Sunday, August 26, 2007

Republicans and Democrats

Republicans and democrats, the people who vote not the leadership, are for the most part indistinguishable one from the other. The majority of both groups who vote are working Americans who obey the law, pay their taxes, worship or at least acknowledge a faith. We want a responsive, not an intrusive government. And we see government as our servant, not our master. The biggest difference I've seen is the blind party loyalty of the Democratic voters. These people will vote for someone they despise to vote democrat or die. Only once have I seen a break from the party line. In 1980 when the Reagan Democrats refused to re-elect that walking disaster, Jimmy Carter (time has not improved him, he's even more incompetent and un-American than ever). Voters who generally vote Republican tend to be more punitive when their elected officials do not follow through with the path the voters felt they set them out on. They won't necessarily vote Democrat, but usually independent or not at all.

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