Wednesday, March 23, 2011

NYC Mayor Bloomberg's Police Run and Hide

NYC's Mayor Bloomberg's are quite capable of going into other jurisdictions and harassing honest citizens with their gun buying "stings", but when faced with a criminal attacking an honest citizen on his way to work in NYC they run and hide. Case in point,when Joseph Lozito was attacked in a subway car, "...two police officers who were aboard the subway car where the attack occurred locked themselves into the safe confines of the conductor’s cabin..." "Lozito said he grappled with Gelman for minutes before police acted. The fight left him with multiple stab wounds and he was spraying blood, he said. He was rushed to Bellevue Hospital where his wounds were treated. 'I thought I was going to die,' he said. 'I didn’t know a human body had so much blood.'”
So, if you want to be confronted by NYC's finest, go to a gun show in your state and if you want to safely commit a crime, go to NYC.

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