Saturday, September 6, 2008

The DNC 2008

While attempting to watch the Democratic National Convention, I was not upset that the politicians were lying. They are politicians, the fact that they lie is a given. One thing that upset me about them was that they were talking down to the audience while lying. It was as if the audience was a second grade elementary school class. I expected the same from the republicans. I was mistaken. The speakers at the DNC were negative and derogatory about America and offered no positive solutions to any of the nations problems. The speakers at the RNC were full of pride and enthusiasm for America and offered solid solutions, while itemizing both past accomplishments and failures. While listening to the DNC I was soured and angry, but while listening to the RNC I was positive and motivated.
What really got my blood boiling about the DNC was that the audience enthusiastically believed the lies. These are the wealthy and educated members of the party and they were soaking up the ‘party line’ like a desert soaks up rain. The speakers lied about history, ignored facts, distorted science, and hid their own record. It was normal political fare, but that it was being consumed so greedily was shocking. If these are the best and brightest, how gullible must the general population be? I could not watch uninterrupted. I had to turn it off for periods and then return to see if it were isolated speakers or if it wee the entire cast playing out the lies. With each speaker the fallacy continued to be played out, to the point of Mrs. Clinton’s speech. And that was a dramatic misrepresentation of fact. Surely the Marx/Hitler theory of ‘Lie big, lie consistent and it will be believed’ was the plan of the night. Again, the sad part is the number of people who would rather believe the lies than to take the time to find out the truth for themselves. We are surely in for difficult times ahead.

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