Monday, August 13, 2007

The Mob Rules

"When you listen to fools, the mob rules!" Who would have thought that Black Sabbath would make political sense? This government originated as a constitutional republic with strict guidelines as to voter eligibility. At this time we need to restore some common sense to the voting process. Just about anyone breathing, and in some districts people who are not, can vote. And each vote is equal whether it is cast by a carpenter, an accountant, a delivery driver, or a career welfare recipient. That sounds better than welfare bum, doesn't it?
My point is, people who will not manage their own lives enough to get out of the welfare system are voting on who leads our country. There is something wrong here. There are even states where convicted felons can vote. That's who I want to vote on who the next judge will be, or who will sit on the school board, or who will have their finger on the nuclear button. If an ex con has turned their life around and become a contributing member of society, there should be a court day set up once a month for these people to bring evidence of their current positive position in society. A legal tribunal of a judge, a prosecutor, and a defender should examine the evidence, interview the person and any witnesses, and then decide on the ex con's voting status. There should be achievable guidelines for both the supplicant and the tribunal. Remember though, the responsibility of proof this time is on the ex con.
Basically, the only people who should vote are citizens who are gainfully employed or retired from working their entire lives. This includes stay home moms or dads, who are not on the welfare "payroll".

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