Monday, June 21, 2010

NC Congressman Attacks First Amendment

Rep. Bob Etheridge (D-NC) recently was approached by citizens on a street in Washington, DC, was asked a polite question, and promptly attacked the student reporter who asked the question. Have these Congressmen all forgotten that they work for the citizens of the United States? Why wasn't the Congressman arrested for assault, you or I would have been. Or if the student had assaulted the Congressman, he would have been put under the jail. It is time to remind the members of Congress that they are paid employees and they need to be reminded by being fired. This was not only a personal attack, it was symptomatic of the governments' disdain for the Constitutional Rights enumerated more than 200 years ago. The Constitution and Bill of Rights were drafted and ratified to acknowledge individual rights and to restrain the government from trying to deny those rights. Not only North Carolina, but all states need to take a long, hard look at their representatives and remove the problems from positions of power.

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