Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Three Cheers, Not for Obama Regime

I hate to admit this, but I have been overwhelmed. The Obama regime and its syncophants who revolve around its axis of evil, have been doing so much to undermine, weaken, and essentially destroy this country that I have not had a clue where to start to comment. So...when I read an encouraging article from "across the pond" I decided to commment on that. British Prime Minister David Cameron has pulled the financial plug entirely on four U.N. agencies at the end of next year. Excellent!!! A British politician has found his intestinal fortitude and is de-financing the corrupt and ineffiecient UN. Pray to God that we have some politicians who can emulate him. This man is more like the men who built a mighty nation, un-like the politicians who are steadily weakening the west, and needs our support. The UN is a festering slum where the likes of Qaddafi, Mubarak, Communist China, North Korea, and Zimbabwe's Mugabe all have the same vote as Switzerland, France, the UK, Germany, and the USA. That is a farce. It is like Al Capone being mayor of Chicago, oh we have had that for decades. But you see what I mean? It is time to de-fund the UN and kick it out of the US.

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