Friday, February 18, 2011

Time to De-fund NPR and PBS

NPR-PBS are long over due to be placed in the mix of competing broadcast media. For tax dollars to support any business is to give it unfair advantage over its competition. And when the substance of the business is blatantly hostile to the American way of life and history, it should receive no tax funding, at all. The first amendment allows for unpopular speech, it does not require taxpayers to fund unpopular speech.
On NPR-PBS there is no room for disagreement with the script, as Juan Williams found out. He expressed an honest feeling, normally something NPR-PBS is ok with, except that it disagreed with the party line and for this, the long time celebrated liberal commentator is fired. As with many things which begin with the best intentions, NPR-PBS have become at best a burden and at worst a voice of treason. It is long past time to stop pouring good money after bad. There are some good programs on these channels but the damage they do far out weigh the good and it is time for us to contact our representatives and encourage them to stop funding this agency.

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