Sunday, November 11, 2007

Hillary is Very Qualified

The republican pundits are missing the mark, again. To question the qualifications of anyone to be president is absurd. Very few presidents have been sworn into office that have had the experience necessary to anticipate the trials of this office. Eisenhower comes to mind, as supreme allied commander in the European theater of WWII. Other than him….
The constant questioning of Hillary Rodham’s capability is in vain. She is quite capable. I’ve heard it said, “I’d rather have Al Gore than Hillary, at least we know he is incompetent.”
Hillary is frighteningly competent. She is calculating, cold, vicious, and vindictive. She has surrounded herself with a political cadre the likes of which have not been seen since Moscow in 1922, Berlin in 1933, or Peking 1949. These modern day political shock troops are fanatically loyal to Hillary and ruthless in their attacks on her enemies, openly and more importantly behind the scenes. That is where the danger lies. Not in whether or not she is qualified to be president, she is, like Mugabe of Zimbabwe or Chavez of Venezuela. The pertinent question is where will she take the U.S.? Down the same road as these stellar examples of U.N. membership? The “Great Society” she envisions for the majority of us probably has an entrance sign which reads: “Work will make you free” or “Arbeit Macht Frei” as it read at the entrance to Auschwitz.

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