Saturday, June 23, 2007

Hard to believe...

It is hard to believe that this is the same country that was known for its rugged individualism and strength, that this country, now importing cheap, poor quality food, fed the world, that the country which defeated the two most powerful war machines on earth has been reduced to a group of squabbling politicians who do not have the nerve to destroy an enemy or even protect our borders. We should be emulating Thomas Jefferson, not William Jefferson Clinton. What will it take for Americans to remember their birthright and replace these parasites of government who are sucking us dry of our strength, our industry, our will, our country with people of character who put American interests first? It's not just the democrats, although they were in the lead, republicans have jumped aboard the "just feel good express" because it carries them where they want to be. In a position of power to control honest citizens.
From the first British colony of 1607 to 1775's "Shot heard 'round the world" was 168 years. How long will it take for Americans to want their freedom, their strength, their country back? If you're asleep, WAKE UP; if you're awake, AWAKEN others. The time is short, the wolves are in the door, and nothing in OUR home, America, is safe.

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