Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Real Threat to the U.S.

The founding fathers were brilliant in that they understood the real danger to the country they were forming. They did not restrict firearm ownership because they had seen first hand that weapons in the hands of the citizens are good and effective tools. They also set up a form of government that was a Constitutional Republic. The founders understood that the real threat to the continuity of our country was not the threat of idiots with bullets, but of idiots with ballots. That is the real and true danger to our country and our liberties. As it has been pointed out: "when you listen to fools, the mob rules". Case in point, the most recent election of Barack Obama by people who had no clue as to which party currently controlled Congress, could not name their Congressional Representative, nor could identify any policy stand or statement by ANY candidate. All they voted on was the promise of "change" without understanding that "change" is not always positive. With Pelosi, Murtha, McCarthy and the like ruling the House of Representatives; with Reid, Feinstein, Boxer, and Schumer ruling the Senate, and Obama the president, one is reminded of Julius Caeser being appointed Dictator in Perpetuity and the transformation of the Roman Republic into an autocratic empire. Change you can believe in.

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