Saturday, May 19, 2007


Monotheistic theocracies not actually headed by a deity, have historically been intolerant, repressive, violent, and deadly to the point of genocide. Whereas I am not attacking the faith of the faithful, I have to agree, to a degree, with Karl Marx: "Religion is the opiate of the masses." It has been used by unscrupulous politicians to move people into doing unthinkable violence against 'unbelievers'. In some cases effectively, in others, not so. Either way, the Jehovah of the Jews, Jesus of the Christians, and Allah of the Muslims did not use dynamite to make their point. People claiming to be their followers have done so repeatedly and still do today. God's idea of having free will to believe in and accept Him or not, is highly offensive to politicians and financial leaders who want to control us from the cradle to the grave. People stubbornly will not follow God as sheep to paradise, but will follow government as sheep to slaughter. My, how strange.

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