the bill, who faces the greatest risk of beingdisqualified for buying a gun, and more.

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