Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Talk Radio

Remember Trent Lott? He was run out of his Senate leadership position by democrats for exercising his 1st Amendment right of free speech. Well, now that he has been chastised he has come back as a born again control freak. He has seen the light of political correctness and has been healed! Anyone got an "amen'? How about an "awomen"? Yes, we have to be equal. But, in all seriousness, for Trent Lott to say that talk radio runs America and is a problem past due on being addressed is a frightening example of Big Brother (Sister?) at work. According to recent studies, the talk radio audience is middle of the road, independent America. There is an annual family income of between $30,000 and $75,000. 55% of the audience is male and 45% female, aged between 25 and 60, of whom 75% voted in the last election cycle. In other words, you and I. Talk radio is the last vestige of independent and interactive media. It has been described as America's front porch for gatherings and discussions. It is the epitome of the 1st Amendment and the free market system. Which is precisely why the liberals want to stifle it with the "fairness" doctrine. Talk radio allows, encourages disagreement and exchange of ideas and those in charge of ABS, NBC, CBS, CNN, FOX, etc. cannot tolerate disagreement. Which is one reason why the "fairness" doctrine has to be killed and buried and talk radio allowed to thrive as the voice of American reason.

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