Thursday, October 21, 2010

"Can They Kill Hot Rodding?" Article From Popular Hotrodding Magazine

Well, the leftists are not content with taking your guns, making ammo affordable, legalizing illegal aliens, and forcing gays into the military, no, they are after everything American. Now, apparently, they are trying to outlaw hotrods, for the 'good of the environment'. I have linked the editorial in the November 2010 Popular Hodrodding which also has an in depth article in the magazine. Do not underestimate the leftists and their front groups, they have been very successful over the past decades, like a turtle crossing the road, eventually they will get to the other side. The current administration is trying to push our country over the edge in order to spread the misery of the third world. Many local and state governments are in a similar situation, that is why we have to participate in all elections and pay close attention to these politicians. Reid, Pelosi, and Obama started at the bottom and worked their way into positions of tremendous power. And now threaten our entire way of life.

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