Friday, August 3, 2007

Koran in PU Toilet

Now let me get this right, burning the flag of the U.S. is free speech, a crucifix in a jar of urine is art, and feces smeared on a painting of the Virgin Mary is free expression? Speaking out against homosexuality is a hate crime? Placing a Koran in a toilet is a hate crime? Something is horribly wrong here. The 1st Amendment recognizes your right to worship whatever god you choose, be it Odin or Allah, Zeus or Jesus, that is up to you. It also recognizes my right to criticize said religion and your right to criticize mine. Another typical example of the left wing double standard. If placing a Koran in a toilet is a 'hate crime' against Muslims, then placing a crucifix in a jar of urine is a 'hate crime' against Christians and Jews, as Jesus was born Jewish. Also, smearing feces on a painting of the Virgin Mary is a 'hate crime' against Catholics who believe, against women and Jews, as Mary was a Jewish woman. That's only fair.
Now jump to the 'fairness doctrine'. In the field of talk radio, the left, which has not been able to have a successful talk show, want to impose 'the fairness doctrine' to force broadcasters to air, at their expense, opposing views with the same amount of time as the successful (conservative to moderate)talk shows.
In this sense, placing a Koran in a toilet is not a hate crime, but free speech or a work of art. It is a man 'in touch with his feelings' and 'expressing his inner emotions". This is not a 'hate crime' it is the bloom of the flower of tolerant, open thought. It is 'fair'.
Now that we have been through that 'left wing, pinko, fag' version of looking at it, let's be more pragmatic. The Koran is the textbook of the people who are trying to murder us all. These lowlife throwbacks do not have the intestinal fortitude to stand up and fight. The Germans fought hard and well against all military forces, the Japanese did not attack U.S. civilian centers, they attacked the U.S. Military. These civilian murderers are that. Murderers. They were murderers when they were planting bombs in Paris in the early 1960's; murderers when they slaughtered Israel Olympic athletes; murderers when they threw a man in a wheelchair overboard from a cruise ship; a murderer who shot Bobby Kennedy; murderers who flew planes into the twin towers. The Koran is their textbook. Just as in Mein Kampf Hitler told the world what his intentions were, in the Koran believers are told to convert or kill infidels. The Koran then should be banned for the 'hate crime' of inciting murder. If you follow the 'hate crime' train of thought. I don't buy into it, nor does the vast majority of Americans. The Koran should not be banned, nor should it be a 'hate crime' to deface it. It is in bad taste and disrespectful to deface any religious icon. I do have a serious problem with burning the U.S. flag, unless the person burning it is wrapped up in it.
(As a side note, it is very interesting that the atheists who take great pleasure in attacking all things Christian, have said not word one against anything Islam. Also, that the homosexuals have not protested Islamic teachings against homosexuality, but they readily attack Christians preaching against homosexuality. Christians just preach that it is wrong, Islam says that homosexuals are to be put to death.)

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