Monday, March 8, 2010

John McCain Is At It , Again

McCain has teamed up with another liberal, Liebermann, in sponsoring a bill in the US Senate that is a direct attack on the Constitution and Bill of Rights. It is called “Enemy Belligerent, Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution Act of 2010,” and effectively treats American citizens worse than foreign combatants. I urge you to check out this piece of legislation and contact your senators and tell them to oppose this totalitarian bill. The bill “sets out a comprehensive policy for the detention, interrogation and trial of suspected enemy belligerents who are believed to have engaged in hostilities against the United States by requiring these individuals to be held in military custody, interrogated for their intelligence value and not provided with a Miranda warning,” writes the Atlantic’s Marc Ambinder. This comes on the heels of the Dept of Homeland Security declaring that returning war veterans, constitutionalists, people opposed to government run health care, and anyone who disagrees with the current administration, are terrorists and more dangerous than islamic terrorists. Now doesn't that make you feel all warm inside?

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