Saturday, June 14, 2008

Energy Repression

Thanks to the environmental wackos, U.S. oil companies are prohibited from drilling for oil off the coast of Florida. These people are quick to shrilly demand protection for the environment, and equally shrilly they demand investigation into high oil prices. Duh, cut supply, increase demand, price goes up. The advocates of solar and wind energy are quick to curtail "wind farms" in their backyards or playgrounds, i.e., Sen T. Kennedy and Sen L. Alexander. Wind and solar work, but cannot replace fossil fuel to supply our increasing demand. Any time a new refinery is proposed it is soundly opposed both locally and nationally. These people want to look at their cake and to eat it, too, while those of us working people are paying for their egotistical rantings and political maneuverings. The wackos do not object when the Brazil state owned oil company and Communist Cuba jointly drill for oil off the Florida coast, not that it would matter, the great thing about being Communist Cuba is never having to say you're sorry. Amazing, not a sound from Al Gore and company.
Switching to the nuclear front, if the American leftists favorite nation, France, can produce 78 per cent of the energy generated in France from nukes (, any one can. Let's face it, the French are perennial losers. The Mexicans celebrate Cinco de Mayo. It is the anniversary of the 5th of May 1862 battle of Pueblo in which they defeated the French. As a friend said,"Big deal, who hasn't?" Let's see, who has beaten the French? In recorded history, Romans, Visi Goths (Germans), Ostra Goths (more Germans), England, the vikings, Spain, the Flemish militia, Russia, England(again), American colonists, Haitian slaves, Mexico, Prussia(more Germans), Germans, Germans,Viet Minh, and Algerians. You could almost seat the U.N. with people who have beaten the French and these guys produce safe nuke energy. According to the leftist 'environmentalists' the U.S. can't produce safe nuke energy. It is time to shake off the environmental parasites and once again take our place as world leader in energy, technology, and manufacturing. To paraphrase Adm. Farragut, Damn the leftists, full speed ahead!
Call your congressman and senators, tell them to allow drilling off Florida, in ANWR, and to allow building of nuclear power plants and oil refineries. Our need for energy is not going to reduce and without new supplies, neither will our costs. Phone (202)224-3121 and ask for your representatives' office.

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