Thursday, March 15, 2007

Subject I Didn't Want To Address

Homosexuality and homosexuality in the U.S. Military. I wasn't going to address this subject until a group of harpies started screeching about Gen. Pace exercising his 1st Amendment Right of Free Speech. You see the left in the U.S. only approves of free speech if you agree with them. If not, it's a 'hate crime', 'thought crime' , whatever.
I'll be approaching this from various angles:
1. The immorality of homosexuality.
2. The immorality of the attack on Gen. Pace's 1st Amendment rights.
3. My personal view.

1. In the Judeo-Christian faith upon which this country was founded, homosexuality is an abomination. No apologies. It's wrong and not only were the first colonists from Europe Christian, many were missionaries. And, yes, I know about the atrocities during the conquest of the Americas, but I also know about the many more good experiences brought by the missionaries. Two sides to every coin, as it were. The founding fathers of the U.S. understood that the Christian family was the basis of the country and the source of future success. They went so far, however, to protect the religious beliefs of everyone including the right to believe nothing. But, our country's foundation is Christian. In Christianity, sins are forgiven through faith and repentance, and homosexuality is a sin akin to adultery. Gen. Pace is accurate in that we should not accept immoral behavior either homosexual or heterosexual. And, you don't lower your standards, you educate, train , develop, and discipline your people to meet those standards.
2. In addition to protecting all religious beliefs, the founding fathers also built in the protection of free speech, that is to say, unpopular speech. And, over the years unpopular speech has been allowed by mainstream America no matter how vulgar until it would appear, vulgar has become mainstream and moral has become unpopular. Regardless, it is still protected. Although the left can't stand it. The left cannot tolerate dissent because dissent shows the fallacies of the left. Which explains why the Soviet Union imprisoned Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and other dissidents. If you think and understand history or human nature, you cannot believe on the leftist philosophy. It is simply illogical and it doesn't work. But I digress, recently a group of U.S. Military personnel were interviewed about the war in Iraq and their 1st Amendment views were not condemned by the harpies we are hearing now because it is what the left wants to hear and it is what the left wants everyone to hear. Now Gen. Pace's 1st Amendment views draw their ire, see the double standard?
3. Personally, what someone does in their bedroom is none of my business. I don't care. The flip side is that I don't want to hear about it either. I don't care if you shove a lamp post up there, if that's what you are into as long as you are not forcing yourself on someone. leave it in the bedroom. If you are proud enough of having something stuck up your backside to broadcast it nationwide, be man (?) enough to accept that someone is going to say it's wrong. I'll defend your right to privacy and safety and someone else's right to free speech. Freedom/responsibility, it goes both ways. In the mentality of the American left, it's only their way and in my opinion, theirs is the wrong way.

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