Sunday, December 9, 2007

Terrorism as a Tactic

What the powers that be do not want people to know is that terrorism as a tactic has been historically successful. The Easter Rebellion in Dublin 1916 was a military disaster, but it unified the Irish for the terror campaign which brought an end to British rule in southern Ireland in 1922. Decades later the civil rights movement in Northern Ireland failed, but Bloody Sunday again unified the Irish Catholics for a decades long battle which has ended with a shared power government between protestants and catholics. Terrorism by Jewish radicals in Palestine brought about the state of Israel in 1948. Muslim terrorists in Algeria successfully won independence from France in 1962. The Mujaheddin terrorists drove the Soviets out of Afghanistan and terrorism has ripped Gaza from Israel. Terrorism continues around the world, in many cases by governments as well as against governments. Look at the list of U.N. member states and it reads like a who's who of dictatorship and despotism: Sudan, North Korea, China, Burma, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Zimbabwe, Equatorial Guinea, Eritea, Cuba, Uzbekistan, Belarus, Cambodia, Vietnam, Syria, need I go on? And these countries have the same vote in the U.N. as the U.S., Britain, Israel, Switzerland, Germany, India, Argentina and the other relatively free countries. Something is wrong here.

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