Sunday, February 10, 2008

Really That Bad?

A friend recently asked if I really thought it was going to get as bad as I have written. My response was, worse. He looked at me in disbelief with that “you’re a conspiracy nut” look. That look faded as I stood there reminding him of the way things were going in the government and in the election process. History and current events are adding up to a difficult time ahead for the U.S. When the people become lazy and “…vote for their own largesse…” combines with a powerful and corrupt central government, only misery can follow. “We the people…” began voting for politicians who would make government give us something with the election of FDR and it has been downhill from there. People forget that government doesn’t produce anything. Anything government can give you has been taken by force or coercion from other people like you. These statements offend some people, but take off the rose colored glasses and look hard at history. Dig beyond what is taught in government schools and you may find something you did not want to find. It’s like family history and you find out that great grandpa was not a rancher, but a rustler. You are discouraged from looking further. Now look at past experiments of self government. Freedom overpowered responsibility and decadence led to a moral, social, and political collapse. Look around you today. Combine the mass exodus of manufacturing from the U.S., the increase of food imports, the reintroduction of eradicated diseases by illegal aliens, the negative savings rate, and a continuing drought, and you have a cauldron of problems. We are embroiled in foreign wars with no end in sight, and ‘our’ government uses ‘terrorism’ as an excuse to strip of us our freedoms and our identities. Add to this a political leader whose sole goal in life is absolute power, and you have a police state. A comment was made that when we elect Ms. Clinton, the world will laugh at us. In 1933 Germany elected a man who looked like Charlie Chaplin and the world laughed. This is incredibly serious. We are about to face what could be a combination of the worst of the Great Depression, WWII, the 1917-1919 flu pandemic, the dust bowl, and the Civil War all rolled into one. The election is in November. Prepare now. Liberty First!!!

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