Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Israel's Blockade of Gaza

This is old news, but I thought I would add my thoughts. First, Hamas is an international terrorist organization with the sworn objective of destroying Israel and has been at war with Israel since its inception. Since before Hamas seized control of the Gaza government they have been launching rockets and terrorist raids into Israeli civilian population centers. Israel is responding with a standard military practice, i.e., blockading the enemy from sea re-supply. This tactic has great historic precedent: The French navy blockaded the British strong point of Yorktown during the American War for Independence, the Union blockaded the Confederates during the American Civil War, Britain repeatedly blockaded French ports during their many wars, and again Britain blockaded German ports during WWI. Any one with half a brain realizes that if you enter a war zone you are liable to be killed, especially if you are trying to run a blockade operated by one of the best militaries in the world. Secondly, "humanitarian aid", in time after time we have watched as "aid" meant for poor, starving civilians in third world countries has been seized by the armed authorities or local warlords, only to be used for military operations. Hamas has sworn to destroy Israel, who do you think is going to receive the food, building supplies, medicines,clothing, etc. that was on board those ships? Duh! I hate that expression, but it fits the people who support these terrorists. So, three cheers for Israel, may they continue to intercept terrorists and those who would support them!!!

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