Thursday, March 11, 2010

"Focus Like a Laser Beam"

I’m glad that Obama and the democrats are “focusing like a laser beam” on jobs for this year. Imagine how much worse it could be if they were not. Thirty states reported more job losses in January, and February does not look much better. As Harry Reid said “…only 36,000 more people lost their jobs…” That’s encouraging. I can’t wait for the green jobs to kick in, but wait, they did in California and there were huge job losses in the field of green jobs in California. Darn those facts, they keep pointing out the terrible job Obama is doing. I’m sure Al Gore will find a way to blame it on global warming, so it won’t be Obama’s fault. In the mean time the brown shirts from SEIU are out threatening people to support Obamacare. No one can accuse Obama of not being ambitious.

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