Wednesday, August 24, 2011

More on the SPLC

The SPLC and media outlets distribute dis-information on a regular basis, mostly about their enemies, but also to 'trojan horse' some of their allies as enemies. To give them 'street cred' as it were. Case in point, Rep. Peter King (R) NY. Commenting on his hearings on radicalization of American Muslims, the SPLC intimated that Rep. King is a radical right conservative, and many in the mainstream media actually used those words. In reality, Rep. King is far from it. Looking at his record he is more in line with Rep. Mike Doyle (D) PA. King consistently votes on the liberal side of Constitutional and social issues. King is more a Bloomberg republican than a McCain or (gasp) a Reagan republican. King is NOT a radical right winger, nor a Conservative, nor a Constitutionalist, nor really a Republican. He could be the poster boy for RINO's. But the media and the SPLC would have you to believe that he ranks with Teddy Roosevelt, when the truth is that he could not stand in TR's shadow, much less in his shoes. So beware of the info from any of the media, and especially of the SPLC.

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