Monday, July 23, 2007


Main Entry: 1lib·er·al Pronunciation: 'li-b(&-)r&lFunction: adjectiveEtymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin liberalis suitable for a freeman, generous, from liber free; perhaps akin to Old English lEodan to grow, Greek eleutheros free1 a : of, relating to, or based on the liberal arts b archaic : of or befitting a man of free birth2 a : marked by generosity : OPENHANDED b : given or provided in a generous and openhanded way c : AMPLE, FULL3 obsolete : lacking moral restraint : LICENTIOUS4 : not literal or strict : LOOSE 5 : BROAD-MINDED; especially : not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or traditional forms
Well, vandals certainly do not fall under that definition. I am referencing the Hummer vandals outside of Washington. In the recent past 'liberal' referred to the far left of American politics. Traditionally 'liberal' is center to left of center. More middle ground, emphasizing tolerance. These vandals are mere cowards who are using the environment as an excuse for exercising their juvenile tendencies. I am not downplaying their violence. According to law enforcement, the most dangerous domestic terrorists are the eco-terrorists Animal Liberation Front and the Earth Liberation Front. Here's how the animal rights and eco-terrorists made it to the top of the FBI charts.
"There is nothing else going on in this country, over the last several years, that is racking up the high number of violent crimes and terrorist actions, arsons, etc, that this particular area of domestic terrorism has caused," Lewis testified to a Senate committee earlier this year.
Lewis said that from January 1990 to June 2004, "animal and environmental rights extremists have claimed credit for more than 1,200 [attacks], resulting in millions of dollars of damages and monetary loss."
The FBI is worried about mounting rhetoric from the Animal Liberation Front (ALF), whose members regularly break into labs, destroy equipment and threaten scientists; and the Earth Liberation Front (ELF), whose supporters attack SUVs and housing developments.
Consider the words of Jerry Vlasak, a physician who is a well-known activist in the animal advocacy movement in Los Angeles. He said he's not a member of ALF, but makes it his mission to publicize their actions. To Vlasak, anyone who does testing on live animals is a "vivisector."
Vlasak made some incendiary comments at an animal rights conference in 2003. "I think there is a use for violence in our movement," Vlasak was reported as saying.
He called violence morally acceptable at times. "If vivisectors were being killed, I think it would give other vivisectors pause. If there were prominent vivisectors being assassinated, there would be a trickle-down effect ... strictly from a fear and intimidation factor, that would be an effective action."
"You wouldn't need to see too many assassinations" before vivisection declined, he said.
The FBI admits it has had a hard time penetrating ALF and ELF. Actions are usually taken by small groups of people, acting autonomously, and e-mailing or faxing results to people like Vlasak, who publicize the results.
The movement prides itself on this sort of independent cell structure and the lack of central leadership.
These people are hard corps leftists using the soft sell environment as a cover and a fund raiser. Their so called concern does not give them liberty to attack someone or their property. Especially something that is legal to own. This demonstrates the left's contempt of personal property and their absolute cowardice in not confronting the owner in an open discussion of their differing beliefs. The un-liberal left in the U.S. does not allow a difference of opinion, much less open discussion. And they, like the extreme muslims, are willing to use what violence necessary to force their beliefs on everyone else.

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