Monday, September 21, 2009

Remembering 9-11-01

Listening to the Huckabee Report on 9-11-09, I heard him say, and I agree, that the best way to honor the heroes of 9-11-01 is to send a package to one of our servicemen serving in the Middle East. Amen. Then he said they were fighting to prevent another 9-11. They are, but no matter how hard nor effectively they fight, they are fighting an enemy today, not preventing others in the future. And they are fighting very far away. To prevent another 9-11 requires leadership, and our current an previous administrations have not provided such leadership. In fact, these current administrations have waited for another attack to capitalize upon to try to force their corrupt plans on an unwilling citizenry (The Patriot Act and Universal Health Care)as FDR tried to do in the years following Pearl Harbor. To quote Obama's chief advisor: "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste..." So, no matter how hard our brave soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines fight, without a plan to protect and win, we here at home are still vulnerable to enemy attack. When someone gives assistance to our enemies, say by disabling or not implementing necessary precautions, does that not make them an enemy too?

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