Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Oakland's Murderer Supporters

In typical Californian fashion, four police officers are murdered by a criminal, who is subsequently killed by police, and the people protest in support of the criminal. That is so typical of the Socialist Republic of California. Lovelle Mixon is a convicted felon, guilty of aggravated assault with a firearm. After being released from prison, he is apprehended as a suspect in a murder. Charges are dropped due to lack of evidence. Mixon, who is on parole, is being visited by his parole officer in Feb. 2009 when his parole officer cannot locate him. Following three more attempts to locate Mixon over the next three weeks, to no avail, Mixon is listed as Parollee-at-large. When Mixon is pulled over for a traffic violation, he begins shooting at the officers. As a convicted felon, Mixon should not be in possession of a firearm, but he is a criminal and does not obey laws. Mixon then runs to his sister's apartment to hide, very much like the Muslim terrorists hiding behind women and children, and he kills two more police officers. Mixon is then killed by other police officers, and the people of Oakland celebrate the deaths of four police officers and mourn a murderer. What a mess the country is in.

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